5 research outputs found

    Correlation of radiation parameters and rainfall during environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities

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    Deo monitoringa radioaktivnosti u životnoj sredini u okolini nuklearnih objekata u Javnom preduzeću “Nuklearni objekti Srbije” obuhvata ispitivanje nivoa radioaktivne kontaminacije vazduha, kao i relevantna meteorološka merenja na mikrolokaciji. U radu je prikazana korelacija promene jačine ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze gama zračenja u vazduhu i količine padavina usled spiranja atmosfere. Merenja su vršena na lokaciji meteorološkog stuba na 114 metara nadmorske visine. Za prikaz odnosa između izmerenih radijacionih parametara i dnevnih količina padavina korišćena je varijacija ovih vrednosti tokom 2015. godine. Analizom ovog odnosa jasno se vidi uticaj intenzivne kiše na jačinu ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze, što opravdava izmerene povećane vrednosti do kojih, u ovom slučaju, nije došlo usled eventualnog akcidentalnog ispuštanja radioaktivnih efluenata usled rada nuklearnih objekata.Part of the environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities in the Public Company "Nuclear Facilities of Serbia" includes the examination of radioactive contamination levels of air, as well as relevant meteorological measurements on the micro-location. This paper presents a correlation between change of ambient gamma dose rate in the air and precipitation due to atmosphere leaching. Measurements were taken at the site of a meteorological tower on 114 meters above sea level. To show the relationship between measured radiation parameters and daily precipitation, the variations of these values during 2015 were used. The analysis of this relation clearly shows the impact of the intense rain on the ambient gamma dose rate, which justifies increased measured values, which in this case were not caused due to potential accidental releases of radioactive effluents during nuclear facilities operation

    Correlation of radiation parameters and rainfall during environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities

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    Deo monitoringa radioaktivnosti u životnoj sredini u okolini nuklearnih objekata u Javnom preduzeću “Nuklearni objekti Srbije” obuhvata ispitivanje nivoa radioaktivne kontaminacije vazduha, kao i relevantna meteorološka merenja na mikrolokaciji. U radu je prikazana korelacija promene jačine ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze gama zračenja u vazduhu i količine padavina usled spiranja atmosfere. Merenja su vršena na lokaciji meteorološkog stuba na 114 metara nadmorske visine. Za prikaz odnosa između izmerenih radijacionih parametara i dnevnih količina padavina korišćena je varijacija ovih vrednosti tokom 2015. godine. Analizom ovog odnosa jasno se vidi uticaj intenzivne kiše na jačinu ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze, što opravdava izmerene povećane vrednosti do kojih, u ovom slučaju, nije došlo usled eventualnog akcidentalnog ispuštanja radioaktivnih efluenata usled rada nuklearnih objekata.Part of the environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities in the Public Company "Nuclear Facilities of Serbia" includes the examination of radioactive contamination levels of air, as well as relevant meteorological measurements on the micro-location. This paper presents a correlation between change of ambient gamma dose rate in the air and precipitation due to atmosphere leaching. Measurements were taken at the site of a meteorological tower on 114 meters above sea level. To show the relationship between measured radiation parameters and daily precipitation, the variations of these values during 2015 were used. The analysis of this relation clearly shows the impact of the intense rain on the ambient gamma dose rate, which justifies increased measured values, which in this case were not caused due to potential accidental releases of radioactive effluents during nuclear facilities operation

    Environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities in Serbia over 2014-2016

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    Monitornig radioaktivnosti u okolini nuklearnih objekata jeste skup merenja, obrade i interpretacije rezultata radijacionih i drugih parametara u cilju procene nivoa i kontrole izlaganja stanovništva i životne sredine. Javno preduzeće „Nuklearni objekti Srbije”, kao jedini operator nuklearnih objekata i nosilac licenci za obavljanje nuklearnih aktivnosti u zemlji, u skladu sa važećom zakonskom regulativom, sprovodi monitoring radioaktivnosti u životnoj sredini u okolini nuklearnih objekata, i to ispitivanjem nivoa spoljašnjeg zračenja merenjem jačine ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze i ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze gama zračenja u vazduhu, relevantnim meteorološkim merenjima i modelovanjem disperzije radioaktivnih polutanata u graničnom sloju atomsfere. Kontrolu nivoa radioaktivne kontaminacije u vazduhu, padavinama, površinskim vodama, rečnom sedimentu, vodi za piće, podzemnim vodama, otpadnim vodama, zemljištu i hrani vrši Laboratorija za zaštitu od zračenja i zaštitu životne sredine Instituta za nuklearne nauke „Vinča”, kao nezavisno ovlašćeno pravno lice. U radu je prikazan pregled reprezentativnih rezultata monitoringa za period od 2014. do 2016. godine. U ispitivanim uzorcima iz životne sredine su detektovani prirodni radionuklidi u koncentracijama karakterističnim za ispitivane medijume. Od proizvedenih radionuklida je detektovan samo 137Cs, čije je prisustvo u životnoj sredini u detektovanim nivoima koncentracije posledica nuklearnih proba i akcidenata. Rezultati ispitivanja nivoa spoljašnjeg zračenja pokazuju da nije bilo odstupanja od sigurnog režima rada nuklearnih objekata.Environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities is a set of measurements, processing and interpretation of the results of radiation and other parameters in order to assess the level and control of exposure of the population and environment to ionizing radiation. Public Company "Nuclear Facilities of Serbia", as the only operator of nuclear facilities and holder of licenses to perform nuclear activities in the country, in accordance with current legislation, conducts environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities, by examining the level of external radiation through ambient gamma dose rate and ambient gamma dose measurements in the air, relevant meteorological measurements on site and modeling of a dispersion of radioactive pollutants in the boundary layer of atmosphere. Radioactive contamination level control of the air, precipitation, surface water, river sediment, drinking water, ground water, soil and food performs Laboratory for Radiation and Environmental Protection within Institute for Nuclear Sciences "Vinca", as an independent authorized entity. This paper presents an overview of the representative environmental radiation monitoring results for the period from 2014 to 2016. In the examined samples from the environment, the natural radionuclides were detected at concentration levels characteristic for the examined media in the environment. Of the produced radionuclides, only 137Cs was detected, whose presence in the environment at detected concentration levels is the result of nuclear tests and accidents. The results of the radiation levels examination show that there was no deviation from the safe mode of operation of nuclear facilities.Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8245

    Environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities in Serbia over 2014-2016

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    Monitornig radioaktivnosti u okolini nuklearnih objekata jeste skup merenja, obrade i interpretacije rezultata radijacionih i drugih parametara u cilju procene nivoa i kontrole izlaganja stanovništva i životne sredine. Javno preduzeće „Nuklearni objekti Srbije”, kao jedini operator nuklearnih objekata i nosilac licenci za obavljanje nuklearnih aktivnosti u zemlji, u skladu sa važećom zakonskom regulativom, sprovodi monitoring radioaktivnosti u životnoj sredini u okolini nuklearnih objekata, i to ispitivanjem nivoa spoljašnjeg zračenja merenjem jačine ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze i ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze gama zračenja u vazduhu, relevantnim meteorološkim merenjima i modelovanjem disperzije radioaktivnih polutanata u graničnom sloju atomsfere. Kontrolu nivoa radioaktivne kontaminacije u vazduhu, padavinama, površinskim vodama, rečnom sedimentu, vodi za piće, podzemnim vodama, otpadnim vodama, zemljištu i hrani vrši Laboratorija za zaštitu od zračenja i zaštitu životne sredine Instituta za nuklearne nauke „Vinča”, kao nezavisno ovlašćeno pravno lice. U radu je prikazan pregled reprezentativnih rezultata monitoringa za period od 2014. do 2016. godine. U ispitivanim uzorcima iz životne sredine su detektovani prirodni radionuklidi u koncentracijama karakterističnim za ispitivane medijume. Od proizvedenih radionuklida je detektovan samo 137Cs, čije je prisustvo u životnoj sredini u detektovanim nivoima koncentracije posledica nuklearnih proba i akcidenata. Rezultati ispitivanja nivoa spoljašnjeg zračenja pokazuju da nije bilo odstupanja od sigurnog režima rada nuklearnih objekata.Environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities is a set of measurements, processing and interpretation of the results of radiation and other parameters in order to assess the level and control of exposure of the population and environment to ionizing radiation. Public Company "Nuclear Facilities of Serbia", as the only operator of nuclear facilities and holder of licenses to perform nuclear activities in the country, in accordance with current legislation, conducts environmental radiation monitoring around nuclear facilities, by examining the level of external radiation through ambient gamma dose rate and ambient gamma dose measurements in the air, relevant meteorological measurements on site and modeling of a dispersion of radioactive pollutants in the boundary layer of atmosphere. Radioactive contamination level control of the air, precipitation, surface water, river sediment, drinking water, ground water, soil and food performs Laboratory for Radiation and Environmental Protection within Institute for Nuclear Sciences "Vinca", as an independent authorized entity. This paper presents an overview of the representative environmental radiation monitoring results for the period from 2014 to 2016. In the examined samples from the environment, the natural radionuclides were detected at concentration levels characteristic for the examined media in the environment. Of the produced radionuclides, only 137Cs was detected, whose presence in the environment at detected concentration levels is the result of nuclear tests and accidents. The results of the radiation levels examination show that there was no deviation from the safe mode of operation of nuclear facilities.Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8245

    Burnout among surgeons before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international survey

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had many significant impacts within the surgical realm, and surgeons have been obligated to reconsider almost every aspect of daily clinical practice. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study reported in compliance with the CHERRIES guidelines and conducted through an online platform from June 14th to July 15th, 2020. The primary outcome was the burden of burnout during the pandemic indicated by the validated Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Results: Nine hundred fifty-four surgeons completed the survey. The median length of practice was 10 years; 78.2% included were male with a median age of 37 years old, 39.5% were consultants, 68.9% were general surgeons, and 55.7% were affiliated with an academic institution. Overall, there was a significant increase in the mean burnout score during the pandemic; longer years of practice and older age were significantly associated with less burnout. There were significant reductions in the median number of outpatient visits, operated cases, on-call hours, emergency visits, and research work, so, 48.2% of respondents felt that the training resources were insufficient. The majority (81.3%) of respondents reported that their hospitals were included in the management of COVID-19, 66.5% felt their roles had been minimized; 41% were asked to assist in non-surgical medical practices, and 37.6% of respondents were included in COVID-19 management. Conclusions: There was a significant burnout among trainees. Almost all aspects of clinical and research activities were affected with a significant reduction in the volume of research, outpatient clinic visits, surgical procedures, on-call hours, and emergency cases hindering the training. Trial registration: The study was registered on clicaltrials.gov "NCT04433286" on 16/06/2020