2,031 research outputs found

    Assessment of Noise Pollution From Sawmill Activities in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    This study examined noise pollution from sawmilling in Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria. Noise measurements were made using HD600 digital data logging sound level meter in conjunction with structured questionnaire which was designed to elicit noise related information. The results of the study showed that the background noise within the sawmills was 58.1-64.86 dB(A) while machine equivalent noise was 81.1-112.3 dB(A). Approximately 73% of all the noise measurements are above the recommended limit of 85 dB(A) and these high noise intensities can initiate or perpetuate some work related health challenges. Also a noise contour map which shows the spatial impact of sawmill noise on the metropolis was developed. Within the sawmills, most of the workers are unprotected, disturbed and complain of noise-related ailments such as tinnitus (96.6%), headache (86.6%) and hearing impairment (71.9%). Therefore noise prevention and control strategies are suggested in addition to frequent audiometric tests, training, education, and enforcement of noise regulations.http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v34i1.

    Effects of Motivation on Test Performance of First Year Covenant University Students

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    This study examined the effect of motivation on test performance of first year Covenant University students, Ota, Ogun State. The study adopted pre-test, post-test experimental design. Data for the study were obtained from sixty (60) students with age range between 15 and 18 years (average age = 16.5 years). Participants were randomly assigned to three conditions using independent group design. The independent and dependent variables were motivation and test performance respectively. The two hypotheses were analysed using Mann- Whitney U test. The result shows a significant difference between the result of the unrewarded students in the control group and students rewarded with verbal praise in the experimental group (U = 61.000, N1 = 20, N2 = 20, p< 0.05, one-tailed). There was also a significant difference between the result of the students rewarded with primary reinforcers and the unrewarded students in the control group (U = 45.000, N1 = 20, N2 = 20, p< 0.05, one-tailed). This study justifies the importance of motivation on test performance. To improve students’ academic performance, teachers are encouraged to motivate their students. Key words: Teachers, motivation, test performance, Ot

    Conflicts in Africa: Meaning, Causes, Impact and Solution

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    The continent of Africa has been highly susceptible to intra and inter- state wars and conflicts. This has prompted the insinuation that Africa is the home of wars and instability. Most pathetic about these conflagrations is that they have defied any meaningful solution and their negative impacts have retarded growth and development in Africa while an end to them seems obscure. What then are the causes of these unending wars in Africa? How far have they weakened cohesion, unity and the potential development of the African continent? What can we do to overcome this monster? Answers to these questions form the bone of contention of this paper

    Pragmatic Analysis of Conceptual Mappings in Inaugural Speeches of Nigerian Presidents

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    This work examines the pragmatics of conceptual mappings in the inaugural speeches of Nigerian executive presidents between 1979 and 2015. The study adopts the Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) conceptual metaphor theory, Chartens-Black’s (2004) critical metaphor theory and modified model of Mey’s (2001) pragmeme. The findings reveal that Nigerian Presidents’ inaugural speeches are characterised by several metaphorical mappings such as characterizing an election as a battle, or a sport or a journey. Mappings in the text are used as pragmatic strategies for appealing, remembering, thanking, warning and promising.  The paper concludes that understanding cognitive metaphors in the text requires the knowledge of the participants’ shared cultural knowledge and world view

    Physico-Chemical Stability Studies of Neem (Azadirachta indica) Seed Oil Cream

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    Neem oil cream is a semi solid formulation that is being developed for its therapeutic activity dermatologically. The need for stability of the new formulation over the period of its shelf life remains a sacred factor. In the present study, neem oil had been extracted from the ripe seed of Azadirachta indica (A. juss) plant. The oil was formulated using vanishing cream base because of its cosmetic advantage at concentrations (0%w/w – 10.0% w/w) with 0% w/w serving as control formulation. The formulations at storage temperature 250C – 300C were observed for physical changes using basic parameters over a period of 12 months representing long term stability studies approach. Chemically, the formulations were investigated for changes in pH, viscosity and specific gravity during the period of study. The result shows that neem oil cream formulations maintain its physical and chemical integrity throughout the entire period of study concern. Hence, stability is not a problem for neem oil in a vanishing cream base formulation. Keywords:Neem oil, Stability, Shelf life, Formulation

