72 research outputs found

    Mistakes Made by a Group of Albanian Students of English during their Classroom Oral Interactions

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    In oral interactions, if the main aim is to communicate, then errors mustn’t be corrected exhaustively, otherwise the communication flow will be broken. In other words, if the message is understood, only the errors that constitute an impediment to the effectiveness of communication should be corrected. Oral interaction in the classroom is very important, because sometimes it is the only opportunity for students to use the foreign language. Thus being the case, teachers will have to plan activities that enable students to practice their communicative intentions applied to different contexts. When a student starts learning a foreign language, he/she already possesses some rules in his/her unconscious. Those rules are used naturally in our mother tongue. However, in a foreign language, this is an artificial process, requiring an abstraction from our native language and/or culture. Moreover, the knowledge of other languages may lead students to make wrong inferences. Also, one must not forget that written language implies an organization different from that of spoken language. In writing, logic and coherence are essential for communication, whereas in speaking, this may compensate the eventual gaps with paralanguage, which renders communication much more efficient. As teachers, we very often forget that students’ only chance to communicate in a foreign language is inside the classroom. Outside it, they tend to use the foreign language to listen to songs, to play computer games, and sometimes in chat-rooms. Keywords: mistakes, errors, classroom oral interactions, FLL, recasts, Albanian students, etc


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    Morphology is the study of a word’s grammatical constituents. The many different methods that English words are formed, including borrowing from Latin and Greek, clipping, suppletion, affixation, conversion, acronym, blending, compounding, and more, have been documented by linguists. The goal of this study is to examine the process of word formation known as affixation, specifically class-changing derivational affixation. We will examine the meanings of some of the few letters added to the beginning or end of words as well as the changes that occur when affixes are inserted into words.This study aims to examine how different affixes are added to the beginning or end of a root or root word to create new words, as well as how those affixes alter the root word’s classification. A list of English prefixes and suffixes that change the class are provided, and they are explained and studied with various examples. The derivation of words from one grammatical class to another is observed in this study. For example, verbs are converted into nouns and adjectives, nouns are converted into adjectives and verbs, and so on.Keywords:  Prefixes, Suffixes, Derivational, Word, Conversion, etc.

    LANGUAGE AND STYLE IN WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS’S SELECTED POEMS: “Adam’s Curse”, “Easter, 1916”, “The Second Coming” and “Sailing to Byzantium”

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    This research demonstrates an in-depth investigation of William Butler Yeats’s key poems, his language, and his distinctive writing style. We've selected four of his well-known poems for this essay: “Adam’s Curse,” “The Second Coming,” “Easter, 1916,” and “Sailing to Byzantium.” Each of them is a different aspect of William’s creative work, incorporating motifs and topics that relate to the historical context and the author’s inner life. The clashing currents of the Victorian era and modernism, which William Butler Yeats stood at, affected his poetry. His poetry continue to serve as a bridge for aspiring modern poets, guiding them to perfection from such expressions of beauty, art in nature, politics, and everything around him.Keywords: William.B.Yeats, poems, style, language, etc


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    The aim of this paper is to highlight 1) the importance of culture in learning/teaching EFL, 2) the importance of technology competency in language teaching/learning, and 3) enhancing learning/teaching English through integrating teaching culture and technology. Though culture and language learning/teaching are inseparable, culture was underestimated during the past decades. But recently, the role of culture in language learning/teaching has changed a lot. It has become an integral part of language learning, considered by some scholars as the fifth language skill. To be successful, it is vital to make students able to appreciate culture of those people who speak that language. This paper will try to give answers to the following: how, when, how often, what, why … do teachers teach cultural issues; how they integrate teaching culture with the use oftechnological tools; to what extent media technology is incorporated in teaching culture; etc. All these are discussed among student-teachers, at “A. Xhuvani” University of Elbasan, Albania, NIU students and students from 9-year schools. Due to different opinions and various perceptions gathered from questionnaires, interviews, fieldwork, observations and simulations, this paper provides ideas about how to help student-teachers face challenges of their future profession. This is a challenge not only for student-teachers and in-service teachers, but for educators, who deal with teacher preparation as well. Finally, this study indicates the need for further additional research on the interaction of culture and technology in teaching and learning English as a FL and at the same time it indicates the need for technology teacher training


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    This study is a comparative analysis on linguistic, cultural and literary translation which aims at describing differences and similarities between two languages English and Albanian in order to establish a translation modeling. Subsequently, it will examine lexicogrammatical and syntactic features, cultural issues, stylistic processes of translations, and the occurrences of three aspects of text: macrostructure, microstructure and systemic context in translations from English to Albanian in three modern novels written in English and their Albanian translations by Betim Muço, such as: “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” written by James Joyce, “Seize the Day” written by Saul Bellow, and “Lolita” written by Vladimir Nabokov. From the study, it will be also found if there are substantial relations among the metatexts, macrostructures and microstructures. The macrostructures are universals accommodated by language register. The microstructures, however, do not reflect systematic correspondence; they are often determined by language peculiarities and translators‟ preference and choice. English is more diverse with its peculiarities allowing many microstructure elements to surface. Albanian, on the other hand, shows moderate usage and less distinctive usage of microstructure elements. Generally, it will be examined if there are substantial intertextual and intersystemic relations between translated versions by all the three novels from the same translator and as proposed by José Lambert and Hendrik van Gorp. Moreover, consideration will be given to the importance of language characteristics, typology and language universals as explained differently by Noam Chomsky in his „Universal Grammar‟ and Joseph Greenberg in order for the translation to achieve greater acceptability for the readership.Keywords: linguistic approach, cultural approach, translation strategies, translation theories, literal translation, etc

