6 research outputs found

    Histological response to injected gluteraldehyde cross-linked bovine collagen based implant in a rat model

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of present study is to investigate the short and long term histopathological alterations caused by submucosal injection of gluteraldehyde cross-linked bovine collagen based on an experimental rat model. METHODS: Sixty Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned into two groups as group I and II each containing 30 rats. 0.1 ml of saline solution and 0.1 ml of gluteraldehyde cross-linked bovine collagen were injected into the submucosa of bladder of first (control) and second groups, respectively. Both group I and II were further subdivided into 3 other groups as Group IA, IB, IC and Group IIA, IIB, IIC according to the sacrification period. Group IA and IIA, IB and IIB, IC and IIC rats (10 rats for each group) were sacrificed 3, 6, and 12 months after surgical procedure, respectively. Two slides prepared from injection site of the bladder were evaluated completely for each rat by being unaware of the groups and at random by two independent senior pathologists to determine the fibroblast invasion, collagen formation, capillary ingrowth and inflammatory reaction. Additionally, randomized brain sections from each rat were also examined to detect migration of the injection material. The measurements were made using an ocular micrometer at ×10 magnification. The results were assessed using t-tests for paired and independent samples, with p < 0.05 considered to indicate significant differences; all values were presented as the mean (SD). RESULTS: Migration to the brain was not detected in any group. Significant histopathological changes in the gluteraldehyde cross-linked bovine collagen injected groups were fibroblast invasion in 93.3%, collagen formation in 73.3%, capillary ingrowth in 46.6%, inflamatory reaction in 20%. CONCLUSION: We emphasize that the usage of gluteraldehyde cross-linked bovine collagen in children appears to be safe for endoscopic treatment of vesicoureteral reflux

    Evaluation Of Surgically Treated Breast Masses In Children

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    We aimed to define the diagnostic and treatment characteristics of breast masses among female children who had undergone surgical treatment in order to figure out which children should be followed conservatively or treated surgically. We reviewed retrospectively 64 female patients operated for breast masses under the age of 18 years between 1977 and 2013. Patient demographics, symptoms, physical examination findings, size of the mass and its relation with menstrual cycle, follow-up period before and after surgery, diagnostic characteristics, laboratory analysis, diagnosis before and after surgery, indications for surgery, histopathological characteristics of the mass, postoperative complications, and recurrence rate were recorded. Histopathologic investigations among 41 girls with complete hospital records showed that 26 had fibroadenoma (FA; 63.4%). Eleven girls among the other 23 cases with incomplete hospital records but with histopathological results have also had FA (47%). The majority of breast masses in childhood are FA, the frequency and duration of follow up is important. If there is a mass that will not regress, that continues to grow or does not reduce in size during follow up, and for those with family history of breast cancer to definitely exclude the possibility of malignancy, surgical treatment may be appropriate.WoSScopu

    Recurrent Hemoptysis And A Mass In The Thorax In An Infant: The Split Notochord Syndrome

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    Split notochord syndrome is a rare group of developmental abnormalities caused by abnormal splitting or deviation of the notochord clinically resulting in the duplicated bowel associated with vertebral anomalies. We report on a case of 11-month-old female infant with mediastinal hyperechogenic cyst and intestinal duplication cyst associated with T5-T6 hemivertebrae, scoliosis, and nonfusion of posterior part of T6 vertebrae, presenting with severe hemoptysis and hematemesis. The cysts were surgically removed, and histopathologic analysis revealed that the mediastinal cyst was lined by gastric mucosa and intestinal one was lined with gastric mucosa including ectopic pancreatic tissue. After removal of the lesion the patient made an uneventful recovery and shows no signs of long-term pulmonary sequelae.PubMe