1 research outputs found
Hubungan optimisme karir dan kesuksesan karir subjektif pada guru
The lack of fulfillment of teachers' rights has resulted in teachers feeling less prosperous and less satisfied with their current careers. In order to feel career satisfaction, teachers need a measure of subjective career success. Achieving subjective career success requires career optimism so that teachers can view their future career positively, focus on developing their potential, and plan their career path. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between career optimism and the eight dimensions of subjective career success among teachers. The study used quantitative methods and quota sampling techniques with a total of 300 participants. The result of the study showed that career optimism is significantly related with the five dimensions of subjective career success, (i.e., authenticity, growth and development, influence, personal life, and satisfaction). Moreover, career optimism is not significantly related with the three other dimensions of subjective career success (i.e. meaningful work, quality of work, and recognition).Fenomena kurang maksimalnya pemenuhan hak guru mengakibatkan guru merasa kurang sejahtera dan kurang puas pada karirnya saat ini. Oleh karena itu, ukuran kesuksesan karir subjektif dibutuhkan guru untuk memaknai karirnya secara lebih luas sehingga mampu merasakan kepuasan karir. Dalam mendukung pencapaian kesuksesan karir subjektif, guru membutuhkan sikap optimisme karir agar dapat memandang masa depan karir dengan positif, fokus mengembangkan potensi diri, serta mampu merencanakan jalur karirnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara optimisme karir dan delapan dimensi kesuksesan karir subjektif pada guru. Metode yang digunakan ialah studi kuantitatif dan teknik quota sampling dengan total 300 partisipan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan career optimism signifikan dengan lima dimensi dari subjective career success yaitu authenticity, growth and development, influence, personal life, dan satisfaction. Selain itu, career optimism ditemukan tidak signifikan dengan ketiga dimensi lain dari subjective career success yakni meaningful work, quality of work, dan recognition.Â