112 research outputs found

    High temperature phase transition in the coupled atom-light system in the presence of optical collisions

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    The problem of photonic phase transition for the system of a two-level atomic ensemble interacting with a quantized single-mode electromagnetic field in the presence of optical collisions (OC) is considered. We have shown that for large and negative atom-field detuning a photonic field exhibits high temperature second order phase transition to superradiant state under thermalization condition for coupled atom-light states. Such a transition can be connected with superfluid (coherent) properties of photon-like low branch (LB) polaritons. We discuss the application of metallic cylindrical waveguide for observing predicted effects.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Solitons in cavity-QED arrays containing interacting qubits

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    We reveal the existence of polariton soliton solutions in the array of weakly coupled optical cavities, each containing an ensemble of interacting qubits. An effective complex Ginzburg-Landau equation is derived in the continuum limit taking into account the effects of cavity field dissipation and qubit dephasing. We have shown that an enhancement of the induced nonlinearity can be achieved by two order of the magnitude with a negative interaction strength which implies a large negative qubit-field detuning as well. Bright solitons are found to be supported under perturbations only in the upper (optical) branch of polaritons, for which the corresponding group velocity is controlled by tuning the interacting strength. With the help of perturbation theory for solitons, we also demonstrate that the group velocity of these polariton solitons is suppressed by the diffusion process

    Baryon Junction Loops in HIJING/B\=Bv2.0 and the Baryon/Meson Anomaly at RHIC

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    A new version, v2.0, of the HIJING/B\=B Monte Carlo nuclear collision event generator is introduced in order to explore further the possible role of baryon junctions loops in the baryon/meson anomaly (2 <pT<< p_{T} < 5 GeV/c) observed in 200A GeV Au+Au reactions at RHIC. We show that junction loops with an enhanced intrinsic kT≈1k_T\approx 1 GeV/c transverse momentum kick may provide a partial explanation of the anomaly as well as other important baryon stopping observables.Comment: 27 pages, Latex(revtex), 8 figure

    Thermalization of coupled atom-light states in the presence of optical collisions

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    The interaction of a two-level atomic ensemble with a quantized single mode electromagnetic field in the presence of optical collisions (OC) is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The main accent is made on achieving thermal equilibrium for coupled atom-light states (in particular dressed states). We propose a model of atomic dressed state thermalization that accounts for the evolution of the pseudo-spin Bloch vector components and characterize the essential role of the spontaneous emission rate in the thermalization process. Our model shows that the time of thermalization of the coupled atom-light states strictly depends on the ratio of the detuning and the resonant Rabi frequency. The predicted time of thermalization is in the nanosecond domain and about ten times shorter than the natural lifetime at full optical power in our experiment. Experimentally we are investigating the interaction of the optical field with rubidium atoms in an ultra-high pressure buffer gas cell under the condition of large atom-field detuning comparable to the thermal energy in frequency units. In particular, an observed detuning dependence of the saturated lineshape is interpreted as evidence for thermal equilibrium of coupled atom-light states. A significant modification of sideband intensity weights is predicted and obtained in this case as well.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures; the content was edite

    Merging Galaxies in the SDSS EDR

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    We present a new catalog of merging galaxies obtained through an automated systematic search routine. The 1479 new pairs of merging galaxies were found in approximately 462 sq deg of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release (SDSS EDR; Stoughton et al. 2002) photometric data, and the pair catalog is complete for galaxies in the magnitude range 16.0 <= g* <= 20. The selection algorithm, implementing a variation on the original Karachentsev (1972) criteria, proved to be very efficient and fast. Merging galaxies were selected such that the inter-galaxy separations were less than the sum of the component galaxies' radii. We discuss the characteristics of the sample in terms of completeness, pair separation, and the Holmberg effect. We also present an online atlas of images for the SDSS EDR pairs obtained using the corrected frames from the SDSS EDR database. The atlas images also include the relevant data for each pair member. This catalog will be useful for conducting studies of the general characteristics of merging galaxies, their environments, and their component galaxies. The redshifts for a subset of the interacting and merging galaxies and the distribution of angular sizes for these systems indicate the SDSS provides a much deeper sample than almost any other wide-area catalog to date.Comment: 58 pages, which includes 15 figures and 6 tables. Figures 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 are provided as JPEG files. For online atlas, see http://home.fnal.gov/~sallam/MergePair/ . Accepted for publication in A

