2 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali

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    Sukawati Village is one of the tourist villages located in Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali. Sukawati Village has the potential that can be developed optimally if the role of the community, Sukawati Village officials, village youths, and farmer groups can unite in carrying out and developing the existing potential. Before the KKN-T program which was carried out in Sukawati Village, several problems had not been resolved by the village and the community, such as the minimal publications regarding Sukawati Village, limitations in marketing and financial strategies, and the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic which was the biggest problem. hampers economic and tourism activities. The activities carried out during the KKN-T in Sukawati Village are based on the main problems faced. The activities carried out received appreciation and support from village officials, the community, and village youth. The activities carried out produce each output based on the intended target. Activities carried out are more focused on community empowerment, such as the implementation of training in the fields of economy, technology, and health. Activities in the health sector include training in making soap and hand sanitizers as a means of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic situation. For the economic sector, namely the socialization of financial strategies and marketing strategies. Activities in the field of technology include training village officials in creating village websites. The results obtained from this activity are in the form of increased sensitivity to the environment and surrounding communities, caring for each other, helping each other to help advance Sukawati Village during the pandemic and post-Covid-19 pandemic. We pack the training provided and make it in the form of a learning video so that in the future it can be used as a reference by the community and can be accessed on YouTube, Whatsapp groups, and Facebook in Sukawati Village. Keywords: Sukawati Village, liquid soap, hand sanitizer, website, marketing, covid-1

    Heavy metals content (Hg, Cd, Pb, and Cu) in streaked spinefoot

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    Anthropogenic activities contribute to heavy metals so that their concentration in the waters increases and causes accumulation, especially in streaked spinefoot. This study aims to estimate the level accumulation of (Hg, Cd, Pb, and Cu) heavy metals contained in streaked spinefoot (Siganus javus) meat in Bojonegara waters, Banten Bay, Indonesia. A sampling of 30 to 50 grams of fish meat is carried out every month from August to October 2020 and heavy metals analysis in streaked spinefoot meat was carried out in February 2021 using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The (Hg, Cd, and Pb) heavy metals contained in the streaked spinefoot meat were undetected by the AAS, while the content of heavy metal Cu on small fish is 0.348 to 1.530 mg kg-1, and large fish is less than 0.015 mg kg-1 to 5.390 mg kg-1. Bioaccumulation Cu metal in small and large streaked spinefoot included low to high accumulation, while it was low for other types of metal. The safe limit for consumption of streaked spinefoot meat for adults (50 kg) is 32.468 kg of meat/week, while for children (15 kg), it is 9.740 kg of meat/week