53 research outputs found

    Expert opinions and clinical experiences with chlormethine gel as maintenance treatment for patients with mycosis fungoides

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    Maintenance treatment can be recommended for patients with mycosis fungoides (MF) whose disease responds to primary treatment. While positive outcomes have been observed in small studies with maintenance therapy, there is a lack of practical guidelines and agreement on when and how maintenance therapy for MF should be approached. In this article, we discuss expert opinions and clinical experiences on the topic of maintenance therapy for patients with MF, with a focus on chlormethine gel. Ideally, patients should have a durable response before initiating maintenance therapy. The definition of and required duration of durable response are topics that are open to debate and currently have no consensus. Chlormethine gel has several attributes that make it suitable for maintenance therapy; it can be easily applied at home, can be combined with other treatment options for maintenance, and has a manageable safety profile. Chlormethine gel as maintenance therapy can be applied at decreasing frequencies after active treatment with chlormethine gel or other therapies until the minimally effective dose is reached. Patients generally tend to adhere well to chlormethine gel maintenance regimens and may remain on treatment for several years. The experiences described here may be useful for clinicians when deciding on maintenance treatment regimens for their patients. Development of guidelines based on clinical trial outcomes will be important to ensure the most effective maintenance treatment strategies are used for patients with MF

    Spectroscopic Kernel Quality From A Symbiotic Corn Production

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    The management of the inoculation of a plant's roots, by means of biofertilizers (BF) containing arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, is aimed at inducing modifications of the quality of the seeds. It is here shown that a seed-soil treatment can be elicited in the fingerprints of a symbiotic treatment using Near Infra Red (NIR)-SCiO NIR-SCiO spectra collections of single kernels: overall, a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 73% have been achieved, thus suggesting that it may be possible to assign the symbiotic origin of corn from just twenty kernels, provided that the dataset is adequately representative of the cultivar and AM. A global correlation study has shown a positive general trend (R2 0.45) of quality vs. quantity, in the sense that an increase in yield corresponded to an increase in the spectral differences between the symbiotic spectra and the control ones, but the inverse was also true, as a result of the parasitic behaviour of the BF treatments. The efficacy of the symbiosis can be back predicted from the NIR spectra; in fact, around 90% of the positive yield outcome results were discriminated from the negative ones. A reduction in the foliar pH (R2 0.37) and an increase in the foliar protein (R2 0.43) were observed as immediate phenotypic signs of a productive symbiosis. The commercial raw composition of the kernels appeared to only be affected slightly by the BF treatments; thus, till now uncharted secondary compounds of the maize kernels are involved, as supported by animal performances

    Chlormethine Gel in Combination With Other Therapies for Treatment of Mycosis Fungoides: A Review With Patient Cases

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    Topical chlormethine gel has been approved as monotherapy for treatment of adult patients with mycosis fungoides (MF), the most common form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. In clinical practice, chlormethine gel is often combined with other skin-directed or systemic therapies to optimize response and target recalcitrant lesions. Positive outcomes with combination regimens using chlormethine gel and topical corticosteroids, phototherapy, retinoids, methotrexate, or interferon-α have been reported in literature. However, there are no treatment guidelines on the use of combination regimens with chlormethine gel. To provide real-world evidence and guidance on the use of chlormethine gel combination regimens, several cases of patients treated with chlormethine gel combined with phototherapy (n = 5), retinoids (n = 16), or mogamulizumab (n = 3) are presented. These different combination regimens showed promising results. Most patients had a complete or partial response following treatment and the combinations were well-tolerated over extended treatment periods. Patients receiving chlormethine gel with retinoids had long-term periods of remission, even after treatment discontinuation. Durations of response of up to 3 years were observed in these patients. This long-term disease control may be the result of disease-modifying effects of chlormethine. Previous studies have shown targeted reductions in malignant T-cell clones in patients treated with chlormethine gel as well as improved post-treatment responses. Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of combination treatment regimens with chlormethine gel and to assess the impact chlormethine gel has on disease control

