32 research outputs found

    Avaliação do impacto dos cruzamentos Bos taurus x Bos indicus e tecnologias post mortem na qualidade gustativa de lombos de novilhos terminados a pasto

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    This experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of Brahman crossbreeding and postmortem technologies (electrical stimulation and vacuum aging) on eating quality of loins from pasture-finished bulls. Fifty yearling bulls representing five Brahman-influenced types (n = 10 each): Brahman (BRAH), F1-Angus (F1ANG), F1-Chianina (F1CHI), F1-Romosinuano (F1ROM), and F1-Simmental (F1SIM) were supplemented on pasture until reaching a desirable conformation at a suitable live weight of ca. 480 kg. All carcasses were classified as “Bullocks” according to U.S. standards. Carcass’s right sides were subjected to high-voltage electrical stimulation (ES) while the left sides were not stimulated (NOES). Longissimus lumborum (LL) steaks from ES and NOES carcasses were allotted either to the vacuum aging control treatment for 2 d (NOAGING) or 10 d (AGING).  LL steaks were evaluated for Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and sensory traits by trained panelists. No differences in WBSF, juiciness, or flavor ratings were detected among breed types (P > 0.05). Sensory ratings for tenderness-related traits varied little with breed type (P < 0.05). Steaks from F1ANG received higher ratings for muscle fiber tenderness, overall tenderness, and amount of connective tissue, and differed (P < 0.05) from those of F1ROM and F1SIM which received the lowest ratings. Bullock loins were more responsive to ES+AGING in WBSF reduction and desirable tenderness ratings than other postmortem treatments (P < 0.05) by reaching a greater proportion (72%) of “tender” (WBSF < 40.1 N) steaks than AGING (48%), ES (36%), and NOES-NOAGING (24%) samples (P < 0.01). Tenderness of bullock loin steaks is marginally improved by crossbreeding; therefore, the application of ES+AGING is necessary to ensure a higher proportion of tenderloin steaks.Se evaluaron los efectos de cruzamientos interraciales y tecnologías postmortem sobre la calidad gustativa de lomos de toros terminados a pasto.  Cincuenta toros añosos representando cinco tipos raciales (n = 10 cada uno): Brahman puro (BRAH), F1-Angus (F1ANG), F1-Chianina (F1CHI), F1-Romosinuano (F1ROM) y F1-Simmental (F1SIM) se suplementaron a pastoreo hasta alcanzar una conformación satisfactoria a un peso vivo de ca. 480 kg. Todas las canales clasificaron como “Bullocks” (Toretes) por la norma estadounidense. Los lados derechos de cada canal se sometieron a estimulación eléctrica de alto voltaje (ES) mientras que los lados izquierdos no fueron estimulados (NOES).  Bistés de longissimus lumborum ES y NOES se asignaron a tratamientos de maduración al vacío por 2 d (NOMADURADOS) ó 10 d (MADURADOS). Los bistés se evaluaron para fuerza de corte Warner-Bratzler (FCWB) y rasgos sensoriales calificados por panelistas capacitados. No se detectaron diferencias en valores FCWB, o calificaciones para jugosidad o intensidad de sabor entre tipos raciales (P > 0.05).  Los rasgos relacionados con terneza variaron poco con el tipo racial (P < 0.05). Los bistecs de F1ANG recibieron calificaciones más altas para terneza de fibra muscular, terneza general y cantidad de tejido conectivo, y difirieron (P < 0.05) de los F1ROM y F1SIM, que recibieron las calificaciones más bajas. Los bistés ES+MADURADOS tuvieron menor FCWB y mayores calificaciones para rasgos asociados con la terneza que los ES ó los MADURADOS (P < 0.05) alcanzando una mayor proporción (72%) de "bistés tiernos" (FCWB < 40.1 N) que la de MADURADOS (48%), ES (36%) y NOES-NOMADURADOS (24%) (P < 0.01). La mejora en terneza de lomos de toretes Brahman mediante cruzamiento con razas taurinas es marginal; por lo tanto, se requiere aplicar el tratamiento combinado de ES y maduración al vacío para asegurar una proporción mayor de bistés tiernos.Foram avaliados os efeitos de cruzamentos interraciais e tecnologias postmortem na qualidade do sabor de lombos de touros terminados a pasto. Cinquenta touros envelhecidos representando cinco tipos de raça (n = 10 cada): Brahman puro (BRAH), F1-Angus (F1ANG), F1-Chianina (F1CHI), F1-Romosinuano (F1ROM) e F1-Simmental (F1SIM) foram suplementados. pastado com uma conformação satisfatória com um peso vivo de ca. 480kg Toda as carcaças classificadas como “Boi” (Toretes) pela norma americana. Os lados direitos de cada canal foram submetidos à estimulação elétrica de alta voltagem (ES), enquanto os lados esquerdos não foram estimulados (NOES). Bifes ES e NOES longissimus lumborum foram submetidos a tratamentos de maturação a vácuo por 2 d (NOMATURED) ou 10 d (MATURED). Os bifes foram avaliados quanto à resistência ao cisalhamento Warner-Bratzler (FCWB) e características sensoriais avaliadas por provadores treinados. Não foram detectadas diferenças nos valores de FCWB, ou classificações de suculência ou intensidade de sabor entre os tipos de raça (P > 0,05). As características relacionadas à ternura variaram pouco com o tipo de raça (P < 0,05). Os bifes F1ANG receberam pontuações mais altas para maciez da fibra muscular, maciez geral e quantidade de tecido conjuntivo, e diferiram (P <0,05) do F1ROM e F1SIM, que receberam as pontuações mais baixas. Os bifes ES + MADUROS apresentaram menor FCWB e maiores classificações para características associadas à maciez do que os bifes ES ou MATURADOS (P < 0,05), atingindo uma proporção maior (72%) de "bifes macios" (FCWB < 40,1 N) do que os bifes MATURADOS (48 %), ES (36%) e NOES-NOMATURADO (24%) (P < 0,01). A melhora na maciez dos lombos de touros Brahman pelo cruzamento com raças tauromáquicas é marginal; portanto, o tratamento combinado de ES e envelhecimento a vácuo é necessário para garantir uma maior proporção de bifes macios

