129 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman pada materi PAI khususnya tentang akhir zaman dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran VAK pada multimedia pembelajaran game adventure berbasis android untuk mahasiswa UPI dengan studi kasus pada LDK UKDM UPI. Penelitian ini membahas beberapa hal sebagai berikut 1) perancangan dan pembangunan multimedia berbasis android dengan model VAK untuk pendidikan agama Islam di UPI; 2) pengaruh mutimedia interaktif game adventture berbasis android pada peningkatan pemahaman PAI di UPI dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran VAK; 3) kelayakan multimedia interaktif dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran VAK dalam pendidikan agama Islam di UPI. Penelitian dilaksanakan dikarenakan adanya permasalahan pada mahasiswa UPI yang kurang termotivasi untuk hadir dalam kajian-kajian keislaman, juga dengan melihat kondisi terkini bagi manusia yang semestinya mempersiapkan kehidupan yang akan datang, di samping itu metode kajian yang cenderung tidak variatif dan tidak mampu untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan mahasiswa UPI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan tahapan pengembangan multimedia yang menggunakan metode waterfall. Data penelitian diambil dari angket dan wawancara kepada pengurus serta mahasiswa yang hadir kajian sebagai objek penelitian ini. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil: 1) Tahap pengembangan multimedia ini mulai dari tahap perancangan, desain, validasi ahli, hingga pengujian dan testing; 2) Peningkatan pemahaman peserta setelah menggunakan multimedia pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran VAK mendapat selisih sekitar 8% antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol; 3) Kelayakan multimedia ini dinilai sangat layak dengan penilaian ahli media memiliki rata-rata sebesar 82,73 dan penilaian ahli materi memiliki rata-rata 88%.;---This study aims to measure the increasing ability of understanding on PAI materials especially about the end of time by applying VAK learning model on multimedia learning android based adventure game for UPI students with case studies on LDK UKDM UPI. This study discusses several things as follows: 1) design and development of android-based multimedia with the VAK model for Islamic religious education at UPI; 2) interactive multimedia influences on Android-based adventures on improving PAI understanding in UPI by applying VAK learning models; 3) feasibility of interactive multimedia by applying VAK learning models in Islamic religious education at UPI. The study was conducted due to the problem in the motivation of UPI students who were less motivated to be present in Islamic studies, also by looking at the current condition for the human who should prepare the life to come, beside that study tends method not to be variative and unable to accommodate students' need in UPI. The research method used is quantitative with the stages of multimedia development using waterfall method. The research data was taken from questionnaire and interview to the board and students who attended the study as the object of this research. From this research obtained the results: 1) This stage of multimedia development starting from the design stage, design, expert validation, to testing and testing; 2) Increased understanding of participants after using multimedia learning by applying the learning model VAK got a difference of about 8% between the experimental group and the control group; 3) The feasibility of this multimedia is judged to be very reasonable with the assessment of media experts having an average of 82.73 and the assessment of material experts having an average of 88%

    Comparison Of Different RSM Designs To Predict And Optimize The Acid Violet (AV 7) Adsorption Using RHA-CFA Adsorbent

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    Water pollution due to the discharging of industrial wastewater consisting of heavy metals has become a serious issue. A cheap adsorbent is required to support the pollutant adsorption technique. Thus, the main goal of the research is to optimise the preparation and adsorption conditions of activated carbon from cheap raw materials. The production of mangrove-based activated carbon using microwave heating activation is cost-effective because mangrove is abundantly available in Malaysia and microwave heating requires less time and lower electricity. The optimal activated carbon was produced at 616 W and 2 mins under nitrogen flow. The ideal KOH: Char ratio was found to be at IR of 0.75 with 99.67% of activated carbon yield and 77.256% of copper (II) ions removal. The AC was examined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm and elemental analysis. Aside from optimisation, the adsorption process using the mangrove adsorbent was examined under various conditions. From the experimental data, the adsorption reached equilibrium after 3 hours at 10ppm and 60℃. Freundlich isotherm models with R2 values of 0.9995 and 1/n smaller than one explains the multilayer and heterogenous nature of adsorption. The maximum adsorption capacity of mangrove-based activated carbon obtained using Langmuir Isotherm was 33.557 mg/g, which shows its intrigue value as a potential adsorbent. Furthermore, the data was well fitted to Pseudo-second-order kinetics models with R2 value of 0.9997. Finally, the thermodynamic analysis revealed that the adsorption studied is endothermic process, and the adsorption is spontaneous at 50 and 60°C

