3 research outputs found

    Legal Politics DKI Jakarta Government Policies In The Implementation Of Formula-E During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Formula-E organizers are included in the Governor's Instruction Number 49 of 2021 and are made on a regional priority scale. This caused controversy considering that at that time, Indonesia was still hit by COVID-19, and the government was trying to handle the community and carry out economic recovery. The research problem formulation is the legal politics of the DKI Jakarta government's policy in implementing Formula-E during the covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this research is to determine the interests of the people affected by the implementation of Formula-E, which is used as a regional priority scale in the implementation of Formula-E Instruction Governor (INGUB) Number 49 of 2021. This type of research is descriptive qualitative; namely, it describes research based on theories and legal materials about legal politics and policies made by the government. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using literacy studies and legislation—techniques in analyzing data using narrative analysis techniques. This study concludes that the administration of government affairs must prioritize the safety of the people first above other interests. The regulations that apply must be under the hierarchy so that the existing regulations do not conflict with higher regulations because the regulations at the lower level must adapt to the regulations at the upper level, namely the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945) and the Pancasila State Constitution

    Legal Politics DKI Jakarta Government Policies In The Implementation Of Formula-E During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Formula-E organizers are included in the Governor's Instruction Number 49 of 2021 and are made on a regional priority scale. This caused controversy considering that at that time, Indonesia was still hit by COVID-19, and the government was trying to handle the community and carry out economic recovery. The research problem formulation is the legal politics of the DKI Jakarta government's policy in implementing Formula-E during the covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this research is to determine the interests of the people affected by the implementation of Formula-E, which is used as a regional priority scale in the implementation of Formula-E Instruction Governor (INGUB) Number 49 of 2021. This type of research is descriptive qualitative; namely, it describes research based on theories and legal materials about legal politics and policies made by the government. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using literacy studies and legislation—techniques in analyzing data using narrative analysis techniques. This study concludes that the administration of government affairs must prioritize the safety of the people first above other interests. The regulations that apply must be under the hierarchy so that the existing regulations do not conflict with higher regulations because the regulations at the lower level must adapt to the regulations at the upper level, namely the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945) and the Pancasila State Constitution


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    ABSTRACT The implementation of Formula E through Governor's instruction Number 49 of 2021 concerning the priority issue of DKI Jakarta in 2022 when the social and economic condition of the community was being affected by the coronavirus disease outbreak (Covid-19), causing controversy. DPRD as an institution that is given constitutional authority, namely legislating, budgeting and supervising, is able to provide balance and views from the people so that there is no arbitrariness from the government. The main problem formulation in this study is how does the use of interpellation rights affect the Formula-E Implementation Policy? The analytical method used is normative juridical. The conclusion of this study is that the use of interpellation rights can affect the policies issued by the DKI Jakarta Provincial government so that the implementation of Formula E experiences a delay in implementation in early 2022. The public policy theory that was used in this research is that policies issued must be based on the interests of the community. Keywords: Interrelation Rights, Public Policy, Formula EABSTRAK Penyelenggaraan Formula-E melalui instruksi Gubernur Nomor 49 Tahun 2021 tentang isu prioritas DKI Jakarta tahun 2022 disaat kondisi social dan ekonomi masyarakat saat itu sedang terdampak wabah penyakit virus corona (Covid-19) sehingga menimbulkan kontroversi. DPRD sebagai Lembaga yang diberikan kewenangan konstitusional yakni melakukan legislasi, anggaran dan pengawasan sangat mampu untuk dapat memberikan keseimbangan dan pandangan dari pihak rakyat supaya tidak ada kesewenang-wenangan dari pemerintah. Rumusan masalah utama pada penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan hak interpelasi terhadap Kebijakan Penyelenggaraan Formula-E? Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu bahwa penggunaan hak interpelasi dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta sehingga pelaksanaan Formula E mengalami penundaan pelaksanaan pada awal tahun 2022. Dalam teori kebijakan public yang digunakan untuk penelitian bahwa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan haruslah berdasarkan kepada kepentingan masyarakat