    Brief Biography of Selami Hallaçi (1919-1944)

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    Selami Hallaçi was born on 3 April 1919 in Presheva. He was a descendent of the impoverished family of Jashar Hallaçi. He completed his primary education in Rahovice, where he was an exemplary student and continued his education in a madrasa in Shkup – which, at the time, was a sanctuary for many revolutionaries. As a student, he became aware of the enemy’s heavy-handed oppression of the people - the working class and peasantry. Selami became a prominent revolutionary, for which he was expelled from school and, as a result, was forced to continue his education in Manastir, where he was a student at the break of the Second World War. Upon graduation, he returned to his hometown with the hope of finding employemnt. However, Bulgaria had occupied Macedonia and southern Serbia, and had sought to eliminate the region’s progressive intelligentia. Individuals such as Selami were unwelcome in these occupied territories and were forced to work odd jobs to secure a living. Selami organized demonstrations and strikes attracting the attention of the authorities. Thus, he was soon forced to leave home, finally settling in Gjilan, where he became a teacher. He later travelled to Korca, where he attended a two-month seminar and completed additional classes allowing him to return to Gjilan in 1942 to continue to teach at Zenel Hajdini primary school. He resumed his revolutionary activities in Gjilan. He also taught in Shtimje and Prishtina. In the meantime, he met with likeminded friends and carried out various duties entrusted to him. In 1943-44, he was appointed Secretary of the Education Inspectorate in Prishtina. Nevertheless, he continued his revolutionary activities until he was apprehended and imprisoned. He was held in Prishtina’s jail for some time, where, although he endured torture at the hands of the authorities, but never gave up his friends or the organization. Selami held steadfast to his beliefs and never gave into the enemy’s demands even when faced with the prospect of execution he raised his hand and shouted in defiance: “Death to fascism – Freedom to the people”. Thus, on an August night in 1944, ten revolutionaries were executed in Prizren, including Selami. Nine men and one woman gave their lives for a wish, an ideal larger than life itself – for Freedom, independence and human rights – they stood valiantly, courageously and heroically, before a callous enemy refusing to betray their comrades. Staunchly devoted to their patriotic ideals, they readily gave their lives for their nation.Keywords: revolution, demonstrations, execution, patriotism, Presheva, intelligentia, etc

    Angela’S Ashes: Class Struggle and the Dream of Betterment

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    This paper aims to analyze ‘Angela’s Ashes’ to illustrate the class struggle and its effects on the society and characters. ‘Angela’s Ashes’ is an Irish novel authored by Frank McCourt which is totally an autobiographical novel. It shows the financial and social troubles the McCourt suffer in both the United States and their homeland, Ireland.   In order to understand the title of this paper and its aims, some aspects of Marxism theory is the main theory which will be applied covertly to accomplish this goal. This philosophy significantly focuses on economic issues and class issues among the members of that society. Furthermore, this novel basically as a biographical work speaks about the class struggle and the dream of going United States that the main character of this novel pursues in his puberty. For this analysis, this paper will examine the issues of ‘Alienation’, ‘Religion’ and ‘Revolution’ based on oppression which plays a significant role in these all three issues throughout the novel. These factors will be scrutinized based on Marxism basics carefully. In the end we will come to this conclusion that Frank leave Ireland to the United States because alienation caused in Ireland due to oppression and religion on its head which leads to an revolution in his inside regarding his future life based on the experience from his past and family troubles suffered during the first nineteen yours. This analysis have been partially overlooked in the research of scholars up now even though other various definitions or theories related to Marxism like sociology or psychoanalysis have been applied for this novel. Keywords: Marxism, class struggle, alienation, religion, oppression, preliterate


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    This study would like to examine manifestations of poverty in the light of world literature. For this purpose, it would like to investigate the selected-literary texts, like Kazi Nazrul Islam’s “Poverty”, Thomas Montague Traherne’s Poverty, and Charles Dickens’ Hard Times. It aims to look at the real picture of poverty of the age, which has been reflected in their works. It would like to focus upon the manifestations of poverty and its relation with the current age. Nazrul, Dickens, and Traherne have led their personal lives with great hardship, bitterness experiences, psychological problems, like trauma and paranoia during their life span. They have tried to draw a light upon personal inflicting senses and mental disorders of the poor communities through their literary works. They have wanted to explore the practical circumstances and dark aspects of human society, community, and culture with a view to bringing about revolutionary changes of the poor community of the world around. Of course, such writers and their literary works are the symbol of today’s society as well as literature. In this sense, it may be expressed that Nazrul, Dickens, and Traherne are the representatives of the age. The researchers’ goal is that poverty is profoundly dealt with human life; no literature can express his perfect feeling and imagination if he has not tasted the bitterness experience of poverty in life. In many countries of the world, many litterateurs have focused upon the practical experiences of social problems of their hard times in the name of poverty. Thus, this study would like to foster unexplored-glaring themes of poverty through investigating the selected-works as well as the critical comments regarding poverty made by critics and scholars.Keywords: Poverty, Hard Times, Spiritual Crisis, Nazrul, Traherne, and Dickens.