20 research outputs found

    Distinct Migratory Properties of M1, M2, and Resident Macrophages Are Regulated by Ī±\u3csub\u3ed\u3c/sub\u3eĪ²\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eand Ī±\u3csub\u3em\u3c/sub\u3eĪ²\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eIntegrin-Mediated Adhesion

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    Chronic inflammation is essential mechanism during the development of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The outcome of diseases depends on the balance between the migration/accumulation of pro-inflammatory (M1) and anti-inflammatory (M2) macrophages in damaged tissue. The mechanism of macrophage migration and subsequent accumulation is still not fully understood. Currently, the amoeboid adhesion-independent motility is considered essential for leukocyte migration in the three-dimensional environment. We challenge this hypothesis by studying the contribution of leukocyte adhesive receptors, integrins Ī±MĪ²2, and Ī±DĪ²2, to three-dimensional migration of M1-polarized, M2-polarized, and resident macrophages. Both integrins have a moderate expression on M2 macrophages, while Ī±DĪ²2 is upregulated on M1 and Ī±MĪ²2 demonstrates high expression on resident macrophages. The level of integrin expression determines its contribution to macrophage migration. Namely, intermediate expression supports macrophage migration, while a high integrin density inhibits it. Using in vitro three-dimensional migration and in vivo tracking of adoptively-transferred fluorescently-labeled macrophages during the resolution of inflammation, we found that strong adhesion of M1-activated macrophages translates to weak 3D migration, while moderate adhesion of M2-activated macrophages generates dynamic motility. Reduced migration of M1 macrophages depends on the high expression of Ī±DĪ²2, since Ī±D-deficiency decreased M1 macrophage adhesion and improved migration in fibrin matrix and peritoneal tissue. Similarly, the high expression of Ī±MĪ²2 on resident macrophages prevents their amoeboid migration, which is markedly increased in Ī±M-deficient macrophages. In contrast, Ī±D- and Ī±M-knockouts decrease the migration of M2 macrophages, demonstrating that moderate integrin expression supports cell motility. The results were confirmed in a diet-induced diabetes model. Ī±D deficiency prevents the retention of inflammatory macrophages in adipose tissue and improves metabolic parameters, while Ī±M deficiency does not affect macrophage accumulation. Summarizing, Ī²2 integrin-mediated adhesion may inhibit amoeboid and mesenchymal macrophage migration or support mesenchymal migration in tissue, and, therefore, represents an important target to control inflammation

    Pleiotrophin, a Multifunctional Cytokine and Growth Factor, Induces Leukocyte Responses Through the Integrin Mac-1

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    Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a multifunctional, cationic, glycosaminoglycan- binding cytokine and growth factor involved in numerous physiological and pathological processes, including tissue repair and inflammation-related diseases. PTN has been shown to promote leukocyte responses by inducing their migration and expression of inflammatory cytokines. However, the mechanisms through which PTN mediates these responses remain unclear. Here, we identified the integrin Mac-1 (Ī±MĪ²2, CD11b/CD18) as the receptor mediating macrophage adhesion and migration to PTN. We also found that expression of Mac-1 on the surface of human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells induced their adhesion and migration to PTN. Accordingly, PTN promoted Mac-1-dependent cell spreading and initiated intracellular signaling manifested in phosphorylation of Erk1/2. While binding to PTN, Mac-1 on Mac-1-expressing HEK293 cells appears to cooperate with cell-surface proteoglycans because both anti-Mac-1 function-blocking mAb and heparin were required to block adhesion. Moreover, biolayer interferometry andNMRindicated a direct interaction between theĪ±MI domain, the major ligand-binding region of Mac-1, and PTN. Using peptide libraries, we found that in PTN the Ī±MI domain bound sequences enriched in basic and hydrophobic residues, indicating thatPTNconforms to the general principle of ligandrecognition specificity of the Ī±MI domain toward cationic proteins/ peptides. Finally, using recombinant PTN-derived fragments, we show that PTN contains two distinct Mac-1-binding sites in each of its constitutive domains. Collectively, these results identify PTN as a ligand for the integrin Mac-1 on the surface of leukocytes and suggest that this interaction may play a role in inflammatory responses

    Defining the Neural Fulcrum for Chronic Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Implications for Integrated Cardiac Control

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    Key points: The evoked cardiac response to bipolar cervical vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) reflects a dynamic interaction between afferent mediated decreases in central parasympathetic drive and suppressive effects evoked by direct stimulation of parasympathetic efferent axons to the heart. The neural fulcrum is defined as the operating point, based on frequencyā€“amplitudeā€“pulse width, where a null heart rate response is reproducibly evoked during the on-phase of VNS. Cardiac control, based on the principal of the neural fulcrum, can be elicited from either vagus. Beta-receptor blockade does not alter the tachycardia phase to low intensity VNS, but can increase the bradycardia to higher intensity VNS. While muscarinic cholinergic blockade prevented the VNS-induced bradycardia, clinically relevant doses of ACE inhibitors, beta-blockade and the funny channel blocker ivabradine did not alter the VNS chronotropic response. While there are qualitative differences in VNS heart control between awake and anaesthetized states, the physiological expression of the neural fulcrum is maintained. Abstract: Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is an emerging therapy for treatment of chronic heart failure and remains a standard of therapy in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy. The objective of this work was to characterize heart rate (HR) responses (HRRs) during the active phase of chronic VNS over a wide range of stimulation parameters in order to define optimal protocols for bidirectional bioelectronic control of the heart. In normal canines, bipolar electrodes were chronically implanted on the cervical vagosympathetic trunk bilaterally with anode cephalad to cathode (n = 8, ā€˜cardiacā€™ configuration) or with electrode positions reversed (n = 8, ā€˜epilepsyā€™ configuration). In awake state, HRRs were determined for each combination of pulse frequency (2ā€“20 Hz), intensity (0ā€“3.5 mA) and pulse widths (130ā€“750 Ī¼s) over 14 months. At low intensities and higher frequency VNS, HR increased during the VNS active phase owing to afferent modulation of parasympathetic central drive. When functional effects of afferent and efferent fibre activation were balanced, a null HRR was evoked (defined as ā€˜neural fulcrumā€™) during which HRR ā‰ˆ 0. As intensity increased further, HR was reduced during the active phase of VNS. While qualitatively similar, VNS delivered in the epilepsy configuration resulted in more pronounced HR acceleration and reduced HR deceleration during VNS. At termination, under anaesthesia, transection of the vagi rostral to the stimulation site eliminated the augmenting response to VNS and enhanced the parasympathetic efferent-mediated suppressing effect on electrical and mechanical function of the heart. In conclusion, VNS activates central then peripheral aspects of the cardiac nervous system. VNS control over cardiac function is maintained during chronic therapy

    Distinct Migratory Properties of M1, M2, and Resident Macrophages Are Regulated by Ī±DĪ²2 and Ī±MĪ²2 Integrin-Mediated Adhesion

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    Chronic inflammation is essential mechanism during the development of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The outcome of diseases depends on the balance between the migration/accumulation of pro-inflammatory (M1) and anti-inflammatory (M2) macrophages in damaged tissue. The mechanism of macrophage migration and subsequent accumulation is still not fully understood. Currently, the amoeboid adhesion-independent motility is considered essential for leukocyte migration in the three-dimensional environment. We challenge this hypothesis by studying the contribution of leukocyte adhesive receptors, integrins Ī±MĪ²2, and Ī±DĪ²2, to three-dimensional migration of M1-polarized, M2-polarized, and resident macrophages. Both integrins have a moderate expression on M2 macrophages, while Ī±DĪ²2 is upregulated on M1 and Ī±MĪ²2 demonstrates high expression on resident macrophages. The level of integrin expression determines its contribution to macrophage migration. Namely, intermediate expression supports macrophage migration, while a high integrin density inhibits it. Using in vitro three-dimensional migration and in vivo tracking of adoptively-transferred fluorescently-labeled macrophages during the resolution of inflammation, we found that strong adhesion of M1-activated macrophages translates to weak 3D migration, while moderate adhesion of M2-activated macrophages generates dynamic motility. Reduced migration of M1 macrophages depends on the high expression of Ī±DĪ²2, since Ī±D-deficiency decreased M1 macrophage adhesion and improved migration in fibrin matrix and peritoneal tissue. Similarly, the high expression of Ī±MĪ²2 on resident macrophages prevents their amoeboid migration, which is markedly increased in Ī±M-deficient macrophages. In contrast, Ī±D- and Ī±M-knockouts decrease the migration of M2 macrophages, demonstrating that moderate integrin expression supports cell motility. The results were confirmed in a diet-induced diabetes model. Ī±D deficiency prevents the retention of inflammatory macrophages in adipose tissue and improves metabolic parameters, while Ī±M deficiency does not affect macrophage accumulation. Summarizing, Ī²2 integrin-mediated adhesion may inhibit amoeboid and mesenchymal macrophage migration or support mesenchymal migration in tissue, and, therefore, represents an important target to control inflammation

    Angiotensin II Potentiates Adrenergic and Muscarinic Modulation of Guinea Pig Intracardiac Neurons

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    The intrinsic cardiac plexus represents a major peripheral integration site for neuronal, hormonal, and locally produced neuromodulators controlling efferent neuronal output to the heart. This study examined the interdependence of norepinephrine, muscarinic agonists, and ANG II, to modulate intrinsic cardiac neuronal activity. Intracellular voltage recordings from whole-mount preparations of the guinea pig cardiac plexus were used to determine changes in active and passive electrical properties of individual intrinsic cardiac neurons. Application of either adrenergic or muscarinic agonists induced changes in neuronal resting membrane potentials, decreased afterhyperpolarization duration of single action potentials, and increased neuronal excitability. Adrenergic responses were inhibited by removal of extracellular calcium ions, while muscarinic responses were inhibited by application of TEA. The adrenergic responses were heterogeneous, responding to a variety of receptor-specific agonists (phenylephrine, clonidine, dobutamine, and terbutaline), although Ī±-receptor agonists produced the most frequent responses. Application of ANG II alone produced a significant increase in excitability, while application of ANG II in combination with either adrenergic or muscarinic agonists produced a much larger potentiation of excitability. The ANG IIinduced modulation of firing was blocked by the angiotensin type 2 (AT 2) receptor inhibitor PD 123319 and was mimicked by the AT 2 receptor agonist CGP-42112A. AT 1 receptor blockade with telmasartin did not alter neuronal responses to ANG II. These data demonstrate that ANG II potentiates both muscarinically and adrenergically mediated activation of intrinsic cardiac neurons, doing so primarily via AT 2 receptor-dependent mechanisms. These neurohumoral interactions may be fundamental to regulation of neuronal excitability within the intrinsic cardiac nervous system

    Angiotensin II potentiates adrenergic and muscarinic modulation of guinea pig intracardiac neurons

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    The intrinsic cardiac plexus represents a major peripheral integration site for neuronal, hormonal, and locally produced neuromodulators controlling efferent neuronal output to the heart. This study examined the interdependence of norepinephrine, muscarinic agonists, and ANG II, to modulate intrinsic cardiac neuronal activity. Intracellular voltage recordings from whole-mount preparations of the guinea pig cardiac plexus were used to determine changes in active and passive electrical properties of individual intrinsic cardiac neurons. Application of either adrenergic or muscarinic agonists induced changes in neuronal resting membrane potentials, decreased afterhyperpolarization duration of single action potentials, and increased neuronal excitability. Adrenergic responses were inhibited by removal of extracellular calcium ions, while muscarinic responses were inhibited by application of TEA. The adrenergic responses were heterogeneous, responding to a variety of receptor-specific agonists (phenylephrine, clonidine, dobutamine, and terbutaline), although Ī±-receptor agonists produced the most frequent responses. Application of ANG II alone produced a significant increase in excitability, while application of ANG II in combination with either adrenergic or muscarinic agonists produced a much larger potentiation of excitability. The ANG IIinduced modulation of firing was blocked by the angiotensin type 2 (AT ) receptor inhibitor PD 123319 and was mimicked by the AT receptor agonist CGP-42112A. AT receptor blockade with telmasartin did not alter neuronal responses to ANG II. These data demonstrate that ANG II potentiates both muscarinically and adrenergically mediated activation of intrinsic cardiac neurons, doing so primarily via AT receptor-dependent mechanisms. These neurohumoral interactions may be fundamental to regulation of neuronal excitability within the intrinsic cardiac nervous system. Ā© 2011 the American Physiological Society. 2 2 1

    Modification of extracellular matrix by the product of DHA oxidation promotes retention of macrophages and progression of chronic inflammation

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    Oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids contributes to different aspects of the inflammatory response due to the variety of products generated. Specifically, the oxidation of DHA produces the end-product, carboxyethylpyrrole (CEP), which forms a covalent adduct with proteins via an Ļµ-amino group of lysines. Previously, we found that CEP formation is dramatically increased in inflamed tissue and CEP-modified albumin and fibrinogen became ligands for Ī±DƟ2 (CD11d/CD18) and Ī±MƟ2 (CD11b/CD18) integrins. In this study, we evaluated the effect of extracellular matrix (ECM) modification with CEP on the adhesive properties of M1-polarized macrophages, particularly during chronic inflammation. Using digested atherosclerotic lesions and in vitro oxidation assays, we demonstrated the ability of ECM proteins to form adducts with CEP, particularly, DHA oxidation leads to the formation of CEP adducts with collagen IV and laminin, but not with collagen I. Using integrin Ī±DƟ2-transfected HEK293 cells, WT, and Ī±D-/- mouse M1- polarized macrophages, we revealed that CEP-modified proteins support stronger cell adhesion and spreading when compared with natural ECM ligands such as collagen IV, laminin, and fibrinogen. Integrin Ī±DƟ2 is critical for M1 macrophage adhesion to CEP. Based on biolayer interferometry results, the isolated Ī±D I-domain demonstrates markedly higher binding affinity to CEP compared to the ā€œnaturalā€ Ī±DƟ2 ligand fibrinogen. Finally, the presence of CEP-modified proteins in a 3D fibrin matrix significantly increased M1 macrophage retention. Therefore, CEP modification converts ECM proteins to Ī±DƟ2- recognition ligands by changing a positively charged lysine to negatively charged CEP, which increases M1 macrophage adhesion to ECM and promotes macrophage retention during detrimental inflammation, autoimmunity, and chronic inflammation

    Frontline Science: The Expression of Integrin Ī±DĪ²2 (CD11d/CD18) on Neutrophils Orchestrates the Defense Mechanism Against Endotoxemia and Sepsis

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    Neutrophil-macrophage interplay is a fine-tuning mechanism that regulates the innate immune response during infection and inflammation. Cell surface receptors play an essential role in neutrophil and macrophage functions. The same receptor can provide different outcomes within diverse leukocyte subsets in different inflammatory conditions. Understanding the variety of responses mediated by one receptor is critical for the development of anti-inflammatory treatments. In this study, we evaluated the role of a leukocyte adhesive receptor, integrin Ī±DĪ²2, in the development of acute inflammation. Ī±DĪ²2 is mostly expressed on macrophages and contributes to the development of chronic inflammation. In contrast, we found that Ī±D-knockout dramatically increases mortality in the cecal ligation and puncture sepsis model and LPS-induced endotoxemia. This pathologic outcome of Ī±D-deficient mice is associated with a reduced number of monocyte-derived macrophages and an increased number of neutrophils in their lungs. However, the tracking of adoptively transferred fluorescently labeled wild-type (WT) and Ī±Dāˆ’/āˆ’ monocytes in WT mice during endotoxemia demonstrated only a moderate difference between the recruitment of these two subsets. Moreover, the rescue experiment, using i.v. injection of WT monocytes to Ī±D-deficient mice followed by LPS challenge, showed only slightly reduced mortality. Surprisingly, the injection of WT neutrophils to the bloodstream of Ī±Dāˆ’/āˆ’ mice markedly increased migration of monocyte-derived macrophage to lungs and dramatically improves survival. Ī±D-deficient neutrophils demonstrate increased necrosis/pyroptosis. Ī±DĪ²2-mediated macrophage accumulation in the lungs promotes efferocytosis that reduced mortality. Hence, integrin Ī±DĪ²2 implements a complex defense mechanism during endotoxemia, which is mediated by macrophages via a neutrophil-dependent pathway

    Oxidative Modifications of Extracellular Matrix Promote the Second Wave of Inflammation via B\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Integrins

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    Early stages of inflammation are characterized by extensive oxidative insult by recruited and activated neutrophils. Secretion of peroxidases, including the main enzyme, myeloperoxidase, leads to the generation of reactive oxygen species. We show that this oxidative insult leads to polyunsaturated fatty acid (eg, docosahexaenoate), oxidation, and accumulation of its product 2-(v-carboxyethyl)pyrrole (CEP), which, in turn, is capable of protein modifications. In vivo CEP is generated predominantly at the inflammatory sites in macrophage-rich areas. During thioglycollate-induced inflammation, neutralization of CEP adducts dramatically reduced macrophage accumulation in the inflamed peritoneal cavity while exhibiting no effect on the early recruitment of neutrophils, suggesting a role in the second wave of inflammation. CEP modifications were abundantly deposited along the path of neutrophils migrating through the 3-dimensional fibrin matrix in vitro. Neutrophil-mediated CEP formation was markedly inhibited by the myeloperoxidase inhibitor, 4-ABH, and significantly reduced in myeloperoxidase-deficient mice. On macrophages, CEP adducts were recognized by cell adhesion receptors, integrin aMb2 and aDb2. Macrophage migration through CEP-fibrin gel was dramatically augmented when compared with fibrin alone, and was reduced by b2-integrin deficiency. Thus, neutrophil-mediated oxidation of abundant polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to the transformation of existing proteins into stronger adhesive ligands for aMb2- and aDb2-dependent macrophage migration. The presence of a carboxyl group rather than a pyrrole moiety on these adducts, resembling characteristics of bacterial and/or immobilized ligands, is critical for recognition by macrophages. Therefore, specific oxidation-dependent modification of extracellular matrix, aided by neutrophils, promotes subsequent aMb2- and aDb2-mediated migration/retention of macrophages during inflammation