3 research outputs found

    Industrialization of the Process of Pulp and Corozo Palm Oil Extraction in the Veredas del Banco, Magdalena

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    El proyecto va orientado al aprovechamiento del Bactrisminor, comúnmente conocido como Corozo o Uvita de Lata, fruto que crece en Colombia de forma silvestre y espontanea en la costa atlántica. El corozo es un fruto rojo cuya pulpa es utilizada para la elaboración de refrescos, jugos, helados, gelatinas, mermeladas, vinos entre otros productos alimenticios. La semilla, que conforma un gran porcentaje del fruto, se puede obtener aceite, el cuál sirve como insumo para fabricación de cosméticos, medicinas naturales y hasta biodiesel. Además, el estipe o lata (la madera) es empleada en la construcción de viviendas, cercas y muebles. Sus hojas son utilizadas para techos de casas y cabañas. El desaprovechamiento de recursos naturales con alto potencial comercial, obliga a incentivar el desarrollo de proyectos emprendedores, que permitan aumentar su industrialización y generar valor agregado, específicamente en un área tan importante como lo es la producción de pulpa de fruta y aceites a base de fruto de palma, en este caso corozo o uvita de lata. La industrialización del proceso productivo para la extracción de pulpa y aceite de corozo en El Banco Magdalena, mediante el establecimiento de una planta productora, resulta ser la solución más adecuada para aumentar el aprovechamiento del Bactrisminor; ya que de acuerdo a los estudios realizados es rentable económicamente y sustentable ambientalmente, gracias a la valorización de un recurso natural necesario para la protección del medio ambiente, la disminución de los desechos; además de contribuir con la economía local y la generación de empleo en la región del sur del departamento del Magdalena, mejorando las condiciones de vida de sus habitantes.The project is oriented to the exploitation of Bactrisminor, known as Corozo or Uvita de Lata, which grows in Colombia wild and spontaneous on the Atlantic coast. The corozo is a red fruit that is used to make soft drinks, juices, ice creams, jellies, jams, wines and other foodstuffs. The seed, which makes up a large percentage of the fruit, can obtain oil, which serves as an input for the manufacture of cosmetics, natural medicines and even biodiesel. In addition, the stipe or can is in the construction of houses, fences and furniture. Its leaves are used for roofs of houses and cabins. The waste of natural resources with high commercial potential, forces to encourage the development of entrepreneurial projects, which allows to increase their industrialization and generate added value, specifically in an area as important as is the production of fruit and oils based on palm fruit , in this case corozo or uvita de lata. The industrialization of the production process for the extraction of corozo pulp and oil in El Banco Magdalena, through the establishment of a production plant, the result of the most adequate solution to increase the use of Bactrisminor; which is in accordance with the studies carried out is economically profitable and environmentally sustainable, thanks to the valorization of a natural resource necessary for the protection of the environment, the reduction of waste; in addition to contributing to the local economy and the generation of employment in the southern region of the department of Magdalena, improving the living conditions of its inhabitants

    Functional Design of Protocols for Teleconsulting Services , Component of the Organizational Structure Proposal for a New Telehealth Center of University District Francisco Jose de Caldas

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    Esta investigación se realizó con el objetivo de diseñar los protocolos del servicio de teleconsulta para un nuevo centro de telesalud de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de caldas. Se utilizó una metodología de investigación documental y de campo, en donde se recopiló información vía web de algunos protocolos exitosos a nivel nacional e internacional, los protocolos encontrados corresponden a los países de Italia, México y Brasil y localmente se contó con un protocolo de Bogotá del centro de telesalud FUNTELMED. Lo anterior se hizo para entender, analizar y comparar las diferentes metodologías utilizadas en dichos países, por medio de un modelo de jerarquización que se compone de indicadores de desempeño, algunos extraídos de la resolución 2003 de 2014 y los demás fueron establecidos por identificación propia para finalmente establecer y proponer el protocolo adecuado, que además incluyera los elementos más significativos de cada protocolo analizado, garantizando la calidad y el buen desempeño del mismo. Adicionalmente se describen propuestas como el uso de una tarjeta inteligente para mejorar la seguridad en el manejo de la información del paciente, la implementación de una red de telemedicina que permita la conexión nacional de diferentes centros de telesalud con el objetivo de ofrecer un mejor servicio, aumentando las capacidades y el manejo de guías tecnológicas. Además de lo anterior se tuvieron en cuenta los aspectos éticos que se deben cumplir y respetar en la práctica de una teleconsulta.This research was conducted with the objective of designing protocols teleconsultation service for a new telehealth center of the University Francisco José de Caldas. a methodology of documentary and field research, where information was collected via web of some successful protocols at national and international level was used protocols found corresponding to the countries of Italy, Mexico and Brazil and locally featured a protocol Bogotá FUNTELMED telehealth center. This was done to understand, analyze and compare the different methodologies used in these countries, through a model hierarchy consisting of performance indicators, some drawn from resolution 2003 of 2014 and the rest were established by self-identification for finally establish and propose the appropriate protocol, which also included the most significant elements of each protocol analyzed, ensuring quality and good performance of the same. Further proposed the use of a smart card to improve safety in the handling of patient information, the implementation of a telemedicine network that allows connection of different national telehealth centers in order to provide better service described, increasing the capacity and management of technological guides. In addition to the above the ethical issues that must be fulfilled and respected in practice a teleconsultation were taken into account.funtelme

    Subcutaneous anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin for prevention of disease in asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trialResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin (hIG) can provide standardized and controlled antibody content. Data from controlled clinical trials using hIG for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 outpatients have not been reported. We assessed the safety and efficacy of subcutaneous anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin 20% (C19-IG20%) compared to placebo in preventing development of symptomatic COVID-19 in asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods: We did a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, in asymptomatic unvaccinated adults (≥18 years of age) with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection within 5 days between April 28 and December 27, 2021. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive a blinded subcutaneous infusion of 10 mL with 1 g or 2 g of C19-IG20%, or an equivalent volume of saline as placebo. The primary endpoint was the proportion of participants who remained asymptomatic through day 14 after infusion. Secondary endpoints included the proportion of individuals who required oxygen supplementation, any medically attended visit, hospitalisation, or ICU, and viral load reduction and viral clearance in nasopharyngeal swabs. Safety was assessed as the proportion of patients with adverse events. The trial was terminated early due to a lack of potential benefit in the target population in a planned interim analysis conducted in December 2021. ClinicalTrials.gov registry: NCT04847141. Findings: 461 individuals (mean age 39.6 years [SD 12.8]) were randomized and received the intervention within a mean of 3.1 (SD 1.27) days from a positive SARS-CoV-2 test. In the prespecified modified intention-to-treat analysis that included only participants who received a subcutaneous infusion, the primary outcome occurred in 59.9% (91/152) of participants receiving 1 g C19-IG20%, 64.7% (99/153) receiving 2 g, and 63.5% (99/156) receiving placebo (difference in proportions 1 g C19-IG20% vs. placebo, −3.6%; 95% CI -14.6% to 7.3%, p = 0.53; 2 g C19-IG20% vs placebo, 1.1%; −9.6% to 11.9%, p = 0.85). None of the secondary clinical efficacy endpoints or virological endpoints were significantly different between study groups. Adverse event rate was similar between groups, and no severe or life-threatening adverse events related to investigational product infusion were reported. Interpretation: Our findings suggested that administration of subcutaneous human hyperimmune immunoglobulin C19-IG20% to asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection was safe but did not prevent development of symptomatic COVID-19. Funding: Grifols