4 research outputs found

    Bioactive properties of commercialised pomegranate (Punica granatum) juice: antioxidant, antiproliferative and enzyme inhibiting activities

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    Pomegranate juice and related products have long been used either in traditional medicine or as nutritional supplements claiming beneficial effects. Although there are several studies on this food plant, only a few studies have been performed with pomegranate juice or marketed products. The aim of this work is to evaluate the antioxidant effects of pomegranate juice on cellular models using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent or DPPH and superoxide radicals in cell free systems. The antiproliferative effects of the juice were measured on HeLa and PC-3 cells by the MTT assay and pharmacologically relevant enzymes (cyclooxygenases, xanthine oxidase, acetylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidase A) were selected for enzymatic inhibition assays. Pomegranate juice showed significant protective effects against hydrogen peroxide induced toxicity in the Artemia salina and HepG2 models; these effects may be attributed to radical scavenging properties of pomegranate as the juice was able to reduce DPPH and superoxide radicals. Moderate antiproliferative activities in HeLa and PC-3 cancer cells were observed. However, pomegranate juice was also able to inhibit COX-2 and MAO-A enzymes. This study reveals some mechanisms by which pomegranate juice may have interesting and beneficial effects in human health

    CLAs in Animal Source Foods: Healthy Benefits for Consumers

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    Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that exist as positional and stereo-isomers of octadecadienoate (18:2). Among these isomers, the most studied two isomers are cis 9, trans 11-CLA and trans 10, cis 12- CLA due to their biological effects. CLA can be naturally synthesized in the rumen of ruminant animals by bacteria Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens via the Δ-9- desaturase of trans 11 octadecanoic acid pathway. The major dietary sources of CLA are represented by meat and milk from ruminant animals. Although references to CLA can be traced back to the 1950s, current interest in the health benefits of CLA started in the late 1980s, after it was identified as the anticarcinogenic component present in fried ground beef. Since then, an extensive literature has documented the anticarcinogenic effects of CLA. In addition, there is some evidence that CLA is also anti-atherosclerotic, has beneficial effects on type 2 diabetes, and may play a key role in helping to regulate body fat. The fact that the richest natural sources of CLA, meat and dairy products, are consumed by people worldwide has very interesting implications for public health