5 research outputs found

    Symptoms and medical conditions in 204 912 patients visiting primary health-care practitioners in India: a 1-day point prevalence study (the POSEIDON study)

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    Background India has one of the highest disease burdens in the world. A better understanding of what ails India will help policy makers plan appropriate health-care services and infrastructure development, design medical education curricula, and identify health research priorities that are relevant to the needs of the country. The POSEIDON study aimed to record the prevalence of symptoms and medical conditions for which patients visit a primary health-care practitioner in India. Methods We randomly selected 12 000 general practitioners, general physicians, and paediatricians from 880 cities and towns and invited them to record demographic details, symptoms, and medical conditions for every patient they saw on Feb 1, 2011. A further 1225 practitioners volunteered to participate and their responses were included. We did simple descriptive analyses of prevalence rates and used χ² tests to study comorbid associations. Through application of systems biology methods, we visualised inter-relations between organ involvement of diseases and symptoms and deciphered how these associations change with age and gender. Findings We included responses from 7400 health-care practitioners, which represented data for 204 912 patients, who presented with 554 146 reasons for visit. Fever (35·5%) was the most common presenting symptom. More than half of all patients presented with respiratory symptoms across all age groups and regions of India. Other common presentations were digestive system symptoms (25%), circulatory symptoms (12·5%), skin complaints (9%), and endocrine disorders (6·6%). Hypertension (14·52%), obstructive airways diseases (14·51%), and upper respiratory tract infections (12·9%) were the most common diagnoses reported. Of note was that 21·4% of all patients with hypertension reported by the primary health-care practitioners were younger than 40 years. Anaemia was the fourth most common disease reported by these health-care practitioners and was most common in women of menstrual age living outside metro cities. Interpretation The POSEIDON study provides insight into the reasons that patients visit primary health-care practitioners in India; our results highlight important social and medical challenges in the developing world

    Prevalence, risk factors and clinical correlates of COPD in a rural setting in Tanzania

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes substantial burden of disease in developed countries, but there are limited data from Africa. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of COPD in Tanzania and identify the risk factors associated with it. This was a cross-sectional descriptive survey involving adults aged 35 years. We collected data on symptoms and risk factors using the Burden of Obstructive Lung Diseases questionnaire. Spirometry was performed and COPD diagnosed based on post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity <70%. We also measured indoor and outdoor carbon monoxide (CO) levels. A total of 869 participants (49.1% females) completed the questionnaires. Of these, 57.1% completed post-bronchodilator spirometry. Of the 25.2% ever-smokers, only 5.4% were current smokers. COPD prevalence was estimated at 17.5% (21.7% in males and 12.9% in females). COPD was associated with a history of cough, phlegm production and wheezing. 51.7% of COPD patients reported cough and 85% had mild to moderate airway limitation. Females had a higher rate of exacerbation. Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) was reported in 10% of patients. Only 1.7% of patients who were diagnosed as COPD had ever received any medication, with only one female COPD patient having received an inhaler. 99.5% of the population used biomass fuels for cooking. The majority of households had CO levels up to 20 ppm. The prevalence of COPD in Tanzania is high, with a peak at a relatively young age and a preponderance in males. A history of TB, cigarette smoking and male sex are important risk factors. Indoor air pollution coupled with use of biomass fuel for cooking and heating may be an important risk factor for developing COPD in rural Tanzania. However, these factors need to be studied further

