19 research outputs found

    Teachers from the SRE-OP: unveiling the profiles, choices and training of these professionals.

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    Este artigo resulta de uma pesquisa de Mestrado que buscou conhecer quem s?o os pedagogos que atuam nas institui??es de ensino p?blico da Superintend?ncia Regional de Ensino de Ouro Preto. O estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, privilegiou a pesquisa documental, bibliogr?fica e de campo. Os dados foram coletados por question?rio e entrevista e tratados pela an?lise de conte?do. Identificamos que a escolha pela Pedagogia teve influ?ncia do curso de Magist?rio e que esses pedagogos s?o os especialistas de educa??o que se formaram na vig?ncia do Parecer CFE n? 252/69, quando o curso estava estruturado por habilita??es. A forma??o inicial teve cunho mais te?rico que pr?tico, com pouco incentivo ? pesquisa e, quanto ? forma??o continuada, os pedagogos hoje se formam participando de cursos, congressos, pesquisando, trocando experi?ncias com outros profissionais e participam, tamb?m, das forma??es ofertadas aos docentes, pois n?o h? uma forma??o espec?fica para esses sujeitos.This article results from a Master?s research that sought to know more about the teachers that work in the public schools of the Ouro Preto Regional Education Superintendence. The study, with a qualitative approach, focused on documentary, bibliographic and field research. Data were collected by questionnaire and interviews and processed by content analysis. We identified that the choice for teaching was influenced by the Magisterium course and that these teachers are the education specialists who were formed while ?Parecer CFE No. 252/69? was in effect, when the course was structured around licenses. The initial education was more theoretical than practical, with little incentive to research and, as for continuing education, teachers today are qualified by attending courses, conventions, researching, exchanging experiences with other professionals and also participating in the training offered to teachers, since there is no specific training for these professionals

    Research role in formation of initial teachers : challenges and advances in discussions today.

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    A forma??o do pedagogo tem se mostrado como um constante desafio. A cada modifica??o que o curso sofreu surgiram novos questionamentos apontando para a necessidade de avaliar a forma??o oferecida. No Mestrado buscou-se averiguar como se constituiu a forma??o inicial dos pedagogos que atuam nas institui??es de ensino p?blico da SRE-OP e um achado que chamou a aten??o foi o ?nfimo est?mulo que foi dado ? pesquisa. Tomando por base esse resultado, este texto se prop?e a discutir o lugar que a pesquisa vem ocupando na forma??o inicial de pedagogos e qual a relev?ncia dessa na forma??o e para a atua??o dos educadores. Os resultados indicaram que o est?mulo e a participa??o em projetos de pesquisa n?o eram considerados, pois o incentivo ? inicia??o cient?fica se deu somente para 40% dos entrevistados. A maior parte dos pedagogos, 46,7%, disse n?o ter tido contato com a pesquisa durante o curso e 13,3% relataram que pesquisavam para fazer os trabalhos propostos. As discuss?es apontam para a necessidade de formar um professor reflexivo e pesquisador. Tomar a pesquisa enquanto elemento formador para a doc?ncia implica considera-la como instrumento facilitador da estrutura??o de uma an?lise sistem?tica da a??o do professor em sala de aula, ou do pedagogo no espa?o escolar, em rela??o a uma situa??o problem?tica. A forma??o em pesquisa auxilia na organiza??o do saber e do saber fazer docente; a tomar consci?ncia do referencial te?rico que fundamenta as decis?es pedag?gicas no contexto da sala e a identificar as situa??es que necessitam de interven??o.The formation of the pedagogue has proven to be a constant challenge. Each modification that the course has undergone new questions emerged pointing to the need to assess the training offered. The Master sought to find out how to set up the initial training of teachers working in public education institutions of SRE-OP and a finding that drew attention was the smallest stimulus was given to the research. Based on this result, this paper aims to discuss the place that the research has been occupying the initial training of teachers and what the relevance of the training and the role of educators. The results indicated that the stimulus and participation in research projects were not considered as encouraging scientific research was given only 40% of respondents. Most pedagogues, 46.7%, said they had not had contact with research during the course and 13.3% reported that researched to make the proposed work. The discussions point to the need to form a reflective teacher and researcher. Taking research as a formative element for teaching implies considers it as a facilitator of structuring instrument of a systematic analysis of teacher action in the classroom or the teacher at school, in relation to a problematic situation. The research training assists in the organization of knowledge and know-how teaching; to be aware of the theoretical framework underlying the pedagogical decisions in the context of the room and identify situations that require intervention

    Be pedagogue : the professional choice of pedagogy?s courses.

