13 research outputs found

    Inferring plant–plant interactions using remote sensing

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    Rapid technological advancements and increasing data availability have improved the capacity to monitor and evaluate Earth's ecology via remote sensing. However, remote sensing is notoriously ‘blind’ to fine-scale ecological processes such as interactions among plants, which encompass a central topic in ecology. Here, we discuss how remote sensing technologies can help infer plant–plant interactions and their roles in shaping plant-based systems at individual, community and landscape levels. At each of these levels, we outline the key attributes of ecosystems that emerge as a product of plant–plant interactions and could possibly be detected by remote sensing data. We review the theoretical bases, approaches and prospects of how inference of plant–plant interactions can be assessed remotely. At the individual level, we illustrate how close-range remote sensing tools can help to infer plant–plant interactions, especially in experimental settings. At the community level, we use forests to illustrate how remotely sensed community structure can be used to infer dominant interactions as a fundamental force in shaping plant communities. At the landscape level, we highlight how remotely sensed attributes of vegetation states and spatial vegetation patterns can be used to assess the role of local plant–plant interactions in shaping landscape ecological systems. Synthesis. Remote sensing extends the domain of plant ecology to broader and finer spatial scales, assisting to scale ecological patterns and search for generic rules. Robust remote sensing approaches are likely to extend our understanding of how plant–plant interactions shape ecological processes across scales—from individuals to landscapes. Combining these approaches with theories, models, experiments, data-driven approaches and data analysis algorithms will firmly embed remote sensing techniques into ecological context and open new pathways to better understand biotic interactions

    Short Term Effects of Livestock Manures on Soil Structure Stability, Runoff and Soil Erosion in Semi-Arid Soils under Simulated Rainfall

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    The long term effects of applying livestock manures as soil amendment are well known. However, these manures usually contain high soluble salts content, which could increase the soil salinity and sodicity within a short time after their application. The aim of this study was to investigate the short term effects of animal manure application on soil structure stability, infiltration rate (IR), and runoff and soil erosion formation under rainfall conditions. Two soils, a non-calcareous, sandy soil with 0.2% organic matter, and a calcareous, clayey soil with 4.7% organic matter were sampled from a semiarid region. The soils were mixed with raw cattle manure or with compost, and soils with no addition were considered as a control. The two soils with the three treatments were incubated for 21 days, and then subjected to 80 mm of simulated rainstorm. In contradiction to previous works, it was found that the manure reduced soil structure stability, reduced infiltration, increased surface runoff and led to soil loss. The negative impact of the raw manure on soil structure was stronger than that of the mature compost. The findings of this study indicate the high sensitivity of arable soils to erosion processes during the first few weeks following the addition of manure to the soil, and therefore could contribute to the decision-making process of the timing of manure application, namely to make sure that the manure is applied well before the rainy season, in order to avoid the aforementioned soil erosion