    Decreased levels of metalloproteinase-9 and angiogenic factors in skin lesions of patients with psoriatic arthritis after therapy with anti-TNF-α

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    BACKGROUND: Inflammation represents an early and key event in the development of both the cutaneous psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Compelling evidences indicate that the production of TNF-α plays a central role in psoriasis by sustaining the inflammatory process in the skin as well as in the joints. Among the multiple effects produced by TNF-α on keratinocytes, the induction of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), a collagenase implicated in joint inflammatory arthritis which acts as an angiogenesis promoting factor, might represent a key mechanism in the pathogenesis of the disease. Aims of the present study were to investigate a) the role of MMP-9 in the development of psoriasis by assessing the presence of MMP-9 in lesional skin and in sera of psoriatic patients; b) the association of MMP-9 with the activity of the disease; c) the relationship between MMP-9 and TNF-α production. METHODS: Eleven psoriatic patients, clinically presenting joint symptoms associated to the cutaneous disease, were included in a therapeutic protocol based on the administration of anti-TNF-α monoclonal antibody (Infliximab). Sera and skin biopsies were collected before treatment and after 6 weeks of therapy. Tissues were kept in short term cultures and production soluble mediators such as TNF-α, MMP-9, MMP-2, VEGF and E-Selectin, which include angiogenic molecules associated to the development of plaque psoriasis, were measured in the culture supernatants by immunoenzymatic assays (ng/ml or pg/ml per mg of tissue). MMP-9 concentrations were also measured in the sera. The cutaneous activity of disease was evaluated by the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). RESULTS: Clinical and laboratory assessment indicated that all but one patients had a significant improvement of the PASI score after three months of therapy. The clinical amelioration was associated to a significant decrease of MMP-9 (P = 0.017), TNF-α (P = 0.005) and E-selectin (P = 0.018) levels, spontaneously released by lesional biopsies before and after therapy. In addition, significant correlations were found between the PASI measurements and TNF-α (r(2 )= 0.33, P = 0.005), MMP-9 (r(2 )= 0.25, P = 0.017), E-selectin (r(2 )= 0.24, P = 0.018) production. MMP-9 levels were significantly correlated with those of TNF-α (r(2 )= 0.30, P = 0.008). A significant decrease of MMP-9 in the sera, associated to the clinical improvement was also found. CONCLUSION: Our findings show the existence of a direct relationship between MMP-9 and TNF-α production strongly suggesting that MMP-9 may play a key role in the skin inflammatory process in psoriasis

    exaggerated insect bite like reaction in patients affected by oncohaematological diseases

