96 research outputs found

    British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Race Equality Review

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    Racism continues to be widespread, subtle and often ignored or selectively attended to within organisations. This review sought to evaluate the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO)’s existing race equality practices, to further support its movement towards becoming an antiracist organisation. The review arose from a commitment by BABAO to interrogate its current structures and redress problematic cultures within the organisation, following a member of colour expressing concerns. In itself, this provides an encouraging example both of the reflexivity of the organisation and the power of a single voice. Through focus groups and surveys, insights were gained with regards to the organisational culture and in response to issues concerning equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), particularly regarding the need for BABAO to become a more racially literate organisation. The review attempted to glean members’ understanding of anti-racism and how some cultures within the organisation may be racially exclusive or marginalising. In addition to this, the reviewers engaged with stakeholders about where areas could be improved within BABAO in continuing their work towards becoming a racially cognizant organisation. Responses gleaned from the focus groups and survey questionnaire distributed to members revealed that BABAO as an organisation has made some tentative first steps towards race equality, but has some way to go. The paucity of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic members made gaining perspectives a challenge in relation to experiences of racial discrimination. In itself, this is an indicator that inclusion is an area for growth and reflection. Other key findings included issues with reporting structures and governance processes, with a need for strong and courageous leadership to drive forward conversations around race and racism; a need for training and work to improve racial literacy of the organisation and its members; and a lack of engagement and participation from current members in EDI issues. Nevertheless, the review also indicated that the organisation has made significant strides towards establishing anti-racist practices and are working diligently to engage all members in this endeavour. To this end, the conclusions and recommendations provided aim to enhance current action and further enable BABAO to achieve an anti-racist, inclusive organisational culture.Based on the considerations outlined throughout the report, there were twenty-seven recommendations made. They reflect the need to build a foundation of awareness, understanding and safety upon which to develop a culture of learning, reflection and shared, collective action. High-level recommendations are synthesised below, with further detail in the body of the report

    Supporting Early-Career Academics in the UK Computer Science Community

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    The early career of a computer science academic in the United Kingdom (UK) — as with most other disciplines — is challenging in terms of balancing research aspirations, learning and teaching responsibilities, wider academic service commitments, as well as their own professional development. In terms of learning and teaching development, this commonly involves working towards Fellow- ship of the Higher Education Academy (now known as Advance HE), either by direct application or via successful completion of an accredited institutional taught postgraduate course. Typically, if a course is required (often as part of their academic probation), the focus will be general higher education learning and teaching pedagogy rather than specifically focused on computer science and cognate areas. The formal institutional course requirements are normally supplemented by mentoring from within their department from experienced academic colleagues. Thus, the quality of development for an early-career academic will be enhanced in part by the strength of the community of practice operating within the department and the communities of practice that exist at a national and international level, often through professional bodies, learned societies and sub-disciplinary groupings. This paper presents the work-in-progress to address some of these structural, cultural and community challenges at both the institutional and national level in the UK, based on empirical themes collected from a workshop held at UKICER’20. We identify a number of specific actions and recommendations to supplement the current formal institutional requirements with enhanced national-level academic practice support and professional development, alongside local and regional professional mentoring

