7 research outputs found

    European Code against Cancer 4th Edition:Breastfeeding and cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women, and incidence rates have been rising in European Union (EU) countries over recent decades due in part to a sharp decline in breastfeeding practices. Evidence for a protective association between breastfeeding and the risk of breast cancer at all ages is convincing, and modest protective relationships between breastfeeding and the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancers have been suggested. The reduction in breast cancer risk is estimated at 2% for an increase of 5 months of lifetime breastfeeding. The longer women breastfeed, the more they are protected against breast cancer. In addition, breastfeeding is associated with several health benefits for both the mother and the breastfed child. Taking all this evidence into account, the 4th edition of the European Code against Cancer recommends: ‘‘Breastfeeding reduces the mother’s cancer risk. If you can, breastfeed your baby’’

    El colecho favorece la práctica de la lactancia materna y no aumenta el riesgo de muerte súbita del lactante. Dormir con los padres [Ded-sharing favours the practice of breastfeeding and does not increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. sleeping with parents]

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    La práctica de los padres de dormir junto a sus hijos ha sido una constante en la humanidad. Con el aumento en la prevalencia y duración de la lactancia materna, se ha observado paralelamente un aumento de esa práctica, que posiblemente se dé con más frecuencia que la reconocida en las encuestas. Los estudios han demostrado interrelación y mutua potenciación entre lactancia materna y colecho. Las asociaciones y organizaciones pediátricas recomiendan evitar el colecho, por relacionarlo con la muerte súbita del lactante. Se basan, sin embargo, en estudios en su mayoría no controlados, bajo la influencia de factores de riesgo no tenidos en cuenta. Los autores, tras una revisión exhaustiva sobre colecho, lactancia y muerte súbita del lactante, encuentran el colecho como una práctica beneficiosa para la lactancia y concluyen que, bien practicado, evitando factores de riesgo, no guarda relación con la muerte súbita del lactante. The practice of bed-sharing by parents and their offspring has been a common behaviour among humans. In parallel with the increase of breastfeeding rates, a higher frequency of bed-sharing has been observed worldwide. And, it is probable that it occurs more frequently than what appears reflected in surveys. There seems to be an interrelated and mutually enhanced effect between breastfeeding and bed-sharing. Pediatric associations and health organizations have warned against the practice of bed-sharing based on studies that describe a link between this practice and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). However, many were non-controlled studies that did not include other potentially risky circumstances. After a thoroughly review of the available literature, the authors have found the practice of bed-sharing to be of benefit on the basis of a warm and close-up infant care approach and calls for recognition and avoidance of risky situations that could represent a threat for infant life