12 research outputs found

    Pelatihan metodologi penelitian sains dan teknologi bagi santri Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Lombok Timur

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    Basic knowledge on scientific method is important for the preparation of scientific papers for student of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri. Since, research methodology was not teached in Madrasah Aliyah curriculum. Writing scientific papers is an activity related to education from elementary school to university level, which teaches rational and empirical thinking by using scientific method. This training was intended to provide knowledge about research methodologies, especially in the fields of science and technology for the preparation of students' final assignments of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia East Lombok. The method of activity was by lectures, discussions and guidance for writing research proposal. This activity took place on July 1, 2022 in the Hall of MAN Insan Cendekia, attended by 111 students. This activity consist three session, first is the explanation about material from the lectures, followed by discussion and the last session is mentoring. The students followed the activity enthusiastically marked by so many question in the discussion session about the topic of research and its design

    Pemeriksaan Tinggi Potensi Genetik dan Length Increments Balita Stunting

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    One in four children in the world are stunted. The process of growth and development in the children under five years is a process that is very important in determining the future of the child both physically, mentally and behaviorally. Genetic ability can appear optimally if it is supported by a conducive environmental factor, which is meant by environmental factors is nutrient intake. Stunting is a national and even global issue and Sukadana Village, Teruwai, is one of the stunting village loci established by the government. Through early detection and knowing of problems with the child's development, the recovery can be done earlier, so that the child's growth and development can take place optimally. Early detection of cases of stunting children under five years by examination of high genetic potential and length increments. The results of the analysis revealed that 12 toddlers whose TB / U were normal in the first month (60%) but whose BB / U increase decreased in the following month would be at risk of stunting if nutritional intake was not heeded. While 36 toddlers with TB / U diagnosed with stunting can be estimated to have stunted due to malnutrition, only 2 toddlers who are short due to familial short stature and 2 toddlers are likely to be stunting due to endocrine. Based on this data it can be seen what more appropriate intervention is given for stunting toddler cases. Length increments evaluated every 3 months are the best screening indicators for stunting events. There is no relationship between parental height and the incidence of stuntin

    Correlation of offspring thyroid function and maternal iodine status in iodine deficient-coastal area

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    Thyroid hormone is vital for children's growth and metabolism, relying on sufficient iodine levels for synthesis. Maternal intake determines iodine supply to fetuses and children under two years old. This study aimed to correlate offspring thyroid function with maternal iodine status in coastal areas. A cohort study was conducted, involving pregnant coastal residents. Maternal urinary iodine levels were measured via the ammonium persulfate method, while offspring thyroid stimulating hormones (TSHs) and free thyroxine hormone (fT4) levels were assessed using electro-chemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA). Iodine intake was determined through a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The correlation between offspring thyroid function and maternal iodine status was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation test. Differences in TSHs and fT4 levels among iodine status groups were examined using the One way-ANOVA test. Maternal iodine status was insufficient with a median urinary iodine of 125 μg/L, resulting in a 60.8% prevalence of iodine insufficiency. Iodine intake (62.20±43.45 μg/day) fell short of recommended levels (RDA). Offspring TSH was 2.29±1.07 μIU/mL, fT4 was 1.26±0.14 ng/dL. TSH and fT4 concentrations showed no significant inter-group differences (p=0.852, p=0.075). Offspring thyroid function did not correlate with maternal iodine status (TSHs: p=0.314; fT4: p=0.258). Offspring thyroid function did not correlate to maternal iodine status in a population of iodine-insufficient and mercury-contaminated coastal areas

    Edukasi Pemilihan dan Pengolahan Ikan yang Aman Sebagai Sumber Iodium Masyarakat Pesisir di Lingkar Tambang Desa Buwun Mas

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    Pertambangan emas skala kecil di daerah lingkar tambang di propinsi NTB memberikan dampak bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat. Merkuri sebagai polutan dari pertambangan emas akan diubah menjadi bentuk organic yaitu metil merkuri yang dapat terakumulasi pada sumber makanan penduduk di sekitar tambang terutama bahan makanan yang berasal dari laut. Makanan yang tercemar merkuri jika dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat terutama oleh ibu hamil akan memberikan dampak bagi kesehatan. Ibu hamil adalah golongan yang rentan mengalami defisiensi  iodium. Pengabdian ini bermaksud untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagi kader posyandu sebagai tokoh yang dekat dan dijadikan rujukan oleh ibu hamil tentang pemenuhan asupan gizi iodium dari bahan makanan yang berasal dari laut dan aman dari kontaminasi merkuri . Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan demonstrasi pengolahan hasil laut. Pelaksanaan kegiatan diikutioleh 10 orang kader posyandu dari desa Buwun Mas. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan pengetahuan kader posyandu dengan meningkatnya rerata nilai pre tes dari 31,25 menjadi 83,75 pada saat post test. Kegiatan juga diikuti dengan antusias oleh peserta ditandaidengan banyaknya pertanyaan di akhir acara dan diakhiri dengan contoh pengolahan makanan yang aman dan menjadi sumber iodium bagi masyarakat pesisir yang terdampak polusi tambang ema