    Pandangan Quraish Shihab dan Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir tentang Hukum Nusyuz

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    Abstract: This article discusses the views of Quraish Shihab and Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir on nusyuz law. This research uses literature research methods. Research data is collected through literature collection and then analyzed by comparative techniques. The study results concluded that according to Quraish Shihab, the concept of Nusyuz is defiance and disobedience to the rights of Allah and the rights of the husband. While the concept of Nusyuz in the view of Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir is, Nusyuz is the opposite of obedience. That is, all negative actions in husband and wife relationships weaken the pair bond between husband and wife so that they become far from the conditions of sakinah, mawaddah, and rahmah. Either done by the wife to the husband or done by the husband to the wife. Keywords: Nushuz, Islamic law, husband, wife. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas pandangan Quraish Shihab dan Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir mengenai hukum nusyuz. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengumpulan bahan pustaka dan kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik perbandingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pandangan Quraish Shihab, konsep nusyuz merujuk pada tindakan pembangkangan dan ketidakpatuhan terhadap hak-hak Allah dan hak-hak suami. Di sisi lain, dalam pandangan Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir, konsep nusyuz didefinisikan sebagai tindakan negatif dalam hubungan suami-istri yang merusak ikatan antara keduanya, sehingga menjauhkan mereka dari keadaan sakinah, mawaddah, dan rahmah. Hal ini bisa terjadi baik dari pihak istri terhadap suami maupun sebaliknya, yaitu suami terhadap istri. Kata Kunci: Nusyuz, Hukum Islam, Suami, Istri

    Dielectric properties of PbSrWO4 and PbBaWO4 compounds

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    PbSrWO4 and PbBaWO4 have been synthesised by the solid state reaction technique XRD patterns show them to be tetragonal. Dielectric constant (K/) and Dielectric loss (K//) of PbSrWO4 and PbBaWO4 have been measured at 1 kHz in the temperature range of 300 to 1050 K. The log K/ vs T as well as log K// vs T plot of PbSrWO4 and PbBaWO4 shows rapid increase of dielectric constant above 590 K and 640 K, respectively.Author Affiliation: S V Singh, A N Thakur, O P Singh, S C Kumar and Aqil Ahmad 1.Department of Physics, T D Post Graduate College Jaunpur-222 002, Uttar Pradesh, India E-mail : [email protected] of Physics, T D Post Graduate College Jaunpur-222 002, Uttar Pradesh, Indi

    Patients’ visual experience during phacoemulsification cataract surgery and associated fear

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    Abstract Background: Data from several published studies indicate that patients undergoing phacoemulsification cataract surgery can experience a variety of visual sensations which can result in fear. This phenomenon has not been studied in Pakistan to-date. We examined the visual experience and its associated fear among patients undergoing phacoemulsification cataract surgery under topical anaesthesia. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Aga Khan University Hospital, a tertiary care hospital, in Karachi, Pakistan from August 2010 to July 2011. Adults \u3e18 years of age scheduled to undergo cataract surgery (phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation) under topical anaesthesia by a single surgeon were included. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographics, intraoperative visual experiences and subsequent reaction to these sensations. Participants were asked if they experienced visual sensations such as colours, shapes and movements during surgery. Moreover, they were asked if they developed fear due to these sensations. Results: Fifty three patients (mean age: 60.4 ± 12.4 years) were enrolled. Thirty (56.6%) of them were men and 23 (43.4%) were women. All of them reported having experienced visual sensations during surgery, the most common being light perception (100%), different colours (77.4%), movements of instruments or surgeon’s hands (37.7%) and different shapes (7.5%) such as circles, clouds and patches. The most common colours perceived included white (46.2%), blue (35.8%), red (30.2%) and yellow (30.2%). One out of every four (26.4%) participants reported having developed fear due to these visual sensations. Only 4 (7.5%) reported having received preoperative counselling regarding such sensations. Conclusion: Patients in our study experienced a variety of visual sensations during cataract surgery under topical anaesthesia. The prevalence of frightening visual sensations is higher than that reported in all previous published studies on the subject and needs to be addressed through targeted interventions