3 research outputs found

    Hiperparatiroidismo primario: valoración de los efectos de la paratiroidectomía mediante absorciometría dual de rayos X (DXA), Trabecular Bone Score y modelado tridimensional basado en DXA

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de Lectura: 01-12-202

    Bone Deleterious Effects of Different NRTIs in Treatment-naïve HIV Patients After 12 and 48 Weeks of Treatment

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    Background: Bone alterations have been observed in the course of HIV infection, char-acterized by a marked decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) and an increase in the frequency of fractures as a result of fragility. We aim to evaluate early changes in bone metabolic profile and the possible association with tenofovir and other nucleoside and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibi-tors (NRTIs) in treatment-naïve HIV patients. Methods: We conducted a prospective study in naïve HIV-infected adults (under 50 years), separat-ed into three groups according to NRTI therapy: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF); tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) and abacavir (ABC). BMD and epidemiological, immunological and metabolic bone parameters were evaluated. Bone markers were analyzed in plasma at baseline, 12 and 48 weeks after initiating treatment. Results: Average age of patients was 34.8 years (± 9.6). 92.4% of them with CD4 count > 200 cel/μL. At week 12 after starting treatment, both TDF [increase in PN1P (31.7%, p = 0.004), TRAP (11.1%, p = 0.003), OPN (19.3%, p = 0.045) and OC (38.6%, p = 0.001); decrease in OPG (-23.4%, p = 0.003)] and TAF [increase in 42.6% for CTX (p = 0.011), 27.3% for OC (p = 0.001) and 21% for TRAP (p = 0.008); decrease in OPG (-28.8%, p = 0.049)] presented a deep resorption profile compared to ABC, these differences in bone molecular markers, a tendency to equalize at week 48, where no significant differences were observed. Patients treated with TDF showed the greatest decrease in Z-score in both lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN) at week 48 without statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Treatment-naïve HIV patients have a high prevalence of low bone density. Treatment with TDF is associated with greater bone deterioration at 12 and 48 weeks. TAF seems to present similar early bone deterioration at 12 weeks which disappears at 48 weeks.This research was financially supported by The Carlos III Health Institute through the “Miguel Servet” program (CP15/00053), co-funded by The European Regional Development Fund and research grants from the Spanish Carlos III Health Institute (PI16/00991 and PI19/00744

    Increased risk factors associated with lower BMD in antiretroviral-therapy–naïve HIV-infected adult male

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    Abstract Background Low BMD (bone mineral density) has been described as a non–AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)-related event in HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)-patients but it is poorly studied in young HIV-infected men who have received no previous antiretroviral therapy. Methods A cross-sectional study of 245 naïve-HIV-infected men over 21 and under 50 years old who voluntary attended the Infectious Disease Division appointment in Hospital Fundación Jimenez Díaz in Madrid, from January 1st, 2014 to September 30th, 2017. All subjects underwent a baseline DXA scan (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) performed prior to start antiretroviral treatment. Further, all patients who started treatment between May 1st and September 30th, 2017 were invited to participate in a substudy on bone mineral metabolism. All the information was collected through clinical history and complementary questionnaire. Results The mean age was 36.4 years, been 68% Caucasian, 29.3% Latin American and 2.7% African race. At the time of diagnosis, 91% of patients had stage-A (median CD4+ T-cell 481cells/μL, IQR, 320–659). 10% had a count below 200 CD4 cells/μL, and 40% had a CD4/CD8 cell-count-ratio below 0.4. Regarding lifestyle and risk factors, 14.1% presented underweight, 36.1% were not engage in any regular exercise, 51.9% were active smokers and 35.3% reported drug use. Low levels of vitamin D were seen in 87.6% of the study participants. Low BMD (Z-score <- 2.0) was found in 22.8% of the patients. It was only observed a significant association of Z-score in lumbar spine (LS) with CD8 and the CD4/CD8 ratio, and with alcohol for femoral neck (FN) measurement. Conclusions We find prevalence of increased bone involvement among naïve HIV-infected men under 50 years old. Further studies are necessary to evaluate if changes in actual guidelines are needed to assess BMD measurements in HIV-infected adult male patients under 50