    Effects of controlled fire on hydrology and erosion under simulated rainfall

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    Mediterranean forests are frequently subject to wildfires, inducing risks of high runoff and loss of nutrient-rich topsoil. The mechanisms influencing these post-fire effects are spatially variable due to differences in vegetation density, litter composition, soil texture and structure, and fire intensity, and therefore difficult to separate. The characteristics of the soil surface in the immediate post-fire period are of critical importance to the hydrological response and erosion susceptibility of the burnt hillslope and catchment. In laboratory experiments, uniform soil, controlled temperature and rain regimes were used to create a controlled environment to isolate the impact of certain influencing parameters. In this study, for a Rendzina soil, we investigated the post-fire impacts of laboratory fire and two successive rainfall (rotating disktype) simulation experiments to evaluate short-term effects of fire on soil hydrological and erodibility parameters by examining (i) soil water repellency (WR) levels and distribution, (ii) surface cover features, and (iii) infiltration, runoff and erosion responses to simulated rain on control (bare and pineneedle covered) and burnt (with and without ash cover) samples. Fire-induced surface WR tested in the laboratory by grid-wise Water Drop Penetration Time tests (WDPT), revealed moderate WR, which decreased for all treatments after rainfall. The response to rain (33 mmh-1) differed for the two simulation runs. The rates of drainage and runoff of the burnt samples in the first run varied between the values of cover (low runoff, high infiltration) and bare (high runoff, low infiltration). Drainage in the ash-covered samples was twice as high as ashremoved samples. In the second run, both samples showed a similar response compared to bare conditions. These laboratory observations suggest that WR and protection by ash are factors to consider in assessing the erosion susceptibility of a burnt forest soil. Furthermore, possible management implications based upon this research are that: 1) ash can have several important roles immediately after a forest fire by protecting the forest soil from rain splash erosion, and with its high water holding capacity, absorbs rainfall, thereby reducing runoff; and 2) ash has no negative influence upon soil infiltration demonstrating the important benefits of ensuring the longer term maintenance of post-fire ash within the burnt landscape. Finally, management actions including mulching further enhance soil stability and minimize soil erosion.Los bosques mediterráneos están frecuentemente sujetos a incendios, incrementando el riesgo de elevada escorrentía y pérdida de horizontes superiores del suelo ricos en nutrientes. Los mecanismos que influyen en estos efectos postincendio son espacialmente variables debido a diferencias en la densidad de la vegetación, composición del mantillo, textura y estructura del suelo, e intensidad del fuego, y por ello difíciles de separar. Las características del suelo y la superficie en el periodo inmediatamente posterior al incendio son de importancia crítica para la respuesta hidrológica y la susceptibilidad a la erosión de la ladera y la cuenca quemadas. En experimentos de laboratorio se utilizaron un suelo uniforme y situaciones controladas de temperatura y precipitación con el fin de aislar el impacto de algunos parámetros. En este estudio, para un suelo de Rendsina, investigamos los efectos post-incendio de un fuego de laboratorio y dos experimentos sucesivos de lluvia simulada para evaluar las consecuencias a corto plazo de un incendio sobre los parámetros hidrológicos y la erodibilidad del suelo, examinando (i) los niveles de repelencia al agua y su distribución, (ii) los rasgos de la cubierta superficial, y (iii) las respuestas de la infiltración, la escorrentía y la erosión frente a la lluvia simulada en una situación no perturbada (con suelo desnudo y cubierto de acículas) y quemada (con y sin cenizas). La repelencia al fuego, testada en laboratorio mediante pruebas de penetración de gotas de lluvia, reveló una repelencia moderada, que disminuyó para todos los tratamientos después de la lluvia. La respuesta frente a la lluvia (33 mmh-1) fue diferente para las dos series de simulaciones. Las tasas de drenaje y escorrentía en los casos quemados produjeron, en la primera prueba de simulación, valores situados entre la simulación en suelo cubierto (baja escorrentía, alta infiltración) y suelo desnudo (alta escorrentía, baja infiltración). El drenaje en los casos cubiertos de ceniza fue dos veces mayor que en los casos sin ceniza. En la segunda simulación, ambos ejemplos mostraron una respuesta similar comparada con las condiciones de suelo desnudo. Estas observaciones de laboratorio sugieren que la repelencia y la protección por las cenizas son factores para valorar la susceptibilidad a la erosión de suelos forestales quemados. Además, a partir de esta investigación pueden deducirse implicaciones para la gestión: 1) las cenizas pueden tener varias funciones importantes inmediatamente después de un incendio forestal al proteger el suelo del impacto de las gotas de lluvia, a la vez que su elevada capacidad de absorción de agua reduce la escorrentía; y 2) las cenizas no tienen una influencia negativa sobre la infiltración del suelo, demostrando los importantes beneficios de asegurar su presencia a largo plazo en el paisaje quemado. Finalmente, acciones tales como la incorporación de una capa de materia orgánica (mulching) incrementan la estabilidad del suelo y minimizan la erosión

    Failure and Collapse of Ancient Agricultural Stone Terraces: On-Site Effects on Soil and Vegetation

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    Ancient agricultural stone terraces, dated to the Roman and Byzantine ages, are prevalent across the Negev drylands of Southern Israel. The goal of these structures was to reduce hydrological connectivity by harvesting water runoff and controlling soil erosion, thus allowing cultivation of cereals. Land abandonment and the lack of maintenance have led to the failure and collapse of many of these stone terraces. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of failure and collapse of terraces on the on-site (on-field) geo-ecosystem functioning, as determined by vegetation cover and soil quality parameters. This was achieved by studying vegetal and soil properties in shrubby vegetation patches and inter-shrub spaces of intact-terrace plots and collapsed-terrace plots, as well as in the surrounding ‘natural’ lands. Mean cover of both shrubby and herbaceous vegetation was highest in intact terraces, intermediate in ‘natural’ lands, and lowest in collapsed terraces. The overall soil quality followed the same trend as the vegetation cover. Additionally, this study shows that the anthropogenic impact on geo-ecosystem functioning can be either beneficial or detrimental. While well maintained stone terraces benefit the soil and vegetation, abandoned and unmaintained terraces may result in accelerated soil erosion and land degradation

    Frequency analysis of storm-scale soil erosion and characterization of extreme erosive events by linking the DWEPP model and a stochastic rainfall generator

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    Soil erosion affects agricultural landscapes worldwide, threatening food security and ecosystem viability. In arable environments, soil loss is primarily caused by short, intense rainstorms, typically characterized by high spatio-temporal variability. The complexity of erosive events challenges modeling efforts and explicit inclusion of extreme events in long-term risk assessment is missing. This study is intended to bridge this gap by quantifying the discrete and cumulative impacts of rainstorms on plot-scale soil erosion and providing storm-scale erosion risk analyses for a cropland region in northern Israel. Central to our analyses is the coupling of (1) a stochastic rainfall generator able to reproduce extremes down to 5-minute temporal resolutions; (2) a processes-based event-scale cropland erosion model (Dynamic WEPP, DWEPP); and, (3) a state-of-the-art frequency analysis method that explicitly accounts for rainstorms occurrence and properties. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which DWEPP runoff and soil loss are calibrated at the plot-scale on cropland (NSE is 0.82 and 0.79 for event runoff and sediment, respectively). We generated 300-year stochastic simulations of event runoff and sediment yield based on synthetic precipitation time series. Based on this data, themean annual soil erosion in the study site is 0.1 kgm(-2) [1.1 t ha(-1)]. Results of the risk analysis indicate that individual extreme rainstorms (>50 return period), characterized by high rainfall intensities (30-minute maximal intensity>similar to 60mmh(-1)) and high rainfall depth (>similar to 200 mm), can trigger soil losses even one order of magnitude higher than the annual mean. The erosion efficiency of these rainstorms is mainly controlled by the short-duration (<= 30 min) maximal intensities. The results demonstrate the importance of incorporating the impact of extreme events into soil conservation and management tools. We expect our methodology to be valuable for investigating future changes in soil erosion with changing climate. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Inferring plant-plant interactions using remote sensing

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    1. Rapid technological advancements and increasing data availability have improved the capacity to monitor and evaluate Earth's ecology via remote sensing. However, remote sensing is notoriously ‘blind’ to fine-scale ecological processes such as interactions among plants, which encompass a central topic in ecology. 2. Here, we discuss how remote sensing technologies can help infer plant–plant interactions and their roles in shaping plant-based systems at individual, community and landscape levels. At each of these levels, we outline the key attributes of ecosystems that emerge as a product of plant–plant interactions and could possibly be detected by remote sensing data. We review the theoretical bases, approaches and prospects of how inference of plant–plant interactions can be assessed remotely. 3. At the individual level, we illustrate how close-range remote sensing tools can help to infer plant–plant interactions, especially in experimental settings. At the community level, we use forests to illustrate how remotely sensed community structure can be used to infer dominant interactions as a fundamental force in shaping plant communities. At the landscape level, we highlight how remotely sensed attributes of vegetation states and spatial vegetation patterns can be used to assess the role of local plant–plant interactions in shaping landscape ecological systems. 4. SynthesisSynthesis. Remote sensing extends the domain of plant ecology to broader and finer spatial scales, assisting to scale ecological patterns and search for generic rules. Robust remote sensing approaches are likely to extend our understanding of how plant–plant interactions shape ecological processes across scales—from individuals to landscapes. Combining these approaches with theories, models, experiments, data-driven approaches and data analysis algorithms will firmly embed remote sensing techniques into ecological context and open new pathways to better understand biotic interactions.ISSN:0022-047