6 research outputs found

    Allelic association results among different comparison groups.

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    a<p>MAF: Minor Allele Frequency of reference population is listed;</p>b<p>Association tests abbreviations, CC: case (jointly oral cancer and leukoplakia) vs. control, CAC: cancer vs. control, CAL: cancer vs. leukoplakia and LC: leukoplakia vs. control;</p>c<p>P-values without any adjustment for age, sex and tobacco habits by logistic regression and without any multiple tests correction applied,</p>d<p>P-values without any adjustment for age, sex and tobacco habits by logistic regression but corrected for multiple testing by Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate method,</p>e<p>P-values after adjustment for age, sex and tobacco habits by logistic regression but no correction multiple testing was applied,</p>f<p>P-values after adjustment for age, sex and tobacco habits by logistic regression and corrected for multiple testing by Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate method.</p

    Allelic association results of replication study and comparison with discovery data.

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    a<p>MAF: Minor allele frequency of the reference population is listed;</p>*<p>Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate corrected P-values for multiple tests;</p>#<p>Unadjusted P-values.</p

    Allelic associations in with respect to tobacco exposure.

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    a<p>MAF: Minor allele frequency of the reference population is listed;</p>b<p>Association tests abbreviations, CC: case (jointly oral cancer and leukoplakia) vs. Control, CAC: cancer vs. Control, CAL: cancer vs. Leukoplakia, LC: leukoplakia vs. control, HD: High-dose and LD: Low-dose tobacco exposed group;</p>c<p>Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate corrected P-values for multiple tests.</p