8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Tahu-Tempe Terhadap Peningkatan Berat Badan Bayi Penderita Gizi Buruk Di Kabupaten Jember

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    The national development programme have made since 2000, focused in effort to increase people nutrition. Malnutrition not only stigma that make afraid, this problem connected with the effects of family or country economic. Malnutrition is potentially causing of poorness caused from lower quality of productivity and human resource. Intake of protein become one of alternative to reduce malnutrition cases. Protein is provided in animal and nabati protein. Tahu and tempe are Indonesian traditional food that contain nabati protein. This research used true experimental research with “pretest-postest design” with one intervention. The subject of this research is children under 5 years old with malnutrition in Kalisat Jember. Technical sampling used in this research is purposive sampling while data analysis used paired sample t-test.The experiment group looks increase body weight, with means value 0.4438 after got intervention (additional food tahu-tempe 200 gr per day). The control group have changing weight with means value 0.1250. Based on paired sample t-test with confidence degree 95 %, the t-tabel value 2.131 and t-count value 2.253, with p-value 0.040 (α:0.050). p-value less than the α- value, statistically, it means that Ho refused. So it means that there is an influence of giving additional food (tahu-tempe) to increasing body weight for malnutrition. This research conclude that tahu-tempe have influence to increasing body weight for children under 5 years old with malnutrition in Jember. Etiology of malnutrition are poorness and lower of mother knowledge about nutrition

    Hubungan Antara Perilaku Mencuci Tangan Dengan Insiden Diare Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di Kabupaten Jember

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    Hubungan Antara Perilaku Mencuci Tangan Dengan Insiden Diare Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di Kabupaten JemberCorelation Between Handwash Behaviour and diarheae incident in school age children in JemberRetno Purwandari(1), Anisah Ardiana(2), Wantiyah(3)(1,2,3)Dosen Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas JemberKampus Bumi Tegal Boto, Jln. Kalimantan N0 37 JemberEmail : 1) [email protected]: 08175466548ABSTRAKAnak-anak usia sekolah mempunyai kebiasaan kurang memperhatikan perlunya cuci tangan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, terutama ketika di lingkungan sekolah. Perilaku tersebut tentunya berpengaruh dan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam terjadinya penyakit diare. Cuci tangan merupakan tehnik dasar yang paling penting dalam pencegahan dan pengontrolan penularan infeksi. Penelitian ini adalah analisis korelasi. Subyek penelitian anak usia sekolah di kabupaten Jember dengan teknik cluster sampling yaitu sebesar 300 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik spearman. Hasil penelitian perilaku cuci tangan pada anak usia sekolah di Kabupaten Jember pada kategori baik (53,7 %), cukup (41,7 %) dan kurang baik (4, 6 %). Sedangkan insidensi diare pada anak usia sekolah di Kabupaten Jember dalam kategori rendah (59,3 %), sedang (37,7 %) dan tinggi (3 %). Hubungan antara perilaku cuci tangan dan insiden diare diperoleh nilai p = 0,000 yang lebih kecil dari 0,05 dan r = 0,792, maka secara statistik membuktikan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku cuci tangan dan insiden diare. Kata kunci : Perilaku Mencuci Tangan, Diare, Anak Usia Sekolah ABSTRACTSchool-age children have paying less attention habit to the need for hand washing in everyday, especially when in the school environment. The behavior could effect and contribute to the occurrence of diarrhea disease. Hands washing is the most important fundamental technique in the prevention and control of infection transmission. This study was the correlation analysis. Research subject are school age children in Jember with cluster sampling technique that is equal to 300 respondents. Data analysis is using Spearman. The results of school age children hand washing behavior in Jember are in good categories ( 53.7 % ), moderate ( 41.7 % ) and poorly ( 4 , 6 % ) . While the incidence of diarrhea in children of school age in Jember in the low category ( 59.3 % ), moderate ( 37.7 % ) and high ( 3 % ) . Relationship between hand washing and diarrhea incidence obtained p value = 0.000 is smaller than 0.05 and r = 0.792 , statistically it proves that there was a significant relationship between the incidence of diarrhea and hand washing

    Dimensi Kecerdasan Emosional: Memahami Dan Mendukung Orang Lain Terhadap Perilaku Caring Perawat Pelaksana Menurut Persepsi Klien

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    Nurse's caring behavior based on high emotional intelligence can encourage the quality of nursing service. The descriptive correlation research with samples of 92 nurses and 92 patients, was to recognize the relationship between dimension of understanding and support of other people's emotions with nurse's caring behavior according to patients' perceptions. An approximately 54 % of nurses are caring and 59,8 % nurses have dimension of understanding and support of other people's emotions. Chi-Square test showed that the dimension of understanding and support of other people's emotions is significantly associated with nurses caring behavior. Nurses who are having high level in this dimension are having opportunity as much as 2,567 times more caring. A training program on effective and terapheutic communication should be developed

    Utilization of Agricultural Products for the Management and Prevention Stunting Through Empowering Health Cadres in Jember District

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    Background: Stunting is a problem that cannot be considered ordinary. Short toddlers (stunting) can occur due to poor nutrition and nutritional intake and lack of knowledge about stunting. Purpose: Transferring knowledge about how to prevent and manage stunting or short toddlers. Method: counseling and empowering health cadres by using tools such as LCD projectors and using leaflets and interactive discussions. Results: The implementation of this activity included advice and health cadre assistance in conducting health education to the community. Counseling for health cadres was done first to increase cadre knowledge. After that, support was given to health cadres to lead health education to the community around the village. Conclusion: After conducting mentoring activities on health cadres, which was a village program under the guidance of the University of Jember, it could increase the knowledge and motivation of cadres in conducting health education in the context of preventing and managing stunting infants