    In-Town Tour Optimization of Conventional Mode for Municipal Solid Waste Collection

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    This study illustrates the application of a simple and efficient Solver add-in tool in Microsoft Office Excel© 2010 software for in-town tour optimization of solid waste collection. Data required for tour optimization was obtained from the municipal authority, field studies, and a digitized map of Ilorin, Nigeria while collection operation was formulated as a Traveling Salesman Problem on Excel spreadsheet. The results obtained from the optimization of ten prominent routes revealed that two empirical routes had the same tour distance as the optimized tour. However, in the remaining eight routes, the optimization process reduced tour distance by 2.04-19.27 %, tour time by 0.33-22.80 %, and fuel consumption by 1.78-20.54 %. The cost incurred in purchasing diesel is also expected to decrease by US0.11−US0.11-US1.65/vehicle/day. Therefore, the proposed method can serve as a valuable tool for reducing some socio-economic and environmental impacts associated with solid waste collection

    The Fulani Jihad and its Implication for National Integration and Development in Nigeria

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    The Fulani Jihad (1804-1810) led by Shehu, Uthman Dan Fodio wassuccessfully prosecuted against the established Hausa dynasty in NorthernNigeria. It led to the emergence of a theocratic state, the Sokoto Caliphate,which was administered largely as a federation, due to its wide expanse anddiverse composition of its people. The causes, management and impact of theJihad as well as important lessons for national integration and developmentin contemporary Nigerian political life form the basic themes of this paper.Key words: Jihad, Integration, Theocracy, National Development, Caliphat

    Responses to the 1983 Expulsion of Aliens from Nigeria: A Critique

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    The Nigerian Government expelled over two million illegal aliens from her territory on 17 January, 1983 for social and economic reasons, majority of whom were West Africans mostly from Ghana. However, her action was greeted with a barrage of criticism by members of the international community at large. This paper attempts a critique of this plethora of criticisms and submits that the Nigerian government of Shehu Shagari acted in conformity with the Nigerian immigration law of 1963 as informed by the exigencies of national interest. Government should therefore be exonerated from all the said criticisms.Keywords: Expulsion, Aliens, Criticisms, Nigeria, Exodu


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    This study examined noise pollution from sawmilling in Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria. Noise measurements wer using HD600 digital data logging sound level meter in conjunction with structured questionnaire which was designed to elicit noise related information. The results of the study showed that the background noise within the sawmills was 58.1-64.86 dB(A) while machine equivalent noise the noise measurements are above the recommended limit of 85 dB(A) and these high noise intensities can initiateor perpetuate some work related health challenges. sawmill noise on the metropolis was developed. disturbed and complain of noise-related ailments such as tinnitus (96.6%), headache (86.6%) and hearing impairment (71.9%). Therefore noise prevention and control strategies are suggested in addition to frequent audiometric tests, training, education, and enforcement of noise regulations

    Exploring the Role of Trade and Migrations in Nigeria-Ghana Relations in the Pre-Colonial and Colonial Periods

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    Long before Ghana and Nigeria became independent countries in 1957 and 1960 respectively, peoples of both countries have had rewarding contacts. These involved inter-group relations in the political, economic, religious, cultural, administrative and recreational fields of human endeavour. Of these facilitators of inter-group relations, the two most outstanding elements that defined their relations before and during the colonial period were trade and migrations. The basic theme of this paper is therefore to document the nature and form of this trade network facilitated largely by the Hausa’s and Yoruba’s of Nigeria and the Akan peoples of the Gold Coast during the period of this study; and how the booming trade contact and colonial economic policy motivated great inter-state migrations between the two countries during the colonial period. The paper further explores the various motivations for inter-state migrations between the two countries in the pre-colonial and colonial periods.Key words: Trade, Migration, Intergroup relations, Nigeria, Gold Coas
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