    Household air pollution and its effects on health [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Household air pollution is a leading cause of disability-adjusted life years in Southeast Asia and the third leading cause of disability-adjusted life years globally. There are at least sixty sources of household air pollution, and these vary from country to country. Indoor tobacco smoking, construction material used in building houses, fuel used for cooking, heating and lighting, use of incense and various forms of mosquito repellents, use of pesticides and chemicals used for cleaning at home, and use of artificial fragrances are some of the various sources that contribute to household air pollution. Household air pollution affects all stages of life with multi-systemic health effects, and its effects are evident right from pre-conception to old age. In utero exposure to household air pollutants has been shown to have health effects which resonate over the entire lifetime. Exposures to indoor air pollutants in early childhood also tend to have repercussions throughout life. The respiratory system bears the maximum brunt, but effects on the cardiovascular system, endocrine system, and nervous system are largely underplayed. Household air pollutants have also been implicated in the development of various types of cancers. Identifying household air pollutants and their health implications helps us prepare for various health-related issues. However, the real challenge is adopting changes to reduce the health effects of household air pollution and designing innovative interventions to minimize the risk of further exposure. This review is an attempt to understand the various sources of household air pollution, the effects on health, and strategies to deal with this emergent risk factor of global mortality and morbidity

    Infection control in the pulmonary function test laboratory

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    Pulmonary function testing plays a crucial role in the diagnostic evaluation of patients with lung diseases. Cases of cross infection acquired from the pulmonary function laboratory, although rare, have been reported from various countries. It is therefore imperative to identify the risks and potential organisms implicated in cross infections in a pulmonary function test (PFT) laboratory and implement better and more effective infection control procedures, which will help in preventing cross infections. The infrastructure, the daily patient flow, and the prevalent disinfection techniques used in a PFT laboratory, all play a significant role in transmission of infections. Simple measures to tackle the cross infection potential in a PFT laboratory can help reduce this risk to a bare minimum. Use of specialized techniques and equipment can also be of much use in a set up that has a high turnover of patients. This review aims at creating awareness about the possible pathogens and situations commonly encountered in a PFT laboratory. We have attempted to suggest some relevant and useful infection control measures with regard to disinfection, sterilization, and patient planning and segregation to help minimize the risk of cross infections in a PFT laboratory. The review also highlights the lacuna in the current scenario of PFT laboratories in India and the need to develop newer and better methods of infection control, which will be more user-friendly and cost effective. Further studies to study the possible pathogens in a PFT laboratory and evaluate the prevalent infection control strategies will be needed to enable us to draw more precious conclusions, which can lead to more relevant, contextual recommendations for cross infections control in PFT lab in India

    Symptoms and medical conditions in 204 912 patients visiting primary health-care practitioners in India: a 1-day point prevalence study (the POSEIDON study)

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    Background: India has one of the highest disease burdens in the world. A better understanding of what ails India will help policy makers plan appropriate health-care services and infrastructure development, design medical education curricula, and identify health research priorities that are relevant to the needs of the country. The POSEIDON study aimed to record the prevalence of symptoms and medical conditions for which patients visit a primary health-care practitioner in India. Methods: We randomly selected 12 000 general practitioners, general physicians, and paediatricians from 880 cities and towns and invited them to record demographic details, symptoms, and medical conditions for every patient they saw on Feb 1, 2011. A further 1225 practitioners volunteered to participate and their responses were included. We did simple descriptive analyses of prevalence rates and used χ2 tests to study comorbid associations. Through application of systems biology methods, we visualised inter-relations between organ involvement of diseases and symptoms and deciphered how these associations change with age and gender. Findings: We included responses from 7400 health-care practitioners, which represented data for 204 912 patients, who presented with 554 146 reasons for visit. Fever (35·5%) was the most common presenting symptom. More than half of all patients presented with respiratory symptoms across all age groups and regions of India. Other common presentations were digestive system symptoms (25%), circulatory symptoms (12·5%), skin complaints (9%), and endocrine disorders (6·6%). Hypertension (14·52%), obstructive airways diseases (14·51%), and upper respiratory tract infections (12·9%) were the most common diagnoses reported. Of note was that 21·4% of all patients with hypertension reported by the primary health-care practitioners were younger than 40 years. Anaemia was the fourth most common disease reported by these health-care practitioners and was most common in women of menstrual age living outside metro cities. Interpretation: The POSEIDON study provides insight into the reasons that patients visit primary health-care practitioners in India; our results highlight important social and medical challenges in the developing world. Funding: Chest Research Foundation, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research—Institute of Genomics and Integrated Biology (CSIR-IGIB), and Cipla Ltd