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    Sir,Patients affected by chronic B-cell lymphatic leukaemia(CBLL) and, more rarely, other oncohaematologicaldiseases may present with papules, plaques, nodules andvesico-bullous lesions on exposed areas (1–3). Theselesions are usually considered an exaggerated reaction toinsect bites, although the patients not always had ahistory (except for the seasonal presentation of cuta-neous findings), the clinical picture, and response totreatment suggestive of insect bite (3, 4). This phenom-enon has been described in about 40 patients affected bylymphoproliferative disorders, 95% of whom had CBLL(1–7). Weed (1) first gave the definition of 'exaggerateddelayed hypersensitivity to mosquito bites' and reportedthis condition only in patients affected with CBLL.Later, Houston & Keene (2) described a case ofexaggerated insect bite-like reaction also in a patientwith lymphocytic lymphoma. In 1986, Rosen et al. (3)studied 10 patients and suggested that the cutaneouslesions could be linked, in some way, to the onco-haematological conditions, without explaining the exactpathway.Five patients affected by different B lymphoprolifera-tive disorders, who presented with pruritic papules,nodules and vesico-bullous lesions on exposedareas during spring and summer time, are reported.We discuss an immuno-allergic mechanism, involvingboth allergic reaction to insect bite and the impair-ment of the immune response in oncohaematologicalpatients.CASE REPORTSFrom 1995 to 2001, three patients affected by CBLL andtwo by non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphomas attended ourdepartment with polymorphous, erythematous cuta-neous papules and plaques, some of them evolving intobullous lesions. During spring-summer all the patientsdeveloped very itchy lesions, plaques (Fig. 1) andsometimes bullae, mainly localized on upper and/orlower limbs and on the face. Three patients referred tohave been bitten by mosquitoes, the other two deniedthis occurrence. At the time of the clinical examination,all the patients were living in or close to the area ofPavia, Italy, where seasonal infestations of mosquitoes(Aedes) are particularly widespread. All the patientsunderwent a 4-mm punch biopsy, necessary for ahistopathologic evaluation; a direct immunofluores-cence test was carried out for four patients, to excludeautoimmune bullous diseases.At the time of the eruption, one patient was ontreatment with VACOP-B protocol (adriblastina, cyclo-phosphamide, etoposide, vincristine, bleomycin, predni-sone), two patients with chlorambucil and one withcyclophosphamide. An 87-year-old patient was notunder treatment. Blood analysis revealed peripheraleosinophilia in three patients out of five. Stool analysissearching for parasites was carried out in those threepatients and proved negative. IgE was in the normalrange in all the patients. Serum protein electrophoresisrevealed that total immunoglobulins were in the normalrange or little lower in all the patients, while all of thempresented a different degree of decrease of IgG, IgMand/or IgA in sera. The other clinical and serologicalfindings were unremarkable or consistent with theirhaematological condition.The histopathology was characterized by a variety offindings, all of which were consistent with an arthropodbite reaction. In particular, a wedge-shaped, superficialor superficial-deep perivascular and often also inter-stitial infiltrate was present. It was mainly composed ofeosinophils in association with lymphocytes and rarelyneutrophils. The density or the depth of the infiltratevaried from case to case, also according to the age of thelesion. An oedema of the subpapillary dermis wasalways evident. One patient presented a subepidermalvesicle. In another patient spongiosis could be seen an

    Chronic Giardia intestinalis infection presenting with clinical features mimicking lichen planus.

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    Sir, Human giardiasis, caused by Giardia intestinalis, a agellate protozoan parasite that colonizes the small bowel, is a worldwide infection (1). Giardia infection is usually asymptomatic but intestinal illness may occur (2–5). Several reports describe the association of allergy with increased levels of total serum IgE antibodies and of speci c IgE antibodies against food allergens in patients aVected by giardiasis, and Giardia infection may determine altered absorption of food antigens causing allergic sensitization (6). Cutaneous signs may be virtually indistinguishable from those of atopic dermatitis (7, 8). Acute reactions such as urticaria or asthma have also been described (9–11). We here report a patient aVected by giardiasis, with lichen-planus-like lesions as the sole clinical feature

    Expert Opinions and Clinical Experiences With Chlormethine Gel as Maintenance Treatment for Patients With Mycosis Fungoides

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    Maintenance treatment can be recommended for patients with mycosis fungoides (MF) whose disease responds to primary treatment. While positive outcomes have been observed in small studies with maintenance therapy, there is a lack of practical guidelines and agreement on when and how maintenance therapy for MF should be approached. In this article, we discuss expert opinions and clinical experiences on the topic of maintenance therapy for patients with MF, with a focus on chlormethine gel. Ideally, patients should have a durable response before initiating maintenance therapy. The definition of and required duration of durable response are topics that are open to debate and currently have no consensus. Chlormethine gel has several attributes that make it suitable for maintenance therapy; it can be easily applied at home, can be combined with other treatment options for maintenance, and has a manageable safety profile. Chlormethine gel as maintenance therapy can be applied at decreasing frequencies after active treatment with chlormethine gel or other therapies until the minimally effective dose is reached. Patients generally tend to adhere well to chlormethine gel maintenance regimens and may remain on treatment for several years. The experiences described here may be useful for clinicians when deciding on maintenance treatment regimens for their patients. Development of guidelines based on clinical trial outcomes will be important to ensure the most effective maintenance treatment strategies are used for patients with MF

