17 research outputs found

    Sterile Insect Technique in an Integrated Vector Management Program against Tiger Mosquito Aedes albopictus in the Valencia Region (Spain): Operating Procedures and Quality Control Parameters

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    The Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894) is an invasive species responsible for the transmission of arboviruses such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya. The rapid expansion of this species globally is the result of a lack of effective control methods. In this context, the sterile insect technique (SIT) is an emerging tool for controlling mosquito populations. The Agriculture Department of the Valencian Region (Spain) is promoting a pilot project to evaluate the efficacy of the sterile insect technique as part of an integrated vector management program against Ae. albopictus. From 2018 to 2020, sterile male releases were carried out in two pilot sites, releasing more than 15 million sterile males over 80 ha. The present work describes the laboratory studies carried out to evaluate the performance of irradiated males to assess the feasibility of the SIT before release in the field, as well as the production and quality control parameters obtained in rearing activities. The obtained values in terms of production and quality control and the proposed rearing methodology can be useful for designing a medium-scale mosquito-rearing pipeline.Ciencias Experimentale

    Exploring the potential of computer vision analysis of pupae size dimorphism for adaptive sex sorting systems of various vector mosquito species

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    Several mosquito population suppression strategies based on the rearing and release of sterile males have provided promising results. However, the lack of an efficient male selection method has hampered the expansion of these approaches into large-scale operational programmes. Currently, most of these programmes targeting Aedes mosquitoes rely on sorting methods based on the sexual size dimorphism (SSD) at the pupal stage. The currently available sorting methods have not been developed based on biometric analysis, and there is therefore potential for improvement. We applied an automated pupal size estimator developed by Grupo Tragsa with laboratory samples of Anopheles arabiensis, Aedes albopictus, Ae. polynesiensis, and three strains of Ae. aegypti. The frequency distribution of the pupal size was analyzed. We propose a general model for the analysis of the frequency distribution of mosquito pupae in the context of SSD-sorting methods, which is based on a Gaussian mixture distribution functions, thus making possible the analysis of performance (% males recovery) and purity (% males on the sorted sample).Veterinari

    Population genetics of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes from southern Chad

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    In Subsaharan Africa, tsetse flies (genus Glossina) are vectors of trypanosomes causing Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) and Animal African Trypanosomosis (AAT). Some foci of HAT persist in Southern Chad, where a program of tsetse control was started against the local vector Glossina fuscipes fuscipes in the Mandoul focus in 2014, and in Maro in 2018. Flies were also sampled in 2018 in Timbéri and Dokoutou. We analyzed the population genetics of G. fuscipes fuscipes from the four tsetse-infested zones. The trapping samples were characterized by a strong female biased sex-ratio, except in Timbéri and Dokoutou that had high tsetse densities. Apparent density and effective population density appeared smaller in the main foci of Mandoul and Maro and the average dispersal distance (within the spatial scale of each zone) was as large as or larger than the total length of each respective zone. The genetic signature of a population bottleneck was found in the Mandoul and Timbéri area, suggesting a large ancient interconnected metapopulation that underwent genetic subdivision into small, isolated pockets due to adverse environmental conditions. The long-range dispersal and the existence of genetic outliers suggest a possibility of migration from remote sites such as the Central African Republic in the south (although the fly situation remains unknown there) and/or a genetic signature of recent exchanges. Due to likely isolation, an eradication strategy may be considered for sustainable HAT control in Mandoul focus. Another strategy will probably be required in Maro focus, which probably experiences much more exchanges with its neighbors