    Self-rated health in Pakistan: results of a national health survey

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    BACKGROUND: Self-rated health (SRH) is a robust predictor of mortality. In UK, migrants of South Asian descent, compared to native Caucasian populations, have substantially poorer SRH. Despite its validation among migrant South Asian populations and its popularity in developed countries as a useful public health tool, the SRH scale has not been used at a population level in countries in South Asia. We determined the prevalence of and risk factors for poor/fair SRH among individuals aged ≥15 years in Pakistan (n = 9442). METHODS: The National Health Survey of Pakistan was a cross-sectional population-based survey, conducted between 1990 and 1994, of 18 135 individuals aged 6 months and above; 9442 of them were aged ≥15 years. Our main outcome was SRH which was assessed using the question: "Would you say your health in general is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?" SRH was dichotomized into poor/fair, and good (excellent, very good, or good). RESULTS: Overall 65.1% respondents – 51.3 % men vs. 77.2 % women – rated their health as poor/fair. We found a significant interaction between sex and age (p < 0.0001). The interaction was due to the gender differences only in the ages 15–19 years, whereas poor/fair SRH at all older ages was more prevalent among women and increased at the same rate as it did among men. We also found province of dwelling, low or middle SES, literacy, rural dwelling and current tobacco use to be independently associated with poor/fair SRH. CONCLUSION: This is the first study reporting on poor/fair SRH at a population-level in a South Asian country. The prevalence of poor/fair health in Pakistan, especially amongst women, is one of the worst ever reported, warranting immediate attention. Further research is needed to explain why women in Pakistan have, at all ages, poorer SRH than men

    Health plan administrative records versus birth certificate records: quality of race and ethnicity information in children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To understand racial and ethnic disparities in health care utilization and their potential underlying causes, valid information on race and ethnicity is necessary. However, the validity of pediatric race and ethnicity information in administrative records from large integrated health care systems using electronic medical records is largely unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Information on race and ethnicity of 325,810 children born between 1998-2008 was extracted from health plan administrative records and compared to birth certificate records. Positive predictive values (PPV) were calculated for correct classification of race and ethnicity in administrative records compared to birth certificate records.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Misclassification of ethnicity and race in administrative records occurred in 23.1% and 33.6% children, respectively; the majority due to missing ethnicity (48.3%) and race (40.9%) information. Misclassification was most common in children of minority groups. PPV for White, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan Native, multiple and other was 89.3%, 86.6%, 73.8%, 18.2%, 51.8% and 1.2%, respectively. PPV for Hispanic ethnicity was 95.6%. Racial and ethnic information improved with increasing number of medical visits. Subgroup analyses comparing racial classification between non-Hispanics and Hispanics showed White, Black and Asian race was more accurate among non-Hispanics than Hispanics.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In children, race and ethnicity information from administrative records has significant limitations in accurately identifying small minority groups. These results suggest that the quality of racial information obtained from administrative records may benefit from additional supplementation by birth certificate data.</p

    Decolonial education and geography: Beyond the 2017 Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers annual conference

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    This review is inspired by the recent resurgence of grassroots movements aimed at the decolonisation of education. The departure point of the paper are the numerous, recent academic responses to campaigns such as Rhodes Must Fall, Why is My Curriculum White?, Why Isn't My Professor Black?, and #LiberateMyDegree. Following from there, the narrative is divided into two sections. The first part reviews theoretical approaches to decolonial education, especially those rooted in the modernity/coloniality/decoloniality paradigm. The second part analyses the ways in which geographers have applied these ideas to our discipline. The review pays particular attention to the 2017 Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers annual conference, curated under the “Decolonising geographical knowledges” theme. I argue that as geographers, we have to continue reflecting on the meaning of decolonial praxis, especially in relation to geographical education, beyond the recent conference. To these ends, the review concludes with seven specific questions for geographers to consider in the near future

    Changes in smoking prevalence among U.S. adults by state and region: Estimates from the Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey, 1992-2007

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tobacco control policies at the state level have been a critical impetus for reduction in smoking prevalence. We examine the association between recent changes in smoking prevalence and state-specific tobacco control policies and activities in the entire U.S.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed the 1992-93, 1998-99, and 2006-07 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS) by state and two indices of state tobacco control policies or activities [initial outcome index (IOI) and the strength of tobacco control (SOTC) index] measured in 1998-1999. The IOI reflects cigarette excise taxes and indoor air legislation, whereas the SOTC reflects tobacco control program resources and capacity. Pearson Correlation coefficient between the proportionate change in smoking prevalence from 1992-93 to 2006-07 and indices of tobacco control activities or programs was the main outcome measure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Smoking prevalence decreased from 1992-93 to 2006-07 in both men and women in all states except Wyoming, where no reduction was observed among men, and only a 6.9% relative reduction among women. The percentage reductions in smoking in men and women respectively were the largest in the West (average decrease of 28.5% and 33.3%) and the smallest in the Midwest (18.6% and 20.3%), although there were notable exceptions to this pattern. The decline in smoking prevalence by state was correlated with the state's IOI in both women and men (r = -0.49, p < 0.001; r = -0.31, p = 0.03; respectively) and with state's SOTC index in women(r = -0.30, p = 0.03 0), but not men (r = -0.21, p = 0.14).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>State level policies on cigarette excise taxes and indoor air legislation correlate strongly with reductions in smoking prevalence since 1992. Strengthening and systematically implementing these policies could greatly accelerate further reductions in smoking.</p

