10 research outputs found

    Impact of Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) on periodontitis and caries. Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: The oral health-promoting effects of green tea are attributed to its polyphenol components. Aim of this work was to systematically review the literature in search for clinical trials assessing green tea for managing periodontitis and caries. Methods: Randomized clinical trials comparing the efficacy of green tea versus control groups in oral hygiene and gingival health; periodontitis; caries; periodontal pathogens number; Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus spp. Meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis were performed. Literature searches were carried out using MedLine (PubMed), Scopus, and the Cochrane Library. Eighteen studies (870 subjects) were included. Results: Green tea treatment had medium positive effect size in reducing GI (SMD: 0.50; 95%CI: −0.02/1.01); PI (SMD: 0.54; 95%CI: 0.14/0.95); GBI (SMD: 0.58; 95%CI: −0.41/1.56) and BOP (SMD: 0.52; 95%CI: −0.57/1.60) in respect to the control group. Splitting to subgroups, green tea showed a small neg- ative effect in the chlorhexidine control groups. Green tea treatment had medium positive effect size in reducing CAL (SMD 0.58; 95%CI: −0.49/1.65) and large positive effect size in reducing PPD (SMD:1.02; 95%CI: 0.45/1.59). Conclusion: Even if the results are encouraging, there is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of green tea formulation as first choice treatment for gingivitis, periodontitis and caries

    Long-term effectiveness of treating dentin hypersensitivity with bifluorid 10 and futurabond U: a split-mouth randomized double-blind clinical trial

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    Background: The definition of dental hypersensitivity is “pain derived from exposed dentin in response to chemical, thermal tactile or osmotic stimuli which cannot be explained as arising from any other dental defect or disease”. One of the treatments proposed is tubular occlusion. The aim of this in vivo split-mouth randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of a in-office application of a fluoride varnish (Bifluorid 10) and a bonding resin (Futurabond U) in adults with dentin hypersensitivity. Material and methods: A total of 180 teeth were treated with Bifluorid 10 and 160 with Futurabond U. Outcome measurements were taken one or two weeks before treatment, at baseline at the application days, at 1 week and at 1–6 months after first treatment. Results: Both treatments reduced pain intensity. Bifluorid 10 and Futurabond U have similar efficacy in reducing SCHIFF-measured pain reduction, while Bifluorid 10 is significantly more efficient for VAS-measured pain reduction, mainly due to long-term pain reduction. Patient age has a significant negative influence on pain reduction, while the influence of patient gender and BEWE of the tooth is insignificant. Conclusions: Bifluorid 10 and Futurabond U are effective in the treatment of dental hypersensitivity. The RCT was registered at the US National Institutes of Health (ClinicalTrials.gov) #NCT04813848

    Facial and oral manifestations following COVID-19 vaccination: a survey-based study and a first perspective

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    (1) Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. The development of effective and safe vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 has been extremely fast. The list of orofacial adverse effects of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines based on the clinical trials are reported to be rare. The aim of this study was to investigate the facial and oral manifestations of COVID-19 vaccination using a survey-based study. (2) Methods: The questionnaire was developed using Google Forms and sent anonymously to a total of 700 subjects (medical personnel) in Poland, Italy, and other EU countries. (3) Results: 223 people answered the questionnaire, mainly vaccinated with BNT162b2. Only 3.1% and 5.4% experienced oral and facial symptoms, respectively. General diseases presence and age have significant influence on the probabil- ity of oral symptoms occurrence after the second dose. Facial symptoms are correlated with general disease; autoimmune pathologies and age, at first and second dose, respectively. Gender, smoking and regular medication intake have significant influence on the probability of taking an absence day. Gender, age, and smoking have a significant influence on the duration of symptoms after second dose. (4) Conclusions: Based on the results of this preliminary survey, there is no observed significant correlation between vaccine administration for COVID-19 and facial and oral manifestations

    Assessment Tendency to Indebtedness of the Middle Pomerania Farms

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    Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i ocena czynników wpływających na skłonność gospodarstw rolnych do zadłużania się – na przykładzie gospodarstw z regionu Pomorza Środkowego. Przyjmujemy, iż skłonność gospodarstw rolnych do zadłużania się to prawdopodobieństwo podjęcia decyzji finansowej odnoszącej się do wykorzystania kapitału obcego w strukturze źródeł finansowania. Zakładamy, iż skłonność do korzystania z finansowania obcego przez rolnika zależy od wielkości gospodarstwa rolnego (mierzonej powierzchnią gospodarstwa rolnego, liczbą osób zatrudnionych w gospodarstwie oraz wartością produkcji gospodarstwa), rodzaju produkcji rolnej (produkcja roślinna, zwierzęca i mieszana), celu prowadzenia działalności wytwórczej (gospodarstwa rolne towarowe produkujące w celu sprzedaży wytworzonych produktów na rynek oraz pozostałe), fazy rozwojowej gospodarstwa rolnego (wieku gospodarstwa rolnego). Badania dokonano w oparciu o model regresji logistycznej, w którym zmienną zależną jest zmienna typu dychotomicznego określająca wykorzystanie kapitału obcego w strukturze finansowania gospodarstwa rolnego. Szacowanie parametrów modelu oparto o dane 933 gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce w regionie Pomorza Środkowego (zebrane metodą wywiadu bezpośredniego obejmującego dane za 2011 rok).The goal of this article is to identify and evaluate factors affecting the tendency to indebtedness of farms – on the example of Middle Pomerania region. We assume that the propensity to use external financing by the farmer depends on the size of the farm (as measured by the surface of the farm, the number of people employed, and the value of its production), on the type of agricultural production (crop production, livestock and mixed), on the purpose of production activities (commodity farms producing to sell manufactured products on the market and others), and on development phase of farm (the age of the farm). The study was based on a logistic regression model in which the dependent variable is dummy variable indicated farms which used debt capital in the financing structure. The estimation of the model parameters was based on the data from 933 farms in Poland (collected through direct interviews, covering the data for the year 2011)