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    Este artigo apresenta um recorte da pesquisa ?Por onde andam os ex-alunos do curso de Pedagogia/UFOP? Conhecendo a trajet?ria e o lugar profissional desses egressos? que investigou a fun??o profissional dos concluintes do curso de Pedagogia, formados ap?s a implanta??o da Resolu??o CNE/CP n? 1/2006. O estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, fez uso da an?lise documental, da pesquisa bibliogr?fica e de campo. Na coleta de dados foi utilizado um question?rio on-line destinado aos 145 egressos que se formaram entre 2012 e 2015. Identificamos que 75,7% dos egressos est?o trabalhando; 72,9% atuam na ?rea educacional; 51,4% em institui??o p?blica. O fator que mais influenciou a escolha pela Pedagogia foi a identifica??o com a ?rea e o ambiente educacional. Dos egressos, 70% se encontram satisfeitos com a profiss?o e 85,7% se declararam satisfeitos com sua escolha, contudo, as m?s condi??es e a precariza??o do trabalho docente s?o os fatores que justificam a insatisfa??o destacada por alguns.This article presents a review of the research "Where are the alumni of the course of Pedagogy/UFOP? Knowing the trajectory and the professional place of these graduates" that investigated the professional function of the graduates of the Pedagogy course, formed after the implementation of Resolution CNE/CP n? 1/2006. The research of qualitative approach made use of documentary analysis, bibliographical and field research. In the data collection, an online questionnaire was used for the 145 graduates who graduated between 2012 and 2015. We identified that 75.7% of the graduates are working; 72.9% work in the educational area; 51.4% in a public institution. The factor that most influenced the choice for Pedagogy was the identification with the area and the educational environment. Of the graduates, 70% are satisfied with the profession and 85.7% declared themselves satisfied with their choice, however, the poor conditions and the precariousness of the teaching work are the factors that justify the dissatisfaction highlighted by some

    School management, autonomy and social mobilization : the view of public school teachers in the Inconfidente Region ? MG.

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir o princ?pio da autonomia e da capacidade de mobiliza??o social em processos de gest?o escolar, mediante dados levantados na pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, intitulada ?Desenvolvimento Profissional Docente e Inova??o Pedag?gica: estudo explorat?rio sobre contribui??es do Pibid?. As an?lises apresentadas s?o resultado de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas com 30 (trinta) professores das redes p?blicas municipais e estaduais de ensino das cidades de Mariana e Ouro Preto, do estado de Minas Gerais. A conclus?o aponta que, somente em um contexto de luta, de press?es e de efetivas mudan?as, a escola poder? fortalecer sua autonomia que se instaura como princ?pio indispens?vel ao processo de mobiliza??o social, enquanto instrumento de fortalecimento da cidadania e constru??o de uma gest?o escolar democr?tica.This article aims to discuss the principle of autonomy and the capacity of social mobilization in school management processes. We used the collected data in a qualitative research entitled "Teaching Professional Development and Pedagogical Innovation: exploratory study on the contributions of Pibid". The analyze conclusions are the results of semi-structured interviews conducted with 30 (thirty) teachers of the municipal and state public schools in the cities of Mariana and Ouro Preto, State of Minas Gerais. The conclusions point that only in a context of pressure and effective changing, can a school strengthen its autonomy as an essential principle to the process of social mobilization, and an instrument for strengthening citizenship and building democratic school management

    Um estudo com egressos do curso de pedagogia : avaliando a forma??o inicial.

