3 research outputs found

    Al-Qaeda Understandings from Seyed Qutb's Jihadi Thoughts

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    Seyed Qutb is one of the great theorists of Egypt Muslim population who could propagate his thoughts among Egyptian youths and adolescents through writing the books such as “fi zelal al Quran “and “Maalem fe al tarigh”. Presenting some problems such as like social justice in Islam, people's Ignorance in present age and world division into Islam and Atheism, He eloquently announced idolatry of all governments and its solution as being Jihad or emigration.Stating such thoughts influenced Arab youths greatly as after executing him, jihadi groups including Al-Qaeda were created influenced by his thoughts. In their method and thought they followed Seyed Qutb but in jurisprudence and beliefs they imitated salafists like Ibn Tamie; as Abdullah Azam says: I had been the pupil of four persons: In thought the pupil of Seyed Qutb, in jurisprudence pupile of Now; in beliefs the pupil of Ibn Tamie and in mental issues pupil of Ibn Qayem. So Al-Qaeda is a combined group that has adopted his strategic way from Seyed Qutb's thoughts and his beliefs from Ibn Tamie and now we observe that abusing Qutbi's ideas Wahhabism invites Arab youths to war and jihad, but with special goals from which none are accordance with Seyed Qutb's goals

    Effective Variables on Iran and United Arab Emirate Relations

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    ABSTRACT Persian Gulf, strategically and geopolitically, is one of the most important zones. Leaving this area, England colonizer left so many problems to littoral and co-frontier countries. One of them was the relation of Iran and United Arab Emirate which is always influenced by legal condition of triple Islands, Abomusa, Tonb-eBozorg and Tonb-e-Kochak. Emirate has complained in most conferences and councils especially Persian Gulf Cooperation Councils. Pacifying Emirate authorities, depend on Iran's political-economical position in its relation to international system, leaders of Cooperation Councils have profited by issued statements for reproaching Iran in possessing triple Islands and the way of their governing. This paper not only is searching for the condition of triple Islands from view point of historical record, geographical location, Britain and Iran dissensions and circumstance of inheriting this problem, but it also tries to find a solution of improving the relation of Iran and Arabia, as an older brother of United Arab Emirate, within the framework of Persian Cooperation Council. By regional balancing method with Saudi Arabia, creating of common security regime, applying of menace less method, Iran can solve triple Islands issue according to two Emirate's Sharjeh and Rasolkheimeh with United Arab Emirate

    Modernity and the Revival Thought, an Overview on Political Thought of Seyed Qutb

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    Islamism is one of the most important trends in the twentieth century and the beginning of the third millennium. Although this trend has had various spectrums, they all have a common viewpoint in a few subjects and that is: modernity could not fulfill the promise of redemption and happiness of the man that had given its promise at the beginning of the age of enlightenment. Modernity is incompatible with many of the Islamic moral and value foundation and finally, for solving the problem of underdevelopment, westernization and so on "Rituals" of Islam should be restored. This article will investigate the thought of one of the Islamists, namely Seyed Qutb with this main question: "How much modernity which is one of the main components of the intellectual system of Seyed Qutb influence the formation of his political thought?" Additionally, it is also considered that the Islamists such as Seyed Qutb have faced to what contradictions in opposition and criticism of modernity. To investigate this question and the subject "hermeneutics Skinner" method is used in the study of political thought. Moreover, the discussions and the theory of "East Studying" are used for more precise and complete analysis of thought of Seyed