    Comparison of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) vs Zebu-type intact males bovines in slaughter characteristics, carcass traits, cutability and longissimus palatability

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    Twenty-seven intact male water buffaloes of Murrah breeding (BUFFALOES) and 18 Zebu type bulls (CATTLE) were savannah-fed on the same ranch and slaughtered when they reached a desirable conformation to be compared in slaughter characteristics, carcass traits, cutability and meat palatability. Slaughter weight ranged 435 to 512kg for BUFFALOES and 375 to 494kg for CATTLE. Least square mean differences between species in percent head, cooler shrink, feet, blood and genitals were not significant (P>.05). BUFFALOES had significantly heavier hides, larger gastrointestinal tract and higher (P>.05) percentages of liveweight removed as organ fat. These body components are partly responsible for the significantly lower dressing percentages (- 6.5 %) of BUFFALOES vs CATTLE. Non-significant differences were found between species for total percentages of trimmed fat and bone, and percent yield (P>.05) of the most expensive (high valued, boneless) cuts. CATTLE yielded higher percentages (P<.05) of the medium-valued cuts (+1.39%) and the composite group of boneless (high and medium valued) cuts (+2.06%); whereas buffaloes exceeded (+.86%) cattle in the proportion of low-valued cuts (P<.05). Significant Specie x Carcass weight interactions were detected for some retail components. Longissimus steaks from CATTLE exhibited higher (P<.001) shear values (5.05kg vs 3.52kg)(P<.001) and lower (P>.05) overall tenderness ratings (4..3 vs 4.8). It was concluded that commercial disadvantages of BUFFALOES in dressing percent and cutability detected herein, could be overcome by designing marketing strategies promoting the buffalo meat as a high-quality product

    Predicción del rendimiento en cortes, hueso y grasa en búfalos de agua en Venezuela

