2 research outputs found

    Evolutionary algorithm for timber shelter optimization

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    The present paper describes an approach to wood as an alternative construction material and the formal search of typologies which combine a secure and efficient structure with an architectural based definition of dimensions and geometry. The outcome, given by a genetic algorithm is intended to be used as a concept to develop shelter solutions for the village of Jametla, located on the coast of the state of Jalisco, in Mexico

    Algoritmos evolutivos para el diseño de vivienda transicional

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    El presente documento expone el desarrollo de un algoritmo evolutivo diseñado para resolver una problemática de vivienda de emergencia en Chamela, Jalisco, comunidad que resultó muy afectada por el huracán Patricia en 2015. Se propuso utilizar madera para la estructura del refugio e implementar conceptos de geometría, proporción y confort en el algoritmo