    Assessment of the Short-Term Effectiveness of Kinesiotaping and Trigger Points Release Used in Functional Disorders of the Masticatory Muscles

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    Chronic face pain syndrome is a diagnostic and therapeutic problem for many specialists, and this proves the interdisciplinary and complex nature of this ailment. Physiotherapy is of particular importance in the treatment of pain syndrome in the course of temporomandibular joint functional disorders. In patients with long-term dysfunction of masticatory muscles, the palpation examination can localize trigger points, that is, thickening in the form of nodules in the size of rice grains or peas. Latent trigger points located in the muscles can interfere with muscular movement patterns, cause cramps, and reduce muscle strength. Because hidden trigger points can spontaneously activate, they should be found and released to prevent further escalation of the discomfort. Kinesiotaping (KT) is considered as an intervention that can be used to release latent myofascial trigger points. It is a method that involves applying specific tapes to the patient’s skin in order to take advantage of the natural self-healing processes of the body. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the kinesiotaping method and trigger points inactivation on the nonpharmacological elimination of pain in patients with temporomandibular disorders. The study was conducted in 60 patients (18 to 35 years old). The subjects were randomly divided into two subgroups of 30 people each. Group KT (15 women and 15 men) were subjected to active kinesiotaping application. Group TrP, composed of 16 women and 14 men, was subjected to physiotherapy with the release of trigger points by the ischemic compression method. The results show that the KT method and TrP inactivation brought significant therapeutic analgesic effects in the course of pain-related functional disorders of the muscles of mastication. The more beneficial outcomes of the therapy were observed after using the KT method, which increased the analgesic effect in dysfunctional patients

    Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Selected Physical Factors on the Level of Pain in the Course of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

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    Introduction. Temporomandibular joints (TMJs) play a very significant function in the activity of the locomotor system of the masticatory system. But they are often a source of pain, myopathy, myoarthropathy, and malfunction of their surrounding or internal structures. The treatment of a patient’s discomfort associated with masticatory system dysfunctions strongly depends on their cause. Aim of the Study. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of selected physical factors: LED light therapy with electromagnetic field and cryotherapy for the level of pain, in the treatment of patients suffering from temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Materials and Methods. The study included 60 patients of both genders with diagnosed TMD in a clinical trial. The participants were randomly divided into two groups. Each group consisted of 30 people and was subjected to separate therapies in which LED light therapy with electromagnetic field (MLT) and cryotherapy (CT) were applied. Results. Having assessed the results of the author’s own research in terms of analgesic activity, determined on the VAS scale during the daily routine activity of the mandible and its individual movements, in general, each of the studied groups demonstrated a considerable decrease in the level of the patients’ perception of pain (<0.001). Having compared both the therapeutic methods used, a greater reduction in the level of perceived pain was achieved with MLT (p=0.002). The type of therapy used turned out to be the only significant factor for the magnitude of this reduction. Conclusions. Conclusions based on the results of our own research indicate that the selected methods of treatment demonstrate an analgesic effect in terms of the overall discomfort in the course of TMD, and that they may be an alternative pain relief thereby reducing the patient’s intake of painkillers

    Orthodontic retention—Protocols and materials—A questionnaire pilot study among Polish practitioners

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    The aim of the study was to analyze retention protocols and materials for fixed retainers used by clinicians providing orthodontic treatment in Poland. The survey was carried out from February to April 2021. The questionnaire was designed using the Google Forms tool. After validation, the questionnaire was delivered to verified active orthodontists gathered in a closed social media group of 615 members. Finally, 104 answers were received. Answers to individual questions were provided in percentages and tabularized. A chi-squared test of proportion was used to compare: the proportion of clinicians using retainers of different characteristics and the proportions of clinicians indicating the superiority of a given clinical solution. Rectangular steel braided wire was rated as most reliable. However, doctors who declared to use gold chain were mostly solely using this type of wire. Multistranded round wire was rated the worst. Fiber-reinforced composite was mainly used in periodontal patients. The protocols used by Polish orthodontic practitioners relied on double long-term retention with regular follow-up. The most popular material was stainless steel braided rectangular wire bonded with a flowable composite. Most clinicians believed they could maintain the treatment results, but they declared that patients’ cooperation was a challenge