    Edukasi Penyelaman Aman bagi Nelayan Pesisir Montong Lombok Barat

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    Traditional diver diving activities look for fish by archery underwater frequently do not pay attention to safety aspects, so there is an increasing risk of causing diving injuries. Diving injuries are preventable injuries, if safe diving guidelines are followed and obeyed. Diving injuries symptoms can be mild to severe, so education about prevention and recognition of disease disorders that can occur due to diving is being given. The community service is carried out in two simultaneous activities: diving safety lectures and general medical examination. The participants, 30 participants for general medical examination, and 4 participants for traditional divers. Of the 30 participants for general medical examination, it was predominantly female (18/30), with an age range of 4-60 years with a median age of 37 years. The most common diseases that are complained of are upper respiratory tract infections (ARI) (8/30), skin complaints (6/30), hypertension (6/30), diabetes (4/30), headaches (3/30), diarrhea (1/30), musculoskeletal complaints (1/30) and toothache (1/30). Education is carried out to all participants. The media used were a slide projector and x-banner. Four traditional divers comes with 3 Decompression sickness and 1 barotrauma. Questions coverage diving preparation, Diving techniques and do's and don't's after diving. The community service went well with 34 enthusiastic participants filled by questions. Three most common diseases being ARI, skin complaints and hypertension and diving injuries of decompression sickness and barotrauma.Kegiatan menyelam yang dilakukan penyelam tradisional untuk mencari ikan dengan memanah seringkali tidak memperhatikan aspek keselamatan, sehingga risiko cedera penyelaman meningkat. Cedera penyelaman merupakan cedera yang dapat dicegah, jika panduan penyelaman yang aman dipelajari dan dipatuhi. Cedera penyelaman dapat ringan sampai dengan kematian, sehingga edukasi tentang pencegahan dan pengenalan gangguan-gangguan penyakit yang dapat terjadi akibat penyelaman perlu dilakukan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam dua kegiatan yang bersamaan: ceramah keamanan penyelaman dan pengobatan gratis. Masyarakat menghadiri kegiatan pengabdian cukup antusias, 30 peserta pengobatan gratis, adapun penyelam tradisional yang berpartisipasi sejumlah 4 orang.  Dari 30 peserta pengobatan gratis didominasi jenis kelamin perempuan (18/30), dengan rentang usia 4 – 60 tahun dengan median usia 37 tahun. Penyakit tersering yang dikelukan adalah infeksi saluran pernafasan atas (ISPA) (8/30), keluhan kulit (6/30), hipertensi (6/30), diabetes (4/30), sakit kepala (3/30), diare (1/30), keluhan musculoskeletal (1/30) dan sakit gigi (1/30). Edukasi dilakukan kepada semua masyarakat hadir. Media edukasi yang dipergunakan adalah slide projector dan x-banner. Sebanyak 4 penyelam tradisional datang dengan diagnosis 3 penyakit dekompresi dan 1 barotrauma. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang muncul terkait persiapan penyelaman, teknik penyelaman dan do’s and don’t’s setelah menyelam. Kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung dengan baik dihadiri 34 peserta dan diisi dengan pertanyaan interaktif. Tiga penyakit terbanyak ISPA, keluhan kulit dan hipertensi dengan cedera penyelaman berupa penyakit dekompresi dan barotrauma

    Effect of Mercury Exposure on Renal Function and Hematological Parameters among Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Miners at Sekotong, West Lombok, Indonesia

