3 research outputs found

    Bases para la implementaci贸n de la ciencia abierta

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    Introduction: Scientific communication requires new standards that allows a quick diffusion of scientific results, acquiring an eminent important in the Health Sciences. Objective: Describe the basis for the implementation of open Science. Method: A bibliographic review was developed in Scopus, SciELO, Pubmed and RedALyC databases, citing 27 articles. Search formulas obtained by the combination of descriptors and the OR and AND operators were used. Results: Open science allows a quick diffusion and good positioning of scientific production, evaluation of the reliability of studies and to detect conflicts of interest. A good infrastructure is needed for the scientific publications and to manipulate all research data, as well as policies to limit their use. Open science does not change the motivation and objectives of research, but rather how science is done and how disseminated. Conclusions: Open science is based on free and unrestricted access to information, allowing open access to codes, data, publications, as well as open evaluation processes

    Bases para la implementaci贸n de la ciencia abierta

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    Introducci贸n: la comunicaci贸n cient铆fica exige nuevos est谩ndares que permitan una difusi贸n r谩pida de los resultados cient铆ficos; lo cual adquiere gran connotaci贸n en las Ciencias de la Salud. Objetivo: describir las bases para la implementaci贸n de la ciencia abierta. M茅todo: se desarroll贸 una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica en las bases de datos Scopus, SciELO, Pubmed y RedALyC, cit谩ndose 27 art铆culos. Se emplearon f贸rmulas de b煤squeda obtenidas por la combinaci贸n de descriptores y los operadores OR y AND. Resultados: la ciencia abierta permite mejor velocidad de difusi贸n y posicionamiento de la producci贸n cient铆fica, evaluar la fiabilidad de los estudios y detectar conflictos de intereses. Es necesario el trabajo en materia de infraestructura para la publicaci贸n y manipulaci贸n de los datos de investigaci贸n, as铆 como en pol铆ticas que delimiten su uso. La ciencia abierta no cambia la motivaci贸n y objetivos de la investigaci贸n, sino el c贸mo hacer ciencia y difundirla.Conclusiones: la ciencia abierta se sustenta el acceso libre y sin restricciones a la informaci贸n, permitiendo el acceso abierto a los c贸digos, a los datos, a las publicaciones, as铆 como procesos de evaluaci贸n abierta

    Bases para la implementaci贸n de la ciencia abierta

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    Introduction: Scientific communication requires new standards that allows a quick diffusion of scientific results, acquiring an eminent important in the Health Sciences. Objective: Describe the basis for the implementation of open Science. Method: A bibliographic review was developed in Scopus, SciELO, Pubmed and RedALyC databases, citing 27 articles. Search formulas obtained by the combination of descriptors and the OR and AND operators were used. Results: Open science allows a quick diffusion and good positioning of scientific production, evaluation of the reliability of studies and to detect conflicts of interest. A good infrastructure is needed for the scientific publications and to manipulate all research data, as well as policies to limit their use. Open science does not change the motivation and objectives of research, but rather how science is done and how disseminated. Conclusions: Open science is based on free and unrestricted access to information, allowing open access to codes, data, publications, as well as open evaluation processes