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    O estudo apresenta um recorte da pesquisa que teve como objetivo investigar a fun??o profissional que os egressos do curso de Pedagogia, formados ap?s a Resolu??o CNE/CP n? 1/2006, est?o exercendo. Este texto avalia a forma??o oferecida no curso de Pedagogia da UFOP sob a ?tica de seus egressos. A pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa fez uso da an?lise documental, pesquisa bibliogr?fica e pesquisa de campo que utilizou um question?rio on-line em 145 egressos formados entre 2012 e 2015. Com base nas respostas de 70 egressos identificamos que esse grupo se constitui, em sua maioria, por mulheres, naturais da regi?o onde a IES est? inserida, de cor branca e parda, solteiras. Em geral avaliam bem o curso nos quesitos projeto pedag?gico, matriz curricular, estrutura f?sica, apontando como ?timo o corpo docente. Os participantes reconheceram que a forma??o adquirida nas atividades de pesquisa e extens?o foi significativa para a entrada no mercado de trabalho.The study presents a research cut that aimed to investigate the professional function that the graduates of the Pedagogy course, formed after Resolution CNE / CP n? 1/2006, are exercising. This text evaluates the training offered in the course of Pedagogy of UFOP from the perspective of its graduates. The research of qualitative approach made use of documentary analysis, bibliographical research and field research that used an online questionnaire in 145 graduates graduated between 2012 and 2015. Based on the responses of 70 graduates we identified that this group constitutes, for the most part, by women, natural of the region where the IES is inserted, of white and brown color, single. In general, they evaluate well the course in the questions pedagogical project, curricular matrix, physical structure, pointing out how great the teaching staff. Participants acknowledged that training in research and extension activities was significant for entry into the labor market

    Evaluation of the pedagogy course of the Federal University of Ouro Preto : the optics of the grades.

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    O trabalho apresenta um recorte da pesquisa que teve como objetivo investigar a fun??o profissional que os egressos do curso de Pedagogia formados ap?s a implanta??o do novo curr?culo estabelecido pela Resolu??o CNE/CP n? 1/2006 est?o exercendo. Este texto avalia a forma??o oferecida no curso de Pedagogia da UFOP sob a ?tica de seus egressos. A pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa fez uso da an?lise documental; da pesquisa bibliogr?fica e da pesquisa de campo que utilizou um question?rio on-line para coletar os dados dos 145 egressos que se formaram entre 2012 e 2015. Os dados coletados foram tratados segundo a an?lise de conte?do e a partir das respostas de 70 egressos identificamos que o conceito ?bom? se sobressai ao avaliarem o projeto pol?tico pedag?gico, o curr?culo e a condi??o material da institui??o, mas h? lacunas relativas ? forma??o para atuar na Educa??o Infantil e na Gest?o. Na vis?o de 62,8% a forma??o inicial os preparou para o mercado de trabalho e para melhorar o curso de Pedagogia, os egressos consideraram que se faz necess?rio rever o curr?culo.The paper presents a research cut that aimed to investigate the professional function that the graduates of the Pedagogy course formed after the implementation of the new curriculum established by Resolution CNE / CP n? 1/2006 are exercising. This text evaluates the training offered in the course of Pedagogy of UFOP from the perspective of its graduates. The research of qualitative approach made use of documentary analysis; bibliographic research and field research that used an online questionnaire to collect the data of the 145 graduates who graduated between 2012 and 2015. The data collected were treated according to content analysis and from the responses of 70 graduates we identified that the "good" concept stands out when evaluating the pedagogical political project, the curriculum and the material condition of the institution, but there are gapsrelated to the training to work in Early Childhood Education and Management. In the view of 62.8% the initial training prepared them for the job market and to improve the course of Pedagogy, the graduates considered that it is necessary to review the curriculum

    Teaching in the education training licensure programs : what teachers say about the National Curriculum Guidelines.

