236 research outputs found

    Manejo da adubação verde para produção de mandioca em solo arenoso.

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    Targeted capture of Dreb subfamily genes as candidates genes for drought tolerance polymorphism in natural population of Coffea canephora.

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    Coffea canephora, (Robusta), provides 33% of worldwide coffee production, 80% and 22% of Ugandan and Brazilian coffee production, respectively. Abiotic stress such as temperature variations or drought periods, aggravated by climate changes, are factors that affect this production. This sensitivity threatens both the steady supply of quality coffees and the livelihood of millions of people producing coffee. The natural genetic diversity of C. canephora offer a potential for detecting new genetic variants related to drought adaptation. In particular, modifications occurring in genes related to abiotic stress tolerance make these genes candidate for breeding programs in order to enhance the resilience to climate change

    Phenotyping and genotyping a Coffea canephora population, cultivated at high altitude, aiming at a GWS program for coffee.

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    Significant advances recently occurred in Coffea canephora research, such as the completion of its full genome sequencing. The information generated can be used in advanced molecular approaches for genetic improvement, like genome-wide selection programs (GWS). The purpose of this study was the phenotyping and genotyping of 403 C. canephora individuals cultivated at Cerrado climatic conditions characterized by a relatively high altitude (>1000m) and a long dry season. Phenotypic evaluations started in 2012 with the measurement of several agronomical traits such as vigor, secondary branching, leaf-rust susceptibility and precocity of fruit maturation. Production (evaluated in fruit liters) of each plant was also measured during two consecutive years (2012 and 2013), along with a detailed classification of fruits harvested in 2012 (bean size, weight, defects and sieve). In addition, predawn-leaf water potentials (?pd) were evaluated during the dry season of 2013. Furthermore, genotyping by sequencing (GBS) of 403 plants was performed using the nextRAD methodology, while genetic analyzes were done through Cervus and Adegenet softwares. Results obtained allowed to conclude there is a great potential for cultivation of C. canephora selected clones under irrigated conditions at high altitudes. The phenotypic and genotypic diversities studied with our population also seems suitable for GWS studies in coffee.PB235

    Parasitos do matrinxã Brycon amazonicus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 (Characidae: Bryconinae) na Amazônia Central.

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    Neste capítulo descrevem-se os parasitos de matrinxã Brycon amazonicus cultivado em diferentes modalidades na Amazônia Central. Estudos demonstram que com a intensificação do cultivo deste peixe os problemas com as infecções parasitárias também podem mostrar incremento, devido às condições sanitárias, transporte e manejo inadequados. O transporte de peixes é uma maneira rápida de propagação de doenças, quando os cuidados com profilaxia e quarentena não são mantidos na piscigranja. Nestes estabelecimentos de cultivo, os estudos de parasitofauna podem auxiliar no controle e proliferação dos parasitos, evitando assim perdas econômicas significativas para o produtor.bitstream/item/211044/1/CPAF-AP-Parasitos-de-matrinxa.pd