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    Background. Mercury is a toxic metal with effects on human health ranging from acute to chronic in a very short time of exposure. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is the main source of direct human exposure to mercury. Human exposure to mercury (Hg) can occur through both direct inhalation of mercury vapor and consumption of material taken from contaminated areas. To protect the health of ASGM workers and surrounding communities, a health assessment of mercury exposure and its effects is urgently needed. However, analysis of hair and urine samples as a proof test for mercury toxicity is very expensive. Therefore other tests must be considered to identify the first symptoms of mercury toxicity in miners and the surrounding community. Objectives. The present study aimed to determine the effects of mercury exposure on renal function along with the hematological parameters of gold miners and the community as a first indication of mercury exposure symptoms. Methods. The study was designed as a purposive field sampling study and was conducted in 3 main villages in Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The 100 subjects were miners that have been exposed to mercury for at least 5 years and their wives and children (non-miners) who lived around the gold processing area. Blood and urine samples were then obtained from the subjects. The miners and non-miners were questioned about their mercury exposure over the previous 5 years, duration of exposure, and how mercury was handled in their daily life. Blood and urine samples were collected at the time of the study, around 10 ml of urine and 0.1 ml of blood (2 drops) were collected per subject. In order to determine the parallel results between the blood-urine and hair results, hair from the miners was collected at a different time for analysis. Results. The results showed that the subjects had low proteinuria, hemoglobin and hematocrit concentrations as a consequence of chronic mercury intoxication. This finding was parallel with results of high mercury concentrations in urine (>7 – 273.3 μg/l) and miners' hair (>1 – 12.93 μg/g). Miners and non-miners in the exposure area were found to have proteinuria levels of more than 0.3 g/L. Proteinuria (≥0.3 g/L) was observed in 92.6% of miners and 72.4% of non-miners. Conclusions. The results of the present study suggest that urinalysis of proteinuria and hemoglobin values can be used as a screening test to detect renal impairment due to mercury intoxication

    Factors Affecting Controlled Blood Sugar Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Melitus Patients at the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of RSUDP NTB

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    Indonesia is ranked seventh out of countries that contributed to the highest number of DM in the world in 2019 and estimate that in 2045 it could reach 16.6 million cases. West Nusa Tenggara Province is one of the provinces with a fairly high DM rate reaching 21,308 with various complications due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels in DM patients are caused by several uncontrolled factors in DM patients. This study aims to determine the factors associated with uncontrolled blood sugar levels in type 2 DM patients at the NTB Provincial Hospital. This research is a observational with a cross sectional study. The sample selection using the consecutive sampling obtained from the medical records of type 2 DM patients who were treated at the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of the NTB Provincial Hospital. The study sample size were 100 people with univariate and bivariate data analysis using the Chi-square test. The subjects in this study were dominated by patient age > 45 years (75.6%), female (51.2%), using non-insulin therapy (52.4%), and duration of type 2 diabetes < 10 years. (67.07%) with uncontrolled blood sugar status (52.4%). Bivariate analysis using the Chi-square showed that there were a statistically significant relationship between controlled blood sugar levels and patient age (p=0.021), controlled blood sugar levels with gender (p=0.008), controlled blood sugar levels and the type of therapy (p=0.008). = 0.004), and controlled blood sugar levels with duration of diabetes (0.023)

    Analysis of Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining Sector in West Sumbawa Regency, Indonesia

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    Background. The high value of gold reserves in West Sumbawa Regency (WSR) and West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia has resulted in an increase in small-scale gold mining activity in this area. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is an attractive alternative livelihood for rural workers because it has good potential to improve the wealth of a community. Miners need very little training to mine gold and the transition from traditional farming or fishing is easy to make. However, the key environmental consequence of ASGM in West Sumbawa is the extensive use of mercury and its impact on human health. Objectives. The ASGM activity in WSR is quite recent when compared to other ASGM activity in Indonesia. The current study was conducted to better understand the lifestyle, extent of mercury exposure, and the health of people living in WSR, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Methods. The present study was designed as a purposive field sampling study conducted in WSR, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The subjects were miners and families from three different sites within the WSR: individuals directly exposed to mercury, indirectly exposed individuals and non-exposed individuals. Hair mercury analysis was done with all subjects. Health questionnaires, physical examinations and socio-economic surveys were conducted with exposed subjects. Results. The ASGM sector in the WSR consists of a high number of migrant workers who have a great economic impact on the local area, high mercury use, a great deal of illegal mercury trading, and a high mercury concentration (>13 mg/kg) in their hair. The results suggest that ASGM activities affect the health of exposed and indirectly exposed individuals. Conclusions. The current scale of ASGM activity in the WSR is predicted to rise. ASGM activities in the WSR is an important challenge that needs to be addressed. Competing Interests. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Informed Consent. Obtained Ethical Approval. The protocols and informed consent documents were approved by the Ethics Committee (Medical Faculty) of the University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia