1,179 research outputs found

    The impacts of outliers on different estimators for GARCH processes: an empirical study

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    The Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is the most widely used method to estimate the parameters of a GARCH(p,q) process. This is owed to the fact that the MLE, among other properties, is asymptotically efficient. Even though the MLE is sensitive to outliers, which can occur in time series. In order to abate the influence of outliers, robust estimators are introduced. Afterwards an Monte Carlo study compares the introduced estimators. --GARCH,Robust-Estimates,M-Estimates

    Communication and Stochastic Processes in Some Bacterial Populations: Significance for Membrane Computing

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    Intercellular communication between bacterial cells belonging to the same population is well documented in Microbiology, sporulation and cannibalism in B. Subtilis and genetic competence and fratricide in S. pneumoniae being deeply studied in the last years. The investigation of individual cell behavior has revealed that populations of these bacteria sometimes bifurcate into phenotypically distinct, but genetically identical, subpopulations by random switching mechanisms. The probabilistic nature of the random switching mechanisms, the occurrence of some biochemical processes related to it at plasma membrane and the need to study the processes at the level of each individual cell make intercellular communication and stochastic processes very suitable to be modeled by P systems


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    Le management de l’éducation , bien qu’il soit l’objet des controverses, peut être définicomme la science et l’art d’instruire les ressources humaines, l’art de former despersonnalités, conformément à des fins acceptées par la société, par la communauté, par lesindividus. Cette science envisage un ensemble de principes et de fonctions, de normes et deméthodes de conduite qui assurent la réalisation des objectifs du système éducatif

    Case study using analysis of variance to determine groups’ variations

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    This paper aims to present the analysis of a part manufactured in three shifts, which has a specific characteristic dimension, using DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) method. In every shift, the significant characteristic, “SC”, dimension should be produced within the given tolerance. The question that arises is: “Does the shift have any influence on the “SC” dimension realization?” By using the one way ANOVA method, one can observe the variation between the means of each of the three shifts. Afterwards, specific action can be undertaken to adjust, if necessary, the differences between the shifts

    A China-EU electricity transmission link: Assessment of potential connecting countries and routes

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    The report looks at the potential routes for a future power interconnection between EU and China. High voltage direct current technology is considered and its potential is assessed. It analyses the renewable energy sources in the countries along the potential routes as well as the power sector and power grid in the countries crossed. Three potential routes are analysed.JRC.C.3-Energy Security, Distribution and Market