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    Este artigo apresenta o que dizem os professores que atuam nos cursos de Pedagogia, nas institui??es envolvidas na pesquisa ?O significado de ser Pedagogo para os alunos do novo curso de Pedagogia-Licenciatura?, desenvolvida nos anos de 2010 e 2011, tendo como campo tr?s universidades: uma institui??o privada, uma municipal e outra federal, localizadas em dois estados da regi?o sudeste do Brasil. Adotou-se no processo investigativo uma metodologia com abordagem qualitativa, com pesquisa documental da legisla??o e dos projetos pedag?gicos das institui??es. Tr?s categorias fundamentaram a investiga??o: o significado de ser pedagogo, o projeto pedag?gico e o curr?culo e a nova legisla??o. Em 2006, foi aprovada a Resolu??o n? 1, do Conselho Nacional de Educa??o, que instituiu as novas diretrizes curriculares nacionais para o curso de Pedagogia (DCNs). Conquanto, estas diretrizes, n?o tenham impedido a forma??o dos profissionais da educa??o, a dificultou pelo excesso de atributos exigidos na forma??o do professor. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que nos cursos implantados ap?s 2006, os professores percebem a incorpora??o do conceito de Profissional da educa??o na forma??o para a gest?o no curso de Pedagogia. No curso mais antigo, os professores julgam que, embora as diretrizes n?o impe?am, inviabilizam na pr?tica a forma??o do gestor e sentem dificuldade para se desvencilhar da cultura anterior do curso, mostram certa nostalgia em rela??o a esse e apontam que n?o houve a discuss?o necess?ria com quem iria implant?-las. H? uma concord?ncia nos tr?s grupos de que houve inova??o nos projetos pedag?gicos ap?s a aprova??o das diretrizes, destacando-se o esfor?o na integra??o teoria e pr?tica e na amplia??o do espa?o para as metodologias de ensino da Educa??o B?sica. A maioria dos professores entrevistados afirma que os projetos pedag?gicos dos cursos em que atuam assumem a forma??o do licenciado com todos os requisitos previstos pelas DCNs. As institui??es apresentaram em comum o desafio para articular a forma??o geral e espec?fica do Pedagogo, contemplando todos os pr?-requisitos oficiais para a forma??o do licenciado.This paper puts forward what teachers engaged in education courses in the institutions involved in the research on ?The meaning of being an educator for the students of the new education training licensure programs,? which was conducted between 2010 and 2011, having three universities ? a private institution, a municipal and a federal one ? located in the southeast of Brazil as its field, must say. A methodology with a qualitative approach was adopted in the research process, along with documentary research of legislation and the educational designs of the institutions. Three categories substantiated the research: the meaning of being an educator, the educational design and the curriculum, and the new legislation. In 2006, aligned with neo-liberal trends, Resolution No. 1 of the National Council for Education was passed. Such resolution instituted the new national curriculum guidelines for the education program (DCNs). Although it has not prevented the training of professionals in education, it has made it difficult because the excessive requirements on teacher training. The research findings indicate that in the newer programs, implemented after 2006, teachers become aware of the incorporation of the concept of Education Professionals in management training for education programs. However, in the earliest program, teachers believe that, although they do not cause an impediment, they prevent management training in practice, and they find it difficult to disengage from the previous culture of the program. They feel somewhat nostalgic about that program, and they consider that the new guidelines had to be hastily implemented, without the previous discussion required with the ones responsible for their implementation. There is an agreement among the three groups that there was innovation in educational projects after the adoption of the guidelines, especially the effort in integrating theory and practice and the expansion of leeway for elementary school teaching methodologies. Most interviewed teachers say that the educational projects of the programs in which they work take on the teacher training with all the requirements prescribed by the DCNs. All the institutions presented a challenge in common: to articulate the general and specific training of the educator, covering all the official pre-requisites for the teacher training

    Continuing formation of basic education teachers : conceptions and challenges from the perspective of teachers.