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the association between carcass traits and the percentage yield in boneless cuts (PDC), bone, and fat trimmings of water buffalves; and to develop predicted equations for these variables. Forty-eight crossbred Murrah-Mediterránea buffaloes (24 steers and 24 bulls) were used slaughtered at 17, 19 and 24 months. Carcass and retail-yield-cut traits were evaluated. The following analyses were made: descriptive test, correlation, residual and multiple lineal regression. In castrated animals, subcutaneous fat and circumference round explained the majority of the variation in PDC. The dorsal fat thickness and the renal fat were the variables mostly associated with bone yield. In bulls, the subcutaneous fat and the carcass length explained most of the variation of PDC. The fat trimmings showed the highest correlation coefficient with the subcutaneous fat, and the bone yield was most correlated with the conformation. The equations obtained explained more than 50% of the variation in PCD, however equations for bone yield and fat trimmings showed a higher R2.The objectives of this study were to determine the association between carcass traits and the percentage yield in boneless cuts (PDC), bone, and fat trimmings of water buffalves; and to develop predicted equations for these variables. Forty-eight crossbred Murrah-Mediterránea buffaloes (24 steers and 24 bulls) were used slaughtered at 17, 19 and 24 months. Carcass and retail-yield-cut traits were evaluated. The following analyses were made: descriptive test, correlation, residual and multiple lineal regression. In castrated animals, subcutaneous fat and circumference round explained the majority of the variation in PDC. The dorsal fat thickness and the renal fat were the variables mostly associated with bone yield. In bulls, the subcutaneous fat and the carcass length explained most of the variation of PDC. The fat trimmings showed the highest correlation coefficient with the subcutaneous fat, and the bone yield was most correlated with the conformation. The equations obtained explained more than 50% of the variation in PCD, however equations for bone yield and fat trimmings showed a higher R2.Los objetivos de este estudio fueron determinar la asociación entre rasgos de la canal y el rendimiento en cortes (RCD), rendimiento en hueso y recortes de grasa en búfalos de agua, y desarrollar ecuaciones predictivas para cada variable mencionada. Se utilizaron 48 búfalos de agua (24 castrados y 24 enteros), sacrificados a los 17, 19 y 24 meses de edad con mestizaje de razas Murrah y Mediterránea. Se evaluaron las variables de la canal y del rendimiento en cortes. Se realizaron: pruebas descriptivas, análisis de correlación, residuos y de regresión lineal múltiple. En los castrados, el acabado de grasa y la circunferencia del muslo explicaron la mayor variación en RCD. El espesor de grasa y el porcentaje de grasa renal fueron las variables mayormente asociadas con el rendimiento en hueso. En los enteros, el acabado de grasa y la longitud de la canal explicaron la mayor variación en RCD. El recorte de grasa se asoció más con acabado de grasa, y el rendimiento en hueso se asoció con la conformación. Las ecuaciones obtenidas lograron explicar más del 50% de la variación del RCD. Las ecuaciones para recorte de grasa y rendimiento en hueso tuvieron mayor fuerza predictiva

    Tandem Mass Tag Labeling–Based Analysis to Characterize Muscle-Specific Proteome Changes During Postmortem Aging of Bison Longissimus Lumborum and Psoas Major Muscles

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    The objective of the study was to examine the variations in sarcoplasmic proteomes of bison longissimus lumborum (LL) and psoas major (PM) muscles during postmortem aging utilizing tandem mass tag isobaric labeling coupled with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry for the categorization of muscles with muscle-specific inherent color stability. A total of 576 proteins were identified in both bison LL and PM muscles, where 97 proteins were identified as differentially abundant (fold change > 1.5, P < 0.05) from the 3 comparisons between muscles during postmortem aging periods (PM vs. LL at 2 d, 7 d, and 14 d). Between muscles, the most abundant protein groups were based on functions such as electron transport chain or oxidative phosphorylation, tricarboxylic acid cycle, adenosine triphosphate transport, carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, chaperones, oxygen transport, muscle contraction, calcium signaling, and protein synthesis. In PM, most of the proteins from electron transport chain, tricarboxylic acid cycle, fatty acid oxidation, adenosine triphosphate and oxygen transport, and muscle contraction were more abundant or exhibited increased expression during aging compared with LL. On the other hand, the proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism, chaperone function, and protein synthesis mostly exhibited decreased expression in PM muscles relative to LL. These results clearly demonstrate that the proteins associated with oxidative metabolism showed increased expression in PM muscles. This indicates that oxidative damage and subsequent color deterioration resulted in bison PM muscles being attacked by the reactive oxygen species produced during those metabolic processes. In contrast, proteins involved in glycolysis and chaperone activity exhibited a decrease in expression in bison PM muscles, resulting in a decline in color stability compared with LL. Because glycolytic enzymes generate reducing equivalents and chaperones maintain the native folded protein structure, they are consequently responsible for the color stability in LL muscles compared with PM

    Hindquarter yield and sensorial quality of beef Longissimus from Zulian steers

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    Veinte novillos de historia desconocida, se segregaron por fenotipo aparente en los corrales de un matadero comercial, en tres tipos raciales: mestizos Cebú (n=5), mestizos Lecheros (n=9) y mestizos Indefinidos (n=6); para determinar el efecto del tipo racial sobre el rendimiento al desposte del cuarto trasero, calidad sensorial y resistencia al corte del músculo longissimus por Warner-Bratzler (FCWB). El análisis de varianza por cuadrados mínimos no detectó diferencias significativas (P>0,05) entre tipos raciales para los atributos sensoriales de la carne y FCWB. Los animales Cebú aventajaron a los animales de predominio racial indefinido y lechero, respectivamente, en el peso en canal (253,6 vs. 221,0 y 229,9 kg; P<0,01) y en el rendimiento de cortes traseros como el solomo de cuerito (4,52 vs. 3,56 y 3,64%; P<0,05), lomito (2,76 vs. 2,41 y 2,34%; P<0,05), ganso (3,78 vs 3,29 y 3,30%; P<0,01), pulpa negra (8,25 vs 7,17 y 7,41%; P<0,01) y muchacho cuadrado (4,26 vs 3,67 y 3,91%; P<0,05). Dentro de las limitaciones de este estudio, los animales de mayor predominio cebuíno pueden rendir mas en cortes de alto valor sin que sus carnes difieran en calidad sensorial a la de otros tipos raciales típicos de doble propósito zuliano.622 - 625BimestralTwenty steers of unknown history were phenotypically segregated at pens of a commercial abattoir into three breed-type groups: Predominantly Zebú (n=5), Dairy-Zebu dual-purpose Crossbred (n=9), and Undefined dual-purpose Crossbred (n=6); to determine effects of breed type on cut-out yield of the hindquarter, sensorial quality and Warner-Bratzler shear force of beef longissimus. Least squares analyses of variance did not show significant differences in sensorial quality attributes or shear force values among breed types. Carcasses of the Zebu-type group were significantly heavier (253.60 vs 221.00 and 229.9kg; P<0.05) and yielded more of hindquarter cuts such as: rib-loin (4.25 vs 3.56 and 3.64%; P<0.05), tenderloin (2.76 vs 2.41 and 2.34%; P<0.05), gluteus (sirloin butt) group (3.78 vs 3.29 and 3.30%; P<0.01), top round (8.25 vs 7.17 and 7.41%; P<0.01), bottom round (4.26 vs 3.67 and 3.91%; P<0.05), than dualpurpose counterparts, respectively. Under the limitations of the study it can be concluded that, steers with a higher phonotypical predominance of Bos indicus demonstrated superiority in the cut-out yield of expensive cuts from the hindquarter without showing significant differences in regard to meat quality when compared to typical dual-purpose cattle types

    Benchmarking Venezuelan Quality Grades for Grass-Fed Cattle Carcasses

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    The current Venezuelan beef carcass classification and grading system provide a mean for sorting carcasses into 5 quality grades, designated as AA, A, B, C, and D, in a descending order of expected eating quality. Brahman cull heifers and cows ( = 21 and 18, respectively) and entire males (bulls; = 17) were finished on native savannah grass, slaughtered and graded by the official standards to compare carcass traits, cutability, cookery traits, and palatability characteristics between graded (A, B, or C) female classes and bulls. The B-graded bulls dressed heavier carcasses, with a more convex leg muscle profile and larger ribeye area ( 0.05). The B-graded bulls had the highest proportion of total bone-in and boneless cuts ( 0.05) from bull carcasses in fabrication yield values for 16 of 18 individual cuts. Cooking loss (%) did not vary with carcass grades ( > 0.05). Cooked meats from A/B-graded heifers and C-graded cows had lower shear force values, were rated as more tender and flavorful ( < 0.05), and exhibited a higher proportion of tender steaks (with shear force < 4.09 kg) than B-graded bull counterparts ( < 0.05). Advantageous palatability traits of C-graded cows and A/B-graded heifers fattened on pasture can be used in developing and marketing new value-added products

    Effect of vacuum aging and influence of sire on palatability of beef Longissimus from grass-fed f1 senepol x zebu bulls

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    Se sacrificaron 14 toros F1 Senepol x Cebú (descendientes de 3 sementales Senepol en 14 vacas predominantes Nellore) producidos a sabana. Sus canales se electro-estimularon, y bistés retirados del músculo longissimus sirvieron para determinar los efectos del período de maduración en bolsas al vacío (2, 7 y 14 días) sobre las características de culinaria, fuerza de corte Warner Bratzler (FCWB) y atributos de palatabilidad calificados por catadores. Se detectó efecto de semental (P=0,001) sobre los valores FCWB. Teniendo por testigos bistés madurados por dos días (2d), los madurados por mas tiempo (7 y 14 días) tardaron mas en cocerse (P<0,05), tuvieron valores FCWB mas bajos (P<0,05), y fueron calificados por los catadores como mas tiernos (P<0,01), con menor cantidad de tejido conectivo (P<0,01) y de sabor mas intenso (P<0,01). En el grupo de bistés testigo, el 42,9% clasificaron como Tiernos (WBS<3,88kg), 21,4% Intermedios (WBS<3,88 a 4,98kg) y 35,7% Duros (WBS>4.98). Para el día 14, el 71,4% de los bistés resultaron Tiernos, 21,4% Intermedios y 7,1% Duros. La maduración de bistés de toros de este tipo racial y producidos a sabana de la manera descrita, redujo la proporción de lomos duros, de 35,7% (2d, testigos) a 21,4% (7d) y 7,1% (14d).263 - 269BimestralFourteen carcasses from grass-fed F1 Senepol crossbred bulls (from 3 Senepol bulls mated to 14 Nellore-influenced cows) were electrically stimulated, and longissimus muscle samples were aged for three periods (2, 7 or 14 d) to study cooking traits, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) values and sensory panel ratings for palatability attributes. Sire affected (P=0.001) WBS values. As compared to control (2-d aged) steaks, those steaks aged 7 or 14 d cooked slower (P<0.05), had lower WBS values (P<0.05), and rated as more tender (P<0.01), with lesser amounts of connective tissue (P<0.01), and more intense in flavor (P<0.01). In the control group, 42.9% of the steaks were classified as Tender (WBS<3.88 kg), 21.4% Intermediate (WBS= 3.88 to 4.98 kg) and 35.7% Tough (WBS>4.98 kg). By d 14, 71.4% of the steaks were Tender, 21.4% Intermediate and 7.1% Tough. Aging of steaks from these grass-fed bulls reduced the proportion of tough steaks from 35.7% (d 2, control) to 21.4% (d 7) and 7.1% (d 14)

    Predicción del rendimiento en cortes, hueso y grasa en búfalos de agua en Venezuela

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    Los objetivos de este estudio fueron determinar la asociación entre rasgos de la canal y el rendimiento en cortes (RCD), rendimiento en hueso y recortes de grasa en búfalos de agua, y desarrollar ecuaciones predictivas para cada variable mencionada. Se utilizaron 48 búfalos de agua (24 castrados y 24 enteros), sacrificados a los 17, 19 y 24 meses de edad con mestizaje de razas Murrah y Mediterránea. Se evaluaron las variables de la canal y del rendimiento en cortes. Se realizaron: pruebas descriptivas, análisis de correlación, residuos y de regresión lineal múltiple. En los castrados, el acabado de grasa y la circunferencia del muslo explicaron la mayor variación en RCD. El espesor de grasa y el porcentaje de grasa renal fueron las variables mayormente asociadas con el rendimiento en hueso. En los enteros, el acabado de grasa y la longitud de la canal explicaron la mayor variación en RCD. El recorte de grasa se asoció más con acabado de grasa, y el rendimiento en hueso se asoció con la conformación. Las ecuaciones obtenidas lograron explicar más del 50% de la variación del RCD. Las ecuaciones para recorte de grasa y rendimiento en hueso tuvieron mayor fuerza predictiva

