5 research outputs found

    The Effect of Warming on Visual Response Time in Dominant and Non-Dominant Lower and Upper Extremities

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of warm-up activity on the visual response time of the dominant and non-dominant hand and foot in basketball players. A total of 13 male basketball athletes with an age of 14.38 ± .506 years, height 180.15 ± 8.07 cm, body weight 66.54 ± 13.73 and sports experience 4.69 ± 13.73 years were voluntarily included in the study. Visual response time of the dominant and non-dominant hand and foot were measured before and after the warm-up protocol. The warm-up protocol consisted of a 20-minute warm-up activity including basketball-specific movements and 5-minute stretching movements. Visual response time of the athletes were measured with the Blazepod system. There was no significant difference in the group main effect and time x group interaction of the athletes' hand visual response times after warm-up (F=2.403; p>0.05; F=0.170; p>0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in the time effect (F=22.943;

    The effect of the depth and width of picth sizes in small-sided games on physiological parameters and technical actions in football

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    YÖK Tez No: 682389Çalışmanın amacı; futbolculara uygulanan sınırlı alan oyununun derinlik ve genişliğinin teknik aksiyonlara ve fizyolojik parametrelere etkisinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya 16 erkek amatör futbol oyuncusu gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Denekler, Yo-Yo testi sonuçları ve antrenör görüşlerine göre 4'er kişilik 4 takıma ayrıldılar. İki alan için oyun süresi 6'şar dk'lık 3 setten oluşan ve setler arası 3 dk dinlenmeyi içermiştir. Sınırlı alan oyunları arasında karşılaştırılan teknik aksiyonların olumlu pas, olumsuz pas, gol vuruşu, ikili mücadele, dripling ve topla oynama süresinin oynanan sınırlı alan oyunları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık göstermediği tespit edildi (p > 0,05). Top kazanma sayılarında ise istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek olduğu tespit edildi (p 0,05). Son testte ise KAS, kan laktat ve AED değerlerinin gruplar arası karşılaştırmasında anlamlı farklılık göstermedikleri belirlendi (p > 0,05). Futbol oyuncularının 26 m x 34 m alanda ve 34 m ve 26 m oynanan sınırlı alan oyununda ölçülen KAS, kan laktat ve AED düzeylerinin değerlerinin ön test – son test karşılaştırması sonucunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde artış gösterdiği belirlendi (p 0.05). It was determined that the number of ball wins was statistically higher (p 0.05). In the post- test, it was determined that there was no significant difference in the the comprasion of HR,blood lactate and RPE values between the groups, (p > 0.05). It was determined that the values of HR, blood lactate and RPE levels of football players measured in 26 m x 34 m field and in the limited field game played at 34 m and 26 m showed a statistically significant increase as a result of the pre-test and post-test comparison (p < 0.05). As a result of the study, it was observed that there was a significant difference in the time of winning the ball in technical actions between limited games and there was a pre-test HR change in physiological parameters between the groups and an increase in HR, blood lactate and RPE levels in the pre-test and post-test comparison

    The effect of warm-up on postural sway in the dominant and non-dominant leg

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    Although the chronic effects of a long-term warm-up program have been widely studied, to our knowledge, the number of studies examining the acute effects of a single warm-up session on inter-limb balance asymmetries in symmetrical sports such as cycling is limited. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of warm-up on postural sway in the dominant and non-dominant leg in male bicycle athletes. Sixteen healthy young male volunteers who engage in cycling sports participated in the study. The participants' age was determined as 15.50±1.15 years, body weight as 56.06±7.79 kg, height as 169.87±4.98 cm, and sports experience as 4.31±1.25 years. The postural control performance on the dominant and non-dominant leg of the athletes was evaluated on Biodex Balance System balance device platform for 20 seconds before and after a 10-minute warm-up exercise performed at a constant pedaling frequency of 80 RPM on a bicycle ergometer. In the comparison of the pre-test to post-test dominant leg Overall Sway Index (t=3.456; p=0.004), Anterior-Posterior (Z=-3.160; p=0.002) and Medial-Lateral (Z=-2.428; p=0.015) postural control scores of the participants, a significant decrease was found in the post-test. It was determined that warm-up exercise can only improve acute postural control in the dominant leg. The effects of the study can be extended to different sports branches with symmetrical features in order to obtain comparable results

    Біомеханічний аналіз точності виконання пенальті для гравців турецького футболу: груповий аналіз без воротаря