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    O presente estudo investiga a concep??o e os desafios enfrentados pelos professores da Educa??o B?sica na Regi?o dos Inconfidentes, em Minas Gerais, em sua forma??o continuada, com foco na compreens?o e nas implica??es que a mesma pode trazer para a pr?tica desses profissionais. Considerada como essencial nas discuss?es sobre o desenvolvimento profissional docente, a forma??o continuada dos educadores ? um direito e um dever previsto pela Lei n? 9393, de 1996. Nesta pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa realizamos, al?m de an?lise bibliogr?fica e documental, a aplica??o de um question?rio aos professores que atuam na rede p?blica do ensino b?sico, nos munic?pios de Mariana e Ouro Preto. Os resultados apontaram uma fr?gil concep??o de forma??o continuada por parte dos educadores envolvidos na investiga??o e a aus?ncia de a??es institucionais que garantam um trabalho mais coerente, cr?tico e coletivo. Evidenciamos a necessidade de aprofundamento das pol?ticas que versam sobre a forma??o como condi??o sine qua non para a transforma??o da escola, da realidade docente e, acima de tudo, da educa??o como quest?o emancipadora das desigualdades sociais.The present study investigates the conception and challenges faced by teachers of Basic Education in the Region of the Inconfidentes, in Minas Gerais, in their continuing education, focusing on the understanding and the implications that it can bring to the practice of these professionals. Considered as essential in the discussions about professional teacher development, the continuing education of educators is a right and a duty foreseen by the Law n?9393 of 1996. In this research of qualitative approach we carried out, besides bibliographical and documentary analysis, the application of a questionnaire to teachers which operate in the public primary school system, in the municipalities of Mariana and Ouro Preto. The results indicated a fragile conception of continuing education by the educators involved in the research and the lack of institutional actions that guarantee a more Coherent, critical and collective work. We emphasize the need to deepen policies that deal with education as a sine qua non condition for the transformation of the school, the teaching reality and, above all, education as an emancipatory issue of social inequalities

    Formation politics of the brazilian pedagogue : existence or absence.

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    Esta comunica??o apresenta os resultados parciais da pesquisa integrada ?Configurando o lugar profissional dos egressos do curso de Pedagogia? a qual tem como objetivo geral investigar o perfil profissional dos egressos do Curso, somados aos obtidos em duas anteriores j? finalizadas, constru?das, estimuladas pela Resolu??o n?1 de 2006. Os resultados apontam que se tem uma pol?tica educacional de forma??o do Pedagogo Professor e a incerteza da exist?ncia de uma pol?tica educacional de forma??o do Pedagogo considerado em sua dimens?o de licenciatura e bachareladoThis communication presents the partial results of the integrated research "Configuring the professional place of the graduates of the Pedagogy course", whose general objective is to investigate the professional profile of the graduates of the Course, added to those obtained in two previous ones already constructed, stimulated by Resolution n?1 of 2006. The results point out that there is an educational policy for the formation of the Pedagogical Teacher and the uncertainty of the existence of an educational policy for Pedagogical education considered in its bachelor's and bachelor's degre

    The challenges faced by teachers of youth and adult education in the evaluation process of students? learning.

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    Esta investiga??o encontra-se no entrecruzamento de duas tem?ticas: avalia??o da aprendizagem e Educa??o de Jovens e Adultos e consiste na apresenta??o dos resultados de uma pesquisa que objetivou compreender como v?m se dando no campo educacional as pr?ticas avaliativas dos professores dos anos iniciais dessa modalidade. De abordagem qualitativa, este estudo usou como instrumento de organiza??o de dados a entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados evidenciaram os desafios enfrentados pelos docentes, dentre eles, a falta de material did?tico espec?fico como, por exemplo, livro did?tico e atividades pedag?gicas que contextualizem o conte?do ?s viv?ncias dos educandos; a dificuldade do professor em desconstruir as representa??es de escola tradicional que os alunos trazem para a sala de aula e, por fim, a dificuldade do of?cio docente, que vai muito al?m do dom?nio de conte?dos e conhecimentos pedag?gicos. A conclus?o da investiga??o indica a necessidade de amplia??o das discuss?es em torno da avalia??o na EJA.This research is at the intersection of two themes: the assessment of learning and the education of youth and adults, and consists of presenting the results of a research that aimed to understand how the evaluation practices of teachers of the early years of this modality of education have been taking place in the educational field. This qualitative study used semi-structured interview as a tool for data organization. The results showed the challenges faced by teachers, among them, a) the lack of specific didactic material, such as textbooks and pedagogical activities that contextualize the content to the students' experiences; b) the difficulty of the teacher to deconstruct the representations of traditional school that the students bring to the classroom and, finally, c) the difficulty of the teaching profession, which goes far beyond the mastery of pedagogical contents and knowledge. The conclusion of the investigation indicated the need for further discussion about the evaluation in the EJA