    Josephson dynamics for coupled polariton modes under the atom-field interaction in the cavity

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    We consider a new approach to the problem of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of polaritons for atom-field interaction under the strong coupling regime in the cavity. We investigate the dynamics of two macroscopically populated polariton modes corresponding to the upper and lower branch energy states coupled via Kerr-like nonlinearity of atomic medium. We found out the dispersion relations for new type of collective excitations in the system under consideration. Various temporal regimes like linear (nonlinear) Josephson transition and/or Rabi oscillations, macroscopic quantum self-trapping (MQST) dynamics for population imbalance of polariton modes are predicted. We also examine the switching properties for time-averaged population imbalance depending on initial conditions, effective nonlinear parameter of atomic medium and kinetic energy of low-branch polaritons.Comment: 10 pages, 6 postscript figures, uses svjour.cl

    The Conformal Anomaly of M5-Branes

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    We show that the conformal anomaly for N M5-branes grows like N3N^3. The method we employ relates Coulomb branch interactions in six dimensions to interactions in four dimensions using supersymmetry. This leads to a relation between the six-dimensional conformal anomaly and the conformal anomaly of N=4 Yang-Mills. Along the way, we determine the structure of the four derivative interactions for the toroidally compactified (2,0) theory, while encountering interesting novelties in the structure of the six derivative interactions.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX; references adde

    Preliminary survey of backdrivable linear actuators for humanoid robots

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    This paper presents a preliminary survey of the use of direct drive linear motors for joint actuation of a humanoid robot. Their prime asset relies on backdrivability, a significant feature to properly cushion high impacts between feet and ground during dynamic walking or running. Our long-term goal is the design of high performance human size bipedal walking robots. However, this paper focuses on a preliminary feasibility study: the design and experimentation of a mono-actuator lower limb

    One maternal lineage leads the expansion of Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) in the new and old worlds.

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    The bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, an Australian native insect, has become a nearly worldwide invasive pest in the last 16 years and has been causing signifcant damage to eucalypts (Myrtaceae), including Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp. Its rapid expansion leads to new questions about pathways and routes that T. peregrinus used to invade other continents and countries. We used mtDNA to characterize specimens of T. peregrinus collected from 10 countries where this species has become established, including six recently invaded countries: Chile, Israel, Mexico, Paraguay, Portugal, and the United States of America. We then combined our mtDNA data with previous data available from South Africa, Australia, and Europe to construct a world mtDNA network of haplotypes. Haplotype A was the most common present in all specimens of sites sampled in the New World, Europe, and Israel, however from Australia second more frequently. Haplotype D was the most common one from native populations in Australia. Haplotype A difers from the two major haplotypes found in South Africa (D and G), confrming that at least two independent invasions occurred, one from Australia to South Africa, and the other one from Australia to South America (A). In conclusion, Haplotype A has an invasion success over many countries in the World. Additionally, analyzing data from our work and previous reports, it is possible to suggest some invasive routes of T. peregrinus to predict such events and support preventive control measures

    A model for net-baryon rapidity distribution

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    In nuclear collisions, a sizable fraction of the available energy is carried away by baryons. As the baryon number is conserved, the net-baryon B−BˉB-\bar{B} retains information on the energy-momentum carried by the incoming nuclei. A simple and consistent model for net-baryon production in high energy proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions is presented. The basic ingredients of the model are valence string formation based on standard PDFs with QCD evolution and string fragmentation via the Schwinger mechanism. The results of the model are presented and compared with data at different centre-of-mass energies and centralities, as well as with existing models. These results show that a good description of the main features of net-baryon data is possible in the framework of a simplistic model, with the advantage of making the fundamental production mechanisms manifest.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures; in fig. 11 a) the vertical scale was correcte