    Transition to the new race/ethnicity data collection standards in the Department of Veterans Affairs

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    BACKGROUND: Patient race in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) information system was previously recorded based on an administrative or clinical employee's observation. Since 2003, the VA started to collect self-reported race in compliance with a new federal guideline. We investigated the implications of this transition for using race/ethnicity data in multi-year trends in the VA and in other healthcare data systems that make the transition. METHODS: All unique users of VA healthcare services with self-reported race/ethnicity data in 2004 were compared with their prior observer-recorded race/ethnicity data from 1997 – 2002 (N = 988,277). RESULTS: In 2004, only about 39% of all VA healthcare users reported race/ethnicity values other than "unknown" or "declined." Females reported race/ethnicity at a lower rate than males (27% vs. 40%; p < 0.001). Over 95% of observer-recorded data agreed with self-reported data. Compared with the patient self-reported data, the observer-recorded White and African American races were accurate for 98% (kappa = 0.89) and 94% (kappa = 0.93) individuals, respectively. Accuracy of observer-recorded races was much worse for other minority groups with kappa coefficients ranging between 0.38 for American Indian or Alaskan Natives and 0.79 for Hispanic Whites. When observer-recorded race/ethnicity values were reclassified into non-African American groups, they agreed with the self-reported data for 98% of all individuals (kappa = 0.93). CONCLUSION: For overall VA healthcare users, the agreement between observer-recorded and self-reported race/ethnicity was excellent and observer-recorded and self-reported data can be used together for multi-year trends without creating serious bias. However, this study also showed that observation was not a reliable method of race/ethnicity data collection for non-African American minorities and racial disparity might be underestimated if observer-recorded data are used due to systematic patterns of inaccurate race/ethnicity assignments

    Surveillance of compliance with tobacco regulations in Örebro County, Sweden: a mixed methods study after the ban of test purchases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tobacco has long been known to be one of the most common reasons for sickness and premature deaths in the world. An important aspect of tobacco use is the youth's access to tobacco, and surveillance visits are one way to make sure how retailers are complying with age limit in the tobacco law. In Örebro County, Sweden, a project to reinforce the tobacco legislation was carried out in 2009-2010. One part of the project was surveillance visits that were done according to three different themes, called thematic surveillance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study is an evaluation of the results from thematic surveillance and has a mixed methods approach. The quantitative analyses concerns protocols from 217 surveillance visits, where questions were asked about three themes (self-monitoring programs; marketing; labeling of products and pricing). In addition, questionnaires filled out by six tobacco administrators who worked within the project were analyzed qualitatively by content analysis in order to study their perceptions and opinions of the project.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study shows that half of the visited retailers had self-monitoring programs. Lack of self-monitoring programs was significantly more common in smaller stores/kiosks and at restaurants. Further, the tobacco administrators who worked within the project perceived thematic surveillance as a good method for accomplishing better structure in surveillance work, but not as effective as purchase attempts (mystery shopping).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Thematic surveillance was perceived as positive and the method was also regarded to be a good way to work with surveillance. However, the method could be developed further for optimal use and better effect at the retailers. It is clear that people who work with tobacco prevention at the local level in Örebro County want to use purchase attempts as a surveillance method, and that they believe that purchase attempts is the best way to make sure if store comply with the tobacco law.</p