    Effectiveness and tolerability of chlormethine gel for the management of mycosis fungoides: a multicenter real-life evaluation

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    BackgroundTopical chlormethine (CL) is recommended as a first-line treatment for early-stage mycosis fungoides (MF) and in 2017, the European Medicines Agency approved the CL gel formulation to treat adult patients. More recently, to increase patient compliance and adherence, clinicians have developed flexible protocols that allow the concomitant use of CL gel with topical corticosteroids in daily practice regimens. Therefore, sharing real-life data on CL gel use and side effects management may help improve the use of this agent.ObjectivesTo expand knowledge about the actual use of CL gel in patients with MF, the present study assessed the improvement of MF skin lesions after CL gel treatment and provided information on the management of cutaneous adverse events (AEs) in a real-life setting.MethodsThis was an Italian retrospective study conducted among six dermatology referral centers. Patients ≥18 years affected by MF and in treatment with CL gel (160 µ/g), alone or in combination according to routine clinical practice, between December 2019 and December 2021 were considered. The study’s primary aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of CL gel in terms of overall response rate (ORR) after 3 months of treatment.ResultsA total of 79 patients (61% male) with different stages of MF (84% early stage) were included. CL gel was prescribed mainly in association with topical corticosteroids (66% of patients). ORR after 3 months of treatment was 42%, with no differences between early- and advanced-stage MF. Response rates improved over time up to 97% after 18 months of treatment. Overall, 66 AEs were reported in 67% of patients; most were hyperpigmentation (45%) and irritant contact dermatitis (37%). Six AEs led to treatment discontinuation, and five out of six (83%) patients who reported these events resumed treatment after interruption. No AEs were classified as severe.ConclusionsOur observations support the use of CL gel in patients with early- and advanced-stage MF, making it a valuable treatment option

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on outpatient visit volume in cancer patients: Results of COMETA multicenter retrospective observational study

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on first and follow-up visits for cancer outpatients.MethodsThis is a multicenter retrospective observational study involving three Comprehensive Cancer Care Centers (CCCCs): IFO, including IRE and ISG in Rome, AUSL-IRCCS of Reggio Emilia, and IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II in Bari) and one oncology department in a Community Hospital (Saint'Andrea Hospital, Rome). From 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2021, we evaluated the volume of outpatient consultations (first visits and follow-up), comparing them with the pre-pandemic year (2019). Results were analyzed by quarter according to the Rt (real-time indicator used to assess the evolution of the pandemic). IFO and IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II were “COVID-free” while AUSL-IRCCS RE was a “COVID-mixed” Institute. Depending on the Rt, Sain't Andrea Hospital experienced a “swinging” organizational pathway (COVID-free/ COVID-mixed).ResultsRegarding the “first appointments”, in 2020 the healthcare facilities operating in the North and Center of Italy showed a downward trend. In 2021, only AUSL-IRCCS RE showed an upward trend. Regarding the “follow-up”, only AUSL IRCCS RE showed a slight up-trend in 2020. In 2021, IFO showed an increasing trend, while S. Andrea Hospital showed a negative plateau. Surprisingly, IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II in Bari showed an uptrend for both first appointment and follow-ups during pandemic and late pandemic except for the fourth quarter of 2021.ConclusionsDuring the first pandemic wave, no significant difference was observed amongst COVID-free and COVID-mixed Institutes and between CCCCs and a Community Hospital. In 2021 (“late pandemic year”), it has been more convenient to organize COVID-mixed pathway in the CCCCs rather than to keep the Institutions COVID-free. A swinging modality in the Community Hospital did not offer positive results in term of visit volumes. Our study about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on visit volume in cancer outpatients may help health systems to optimize the post-pandemic use of resources and improve healthcare policies
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