    All-in-One Mosquito Containers: From the Laboratory to the Release Sites

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    Integrated vector control programs that use a Sterile Insect Technique approach require the production and release of large numbers of high quality, sterile male insects. In pilot projects conducted worldwide, sterile males are usually kept in containers at low densities until their manual release on the ground. Although the quality of the released insects is high, these containers are only suitable for small-scale projects, given the fact that the manual labor required for release is significant and therefore untenable in large-scale projects. This study will compare and contrast the quality of the males reared in the proposed “all-in-one” containers which considerably reduce both the handling of the insects and the manual labor required for release. As a result, project costs are lower. The design of these “all-in-one” containers incorporates two important features: ventilation and the density of the vertical resting surface. Having evaluated both features, it can be concluded that ventilation does not directly affect the quality of the insects, at least in the range of dimensions tested. However, the quality of the male insects is reduced in relation to an increase in the number of mosquitoes, with 500 being the optimum quantity of mosquitoes per “all-in-one” container

    Developing a continental atlas of the distribution and trypanosomal infection of tsetse flies (Glossina species)

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    Abstract Background Tsetse flies (Genus: Glossina) are the sole cyclical vectors of African trypanosomoses. Despite their economic and public health impacts in sub-Saharan Africa, it has been decades since the latest distribution maps at the continental level were produced. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is trying to address this shortcoming through the Atlas of tsetse and African animal trypanosomosis. Methods For the tsetse component of the Atlas, a geospatial database is being assembled which comprises information on the distribution and trypanosomal infection of Glossina species. Data are identified through a systematic literature review. Field data collected since January 1990 are included, with a focus on occurrence, apparent density and infection rates of tsetse flies. Mapping is carried out at the level of site/location. For tsetse distribution, the database includes such ancillary information items as survey period, trap type, attractant (if any), number of traps deployed in the site and the duration of trapping (in days). For tsetse infection, the sampling and diagnostic methods are also recorded. Results As a proof of concept, tsetse distribution data for three pilot countries (Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda) were compiled from 130 peer-reviewed publications, which enabled tsetse occurrence to be mapped in 1266 geographic locations. Maps were generated for eight tsetse species (i.e. G. brevipalpis, G. longipennis, G. fuscipes fuscipes, G. tachinoides, G. pallidipes, G. morsitans submorsitans, G. austeni and G. swynnertoni). For tsetse infection rates, data were identified in 25 papers, corresponding to 91 sites. Conclusions A methodology was developed to assemble a geo-spatial database on the occurrence, apparent density and trypanosomal infection of Glossina species, which will enable continental maps to be generated. The methodology is suitable for broad brush mapping of all tsetse species of medical and veterinary public health importance. For a few tsetse species, especially those having limited economic importance and circumscribed geographic distribution (e.g. fusca group), recently published information is scanty or non-existent. Tsetse-infested countries can adopt and adapt this approach to compile national Atlases, which ought to draw also on the vast amount of unpublished information

    Sterile Insect Technique in an Integrated Vector Management Program against Tiger Mosquito Aedes albopictus in the Valencia Region (Spain): Operating Procedures and Quality Control Parameters

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    Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti are the main vectors of arboviral diseases such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya viruses. About a third of the world population is currently at risk of contracting Aedes-borne epidemics. In recent years, A. albopictus has drastically increased its distribution in many countries. In the absence of efficient mosquito vector control methods, the sterile insect technique (SIT) is presented as a very promising and environment-friendly control tool. The Agriculture Department of the Valencian Region is promoting an ongoing pilot project to evaluate the efficacy of an integrated vector management program (IVM) based on the use of the SIT as the main method of control. The laboratory studies for evaluating the entomological efficacy of SIT through the phased conditional testing process recommended by World Health Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency (WHO-IAEA) are addressed. This study describes the routine operating procedures and quality control parameters for the medium-scale rearing of sterile male A. albopictus. More than 15 million sterile males have been produced and released in an area of 80 ha between 2018 and 2020. Of the initial L1 larvae, we recovered 17.2% of male pupae after sex sorting to be sterilized and released on the field, while the rest of the pupae remained available to maintain the rearing colony. The residual percentage of females after sex sorting was on average 0.17%. The obtained values in terms of production and quality control as well as the proposed rearing methodology can be useful for designing a medium-scale mosquito-rearing pipeline