19 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Oral Manifestations and Their Association with CD4/CD8 Ratio and HIV Viral Load in South India

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    The objective of the present research was to determine the prevalence of oral manifestations in an HIV infected population from south India and evaluate their association with HIV viral load and CD4/CD8 ratio. Intraoral examination of 103 patients, whose CD4/CD8 ratio was available, were conducted. HIV viral loads were available for thirty patients only. The prevalence of oral manifestations was 80.6% (83/103). The most common oromucosal lesion was erythematous candidiasis (EC) (38.8%) followed by melanotic hyperpigmentation (35.9%). Patients having any oral manifestation had a mean CD4/CD8 ratio of 0.24. EC had positive predictive value of 85.0% for CD4/CD8 ratio <0.30. The prevalence of oral manifestations in patients taking ART was lesser (78.6%) as compared to patients not taking ART (82%). Patients having any oral manifestation had a higher HIV viral load as compared to patients not having any oral manifestations (P < 0.05). Pseudomembranous candidiasis (PC) was significantly associated with higher HIV viral loads (>20,000 copies/mL) (P < 0.05). Patients having EC had 4 times greater chance of having CD4/CD8 ratio <0.30. PC can be considered as a marker of immune suppression (HIV viral load >20,000 copies/mL)

    Oral manifestations of HIV/AIDS in Asia: systematic review and future research guidelines

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    Objectives: The authors have conducted a systematic review of oral manifestations of HIV from studies conducted in Asia to establish the characteristics and prevalence of individual oral manifestations in Asia, and to assess the direction of future research studies on oral manifestations of HIV in Asia. Material and Methods: The electronic retrieval systems and databases searched for relevant articles were PubMed [MEDLINE], EBSCO, and EMBASE. The search was for limited articles published in English or with an English abstract and articles published during the period January 1995 to August 2014. The authors reached a final overall sample of 39 studies that were conducted in Asia. Results: The median population size among all studies was 312.7 patients. Oral candidiasis [OC] was the most common oral manifestation [37.7%] in studies conducted in Asia. The overall prevalence of oral hairy leukoplakia and melanotic hyperpigmentation was computed to be 10.1% and 22.8% respectively. Thailand and India are primarily countries with maximum research on oral manifestations. Conclusions: The research on oral manifestations of HIV in Asia has to upgrade to more interventional and therapeutic studies rather than the contemporary cross- sectional epidemiological descriptive studies. The authors have given suggestions and future directions for the implementation of clinical research of oral manifestations in HIV patients

    Transmigration of Mandibular Canine: Report of Four Cases and Review of Literature

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    Transmigration of canine is a rare phenomenon. The prevalence of transmigration of mandibular canine has been found to be only 0.14%–0.31%. The treatment of impacted transmigrated canine is very complicated if it is diagnosed at a later stage. We report 4 cases of transmigration of mandibular canine and review the literature regarding the etiology and treatment. Panoramic radiograph should be taken during the mixed dentition period if the mandibular canine has not erupted from more than one year from its normal chronological age of eruption as intraoral periapical radiograph examination will not always detect an impacted or transmigrated canine

    Nevus of Ota with Rare Palatal Involvement: A Case Report with Emphasis on Differential Diagnosis

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    Nevus of Ota, a dermal melanocytic nevus, is rare in the Indian subcontinent. It presents as a brown, blue, or gray patch on the face and is within the distribution of the ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal nerve. The oral cavity is infrequently involved in nevus of Ota. Only 11 cases have been documented in the English literature. We report a rare case of intraoral nevus of Ota in a 22-year-old male patient. This paper focuses on the differential diagnosis of oral manifestations of nevus of Ota to assist in proper followup to avert malignant transformation

    Personalized medicine: A step forward in dental treatment

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    The study of variations of DNA and RNA characteristics as related to drug response is known as pharmacogenomics. The application of pharmacogenomics to the clinical management of an individual is referred to as "personalized medicine." Personalized medicine aims to individualize care based on a person′s unique genetic profile by using advanced molecular tools like DNA profiling, gene mapping, receptor gene amplification test, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), microarray test, Hercep Test, AmpliChip CYP450 Test, etc. This is relatively a new field that combines genomics (the study of genes and their functions) and pharmacology (the science of drugs) to develop effective, safe medications and doses that will be tailored to a person′s genetic makeup. Now personalized medicine has a wide range of applications such as management of cancer, cardiovascular disorders, depression, bipolar disorders, attention deficit disorders, HIV, tuberculosis, asthma, diabetes, and also in the management of pain. This is the first article focusing on its mechanism, overview of the developments, benefits, challenges, and its applications, particularly in dentistry

    Hypoglossia Type 1A: Report of a case and review of literature with focus on clinical investigations

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    Hypoglossia is a rare entity which is reported sporadically. Hypoglossia has often occurred in an association with limb anomalies and, therefore, these cases have been grouped together as hypoglossia-hypodactylia within oromandibular limb hypogenesis syndromes. The literature on this condition is reviewed, and a case of hypoglossia has also been presented. An investigative protocol to aid in the treatment planning of a patient with hypoglossia has also been suggested