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    Background and Study Aim. It is stated that kinetic performance factors are important in the successful execution of accurate kick-penalties, thus, its offer excellent performance despite a substantial kinetic method change in their implementation. The aim of the study is to biomechanical analysis of accuracy penalties-kicking performance for Turkish soccer players. Material and Methods.&nbsp;The study group consisted 15 male students of Turkish Regional Amateur League players (Age: 21.08± 1.56 years old). Two video cameras placed at optical axes X&amp;Y filmed penalty-kick performance of the subjects. we analysed the best three scores by video analysis Dartfish 9.0 software. Standard statistical methods were used for the calculation of mean±SD. the Statistical significance at p&lt;.05 for Pearson product—moment correlations. Results.&nbsp;Accurate penalty-kicks showed significant positive relationship of knee Pi angle value in backswing, ball Contact phases, trunk angle value in ball contact with the accuracy at p&lt;.01. Significant negative relationship of inclination_body angle value, time of foot contact at p&lt;.01, and distance pivot foot&amp;ball value at p&lt;.05 in the follow-through phase. Conclusion.&nbsp;Such knowledge should aid in clarify the relationships between variables of penalty kicking during The performance phases and accuracy. the present preliminary investigation of accurate penalty-kicks performance indicates Support-leg characteristics demonstrated in knee angle values an important factor in Backswing, Ball Contact phases with the accuracy of penalty kicking. also, the Foot Contact time and Inclination_Body angle in that.Передумови та мета дослідження. Зазначається, що кінетичні фактори ефективності є важливими для успішного виконання точних штрафних ударів, отже, його пропозиція відмінна, незважаючи на суттєві зміни кінетичного методу їх виконання. Метою дослідження є біомеханічний аналіз ефективності виконання пенальті для турецьких футболістів.Матеріал та методи. До складу дослідницької групи входило 15 студентів-чоловіків гравців турецької регіональної аматорської ліги (вік: 21,08 ± 1,56 років). Дві відеокамери, розміщені на оптичних осях X&amp;Y, знімали показники покарання випробуваних. ми проаналізували найкращі три бали за допомогою відеоаналізу програмного забезпечення Dartfish 9.0. Для розрахунку середнього значення ± SD використовувались стандартні статистичні методи. статистичне значення при р &lt;0,05 для продукту Пірсона - кореляції моменту.Результати. Точні штрафні удари показали значну позитивну залежність значення кута Pi коліна в зворотному напрямку, фаз контакту кулі, значення кута стовбура в контакті кулі з точністю при p &lt;.01. Значний негативний взаємозв'язок значення кута нахилу_тіла, часу контакту стопи при p &lt;.01 та значення відстані опори ноги та кульки при p &lt;.05 у фазі подальшого проходження.Висновки. Такі знання повинні допомогти прояснити взаємозв'язок між змінними штрафного удару під час етапів виконання та точності. нинішнє попереднє дослідження точності виконання штрафних ударів вказує на характеристики опорних ніг, продемонстровані в значеннях кута коліна, що є важливим фактором у фазах зворотного хребта та контакту з м'ячем, з точністю виконання пенальті. також, час контакту з ногою та кут нахилу до тіла в цьому

    Perception of affordances for vertical and horizontal jumping in children: gymnasts versus non-athletes

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    WOS:000563354000001 PubMed ID: 32853118Purpose: We investigated the perception of affordances for vertical jumping-and-reaching and horizontal jumping by children.Method: In the horizontal task, children were asked to judge their ability in the standing long jump. In the vertical task, children were asked to judge the height of a ball that they could run to, jump up, and reach with their fingertips. Following judgments, children performed both types of jumps. We compared gymnasts (children with at least 2 years of gymnastics training; 7.92 +/- 0.91 years) versus children with no competitive athletic experience (7.74 +/- 0.86 years).Results: As expected, actual ability was greater in gymnasts than in non-athletes, for both types of jump (eachp< .001). We separately analyzed Constant Error and Absolute Error of judgments (relative to actual performance). Results revealed that gymnasts tended toward underestimation, while non-athletes tended toward overestimation. Absolute error differed between tasks for the non-athletes (p< .001), but for the gymnasts the difference between conditions was not significant (p= .25). Absolute error differed between groups for vertical jump-and-reach (p< .01) but not for horizonal jump (p= .17).Conclusions: Gymnastics experience was associated with a generalized tendency for children to underestimate their jumping ability. In addition, gymnastics experience was associated with judgment accuracy that was consistent across tasks. The results reveal that gymnastics training is associated with changes in athletic ability, but also with changes in the perception of affordances