3 research outputs found

    Splicing Modulation Results in Aberrant Isoforms and Protein Products of p53 Pathway Genes and the Sensitization of B Cells to Non-Genotoxic MDM2 Inhibition

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    Several molecular subtypes of cancer are highly dependent on splicing for cell survival. There is a general interest in the therapeutic targeting of splicing by small molecules. E7107, a first-in-class spliceosome inhibitor, showed strong growth inhibitory activities against a large variety of human cancer xenografts. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is a clinically heterogeneous hematologic malignancy, with approximately 90% of cases being TP53 wild-type at diagnosis. An increasing number of studies are evaluating alternative targeted agents in CLL, including MDM2–p53 binding antagonists. In this study, we report the effect of splicing modulation on key proteins in the p53 signalling pathway, an important cell death pathway in B cells. Splicing modulation by E7107 treatment reduced full-length MDM2 production due to exon skipping, generating a consequent reciprocal p53 increase in TP53WT cells. It was especially noteworthy that a novel p21WAF1 isoform with compromised cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory activity was produced due to intron retention. E7107 synergized with the MDM2 inhibitor RG7388, via dual MDM2 inhibition; by E7107 at the transcript level and by RG7388 at the protein level, producing greater p53 stabilisation and apoptosis. This study provides evidence for a synergistic MDM2 and spliceosome inhibitor combination as a novel approach to treat CLL and potentially other haematological malignancies

    Targeting negative regulation of p53 by MDM2 and WIP1 as a therapeutic strategy in cutaneous melanoma

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    BACKGROUND: Cutaneous melanoma is the most serious skin malignancy and new therapeutic strategies are needed for advanced melanoma. TP53 mutations are rare in cutaneous melanoma and hence activation of wild-type p53 is a potential therapeutic strategy in cutaneous melanoma. Here, we investigated the WIP1 inhibitor, GSK2830371, and MDM2–p53 binding antagonists (nutlin-3, RG7388 and HDM201) alone and in combination treatment in cutaneous melanoma cell lines and explored the mechanistic basis of these responses in relation to the genotype and induced gene expression profile of the cells. // METHODS: A panel of three p53WT (A375, WM35 and C8161) and three p53MUT (WM164, WM35-R and CHL-1) melanoma cell lines were used. The effects of MDM2 and WIP1 inhibition were evaluated by growth inhibition and clonogenic assays, immunoblotting, qRT–PCR gene expression profiling and flow cytometry. // RESULTS: GSK2830371, at doses (10 μM) that alone had no growth-inhibitory or cytotoxic effects on the cells, nevertheless significantly potentiated the growth-inhibitory and clonogenic cell killing effects of MDM2 inhibitors in p53WT but not p53MUT melanoma cells, indicating the potentiation worked in a p53-dependent manner. The siRNA-mediated knockdown of p53 provided further evidence to support the p53 dependence. GSK2830371 increased p53 stabilisation through Ser15 phosphorylation and consequent Lys382 acetylation, and decreased ubiquitination and proteasome-dependent degradation when it was combined with MDM2 inhibitors. These changes were at least partly ATM mediated, shown by reversal with the ATM inhibitor (KU55933). GSK2830371 enhanced the induction of p53 transcriptional target genes, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. // CONCLUSIONS: GSK2830371, a WIP1 inhibitor, at doses with no growth-inhibitory activity alone, potentiated the growth-inhibitory and cytotoxic activity of MDM2 inhibitors by increasing phosphorylation, acetylation and stabilisation of p53 in cutaneous melanoma cells in a functional p53-dependent manner