    MIH and Dental Caries in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    (1) Background: Molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a clinical condition affecting permanent teeth in children, with a documented rising trend in the last two decades. The aim of the present study was to analyze and synthesize the available evidence on caries experience (dmft/DMFT) and MIH in children. (2) Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted according to the PRISMA statement. (3) Results: 59 papers published between 2007 and 2022 were included in the qualitative synthesis and 18 in the meta-analysis. The total sample of subjects was 17,717 (mean: 896), of which 2378 (13.4%) had MIH (mean: 119), with a girl/boy ratio of 1:1. The mean age of the enrolled participants was 8.6 (age range 7–10 years). Meta-analysis showed that MIH has a positive correlation with both dmft (effect size of 0.67, 95% CI [0.15, 1.19]) and DMFT (effect size of 0.56, 95% CI [0.41, 0.72]); (4) Conclusions: Children with MIH should be diagnosed correctly and on time. Treatment and management options for moderate and severe forms of MIH should consider prognosis based on known risk factors, and secondary and tertiary prevention policies should also consider the multifactorial nature of caries etiology

    Use of the wearable cardioverter-defibrillator - the Swiss experience

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    INTRODUCTION Sudden cardiac death caused by malignant arrhythmia can be prevented by the use of defibrillators. Although the wearable cardioverter defibrillator (WCD) can prevent such an event, its role in clinical practice is ill defined. We investigated the use of the WCD in Switzerland with emphasis on prescription rate, therapy adherence and treatment rate. MATERIALS AND METHODS The Swiss WCD Registry is a retrospective observational registry including patients using a WCD. Patients were included from the first WCD use in Switzerland until February 2018. Baseline characteristics and data on WCD usage were examined for the total study population, and separately for each hospital. RESULTS From 1 December 2011 to 18 February 2018, a total of 456 patients (67.1% of all WCDs prescribed in Switzerland and 81.1% of all prescribed in the participating hospitals) were included in the registry. Up to 2017 there was a yearly increase in the number of prescribed WCDs to a maximum of 271 prescriptions per year. The mean age of patients was 57 years (&plusmn; 14), 81 (17.8%) were female and mean left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) was 32% (&plusmn; 13). The most common indications for WCD use were new-onset ischaemic cardiomyopathy (ICM) with EF &le;35% (206 patients, 45.2%), new-onset nonischaemic cardiomyopathy (NICM) with EF &le;35% (115 patients, 25.2%), unknown arrhythmic risk (83 patients, 18.2%), bridging to implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation or heart transplant (37 patients, 8.1%) and congenital/inherited heart disease (15 patients, 3.3%). Median wear duration was 58 days (interquartile range [IQR] 31&ndash;94) with a median average daily wear time of 22.6 hours (IQR 20&ndash;23.2). Seventeen appropriate therapies from the WCD were delivered in the whole population (treatment rate: 3.7%) to a total of 12 patients (2.6% of all patients). The most common underlying heart disease in patients with a treatment was ICM (13/17, 76.5%). There were no inappropriate treatments. CONCLUSION The use of WCDs has increased in Switzerland over the years for a variety of indications. There is high therapy adherence to the WCD, and a treatment rate comparable to previously published registry data. &nbsp

    STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR): the Standardized Treatment and Outcome Platform for Stereotactic Therapy Of Re-entrant tachycardia by a Multidisciplinary consortium (STOPSTORM.eu) and review of current patterns of STAR practice in Europe.

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    The EU Horizon 2020 Framework-funded Standardized Treatment and Outcome Platform for Stereotactic Therapy Of Re-entrant tachycardia by a Multidisciplinary (STOPSTORM) consortium has been established as a large research network for investigating STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR) for ventricular tachycardia (VT). The aim is to provide a pooled treatment database to evaluate patterns of practice and outcomes of STAR and finally to harmonize STAR within Europe. The consortium comprises 31 clinical and research institutions. The project is divided into nine work packages (WPs): (i) observational cohort; (ii) standardization and harmonization of target delineation; (iii) harmonized prospective cohort; (iv) quality assurance (QA); (v) analysis and evaluation; (vi, ix) ethics and regulations; and (vii, viii) project coordination and dissemination. To provide a review of current clinical STAR practice in Europe, a comprehensive questionnaire was performed at project start. The STOPSTORM Institutions' experience in VT catheter ablation (83% ≥ 20 ann.) and stereotactic body radiotherapy (59% > 200 ann.) was adequate, and 84 STAR treatments were performed until project launch, while 8/22 centres already recruited VT patients in national clinical trials. The majority currently base their target definition on mapping during VT (96%) and/or pace mapping (75%), reduced voltage areas (63%), or late ventricular potentials (75%) during sinus rhythm. The majority currently apply a single-fraction dose of 25 Gy while planning techniques and dose prescription methods vary greatly. The current clinical STAR practice in the STOPSTORM consortium highlights potential areas of optimization and harmonization for substrate mapping, target delineation, motion management, dosimetry, and QA, which will be addressed in the various WPs