2 research outputs found

    Default Risk On Islamic Banking In Indonesia

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    Stability of financial institutions is a crucial issue amid the economic crisis that hit the US and Europe. Islamic banking in Indonesia as financial institutions are also required to have good stability in order to maintain the stability of the national economy. The aim of this research is to determine the stability of Islamic banking in Indonesia, and understand the factors that affect the stability. Stability of Islamic banking will be measured using Merton model to estimate the Probability Default (PD). Panel data regression was used to estimate the factors that affect the stability of Islamic Banking. The object of this research is 10 Islamic banking in Indonesia that meet the specified criteria. From the analysis of the Merton model, the research found that the stability of Islamic banking in Indonesia is not good enough. This can be seen from the value of the probability default on Islamic banking which still above 0.5. However, based on the trend, the probability default of Islamic banking has decreased from year to year. Some of the variables that influence the stability of Islamic banking is asset and BI rate (SBI)

    Persepsi Petani Terhadap Kinerja Penyuluh Di Bp3k Sebagai Model Coe (Center of Excellence) Kecamatan Metro Barat Kota Metro

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    This research aims to identify the extension worker's performance level and the farmer's perceptionto the extension worker's performance of West MetroBP3K as BP3K CoE Model in West Metro District,Metro City. This research was done in four Sub-Districts namely Mulyojati, Mulyosari, Ganjar Agung,and Ganjar Asri as development area BP3K West Metro. The research was conducted on July to August 2013. The number of samples were 7 extension workers and 95 farmers that was taken usingproportional random sampling. The analysis method is used in this research is descriptive, qualitativemethod and Rank Spearman analysis. The result of research show that: (1) The level of extensionworkers performance in BP3K West Metro district was categorized into medium class (2) The level offarmers' perception to the extension worker's performances of West Metro BP3K were categorizedinto medium class (3) The factors relating to the farmers perception in extension worker's performanceof West Metro BP3K were level of farmer's education, farmer's social interaction, and the level offarmer's income. The farmer's age, the length of farmer's experience, and the number of farmer families member were not really related