    Evaluation of the hygienic performance of hamburger process in a small plant of Maracaibo

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    Para medir fuentes probables y niveles de contaminación en una pequeña planta local procesadora de hamburguesas, se recolectaron 38 muestras cada 15 días de los ingredientes proteicos: recortes cárnicos en bloques congelados (BLOCAR), carne molida recuperada para reprocesar (REPROCAR) y soja texturizada rehidratada y congelada (SOJATEX) durante 5 semanas. De las distintas fases operativas (Troceado, Mezclado-Molido, Moldeado y Empacado) se tomaron 56 muestras y del agua a utilizar en el proceso se tomaron 14 muestras; obtenidas durante 7 semanas. Se hicieron recuentos de aerobios mesófilos (AM), coliformes totales (CT), coliformes fecales (CF) y E. coli (EC). El método de mínimos cuadrados determinó varianza por efecto de la interacción ingrediente x semana (P<0,05), para AM, CT y CF, indicando que la REPROCAR tendió a elevados recuentos de AM (x =6,30 log10 ufc/g) y CT (x = 3,80 log10 NMP/g) claramente en semanas intermedias, pero igualando en otras semanas a la SOJATEX o BLOCAR. BLOCAR mantuvo niveles ligeramente elevados de CF (x = 2,99 log10 NMP/g). Ingredientes variaron en EC (P=0,06) encontrándose rangos de 0,47 a 3,96 log10 NMP/g. La interacción fase operativa x semana (P<0,05), indicó diferentes grados de contaminación en fases de procesamiento dependiendo de la semana. El empacado (producto final) mostró menores niveles de contaminación, en la mayoría de las semanas, con promedios log10 AM: 5,78 ufc/g, CT: 3,18 NMP/g, CF: 2,68 NMP/g. y EC: 1,54 NMP/g. Los altos niveles de contaminación en planta se atribuyen a fallas en la aplicación de programas sanitarios y ausencia de buenas prácticas de manufactura.524 - 532BimestralIn order to determine the contribution of some potential sources and levels of contamination at a small processing plant of beef hamburgers, thirty-eight samples were collected during 5 weeks from the following protein ingredients: industrial raw meat in frozen blocks (MEATBK), ground meat recovered for reprocessing (RECMEAT) and rehydrated texturized soy frozen in blocks (TSB); fifty-six samples of products derived from four different operative phases (chopping, blending grinding, forming and packing) and fourteen samples of water obtained during 7 weeks. Microbiological analyses per sample included aerobic plate count (APC), total coliform count (TCC), fecal coliform count (FCC) and E. coli count (ECC). The least squares procedure detected a significant (P<0.05) sampling week x ingredient interaction for APC, TCC and FCC; RECMEAT generally remained with higher levels of APC (x =6.30 ufc/g log10) and TCC (x =3.80 NMP/g, log10) particularly during the intermediate weeks, but reached the same microbial levels of TSB or MEATBK in other weeks. The MEATBK maintained slightly higher counts of FCC (x =2.99 NMP/g. log10). For EC, an ingredient effect was observed (P=0.06) and counts ranged from 0.47 to 3.96 NMP/g.log10. A sampling week x processing phase interaction (P<0.05) indicated that no phase remained constant on its contamination degree. The packaging phase (final product) showed lower levels of contamination with count (log10) averages of APC: 5.78 ufc/g, TCC: 3.18 NMP/g, FCC: 2.68 NMP/g, and ECC: 1.54 NMP/g. Higher levels of microbial contamination found in this processing plant are attributed to poor manufacturing practices and lack of standard sanitary programs