26 research outputs found

    Physicochemical properties of wheat-canna and wheat-konjac composite flours

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    Physicochemical properties of composite flours made of wheat from low to high protein contents and canna or konjac at different levels of substitution (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 %) were prepared and analyzed. Compared to that of wheat flour alone, increasing levels of canna inclusions significantly increased the amount of resistant starch (RS) but decreased the protein content of composite flours. This substitution did not alter the total starch (TS), amylase and amylopectin contents of these mixtures. Changes in physicochemical properties were also observed in wheat-konjac composite flours. Increasing amounts of konjac flour decreased the TS, amylase, amylopectin, and protein content of the mixtures, but increased the amount of RS. Substitution of wheat flour with 75 % of canna or konjac flours in HPWC (High Protein Wheat-Canna), HPWK (High Protein Wheat-Konjac), and LPWK (Low Protein Wheat-Konjac) increased the swelling power of these mixtures at 80 and 90 °

    Physicochemical properties of flours and starches derived from traditional Indonesian tubers and roots

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    Flours and starches isolated from traditional tubers and roots grown in Indonesia have physical and chemical properties suitable for certain food applications. Compared to other flour samples, cassava and canna flours contained the highest amount of total starch (TS) (77.4 and 77.1 %, respectively). Taro starch had the lowest amount of TS among other starch samples with 75.4 %. The highest amount of amylose was observed from yam and canna flours (25.2 and 23.2 %, respectively). Among starch samples, canna starch contained the highest amylose content (30.4 %), while taro had the lowest (7.6 %). In terms of protein content, arrowroot flour had the highest amount (7.7 %), in contrast to cassava flour which had the lowest (1.5 %). Compared to other flours, canna and konjac flour were the most slowly digested which indicated by their high amount of resistant starch (RS). Canna starch had the highest swelling power and viscosity than other starches and flours. The clearest paste was observed from cassava flour and starch as opposed to konjac starch which was the most opaque paste

    (the Effect of Alkalization and Roasting of Fermented and Unfermented Cacao Bean on the Quality and Its Flavour

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    A study on the effect of alkalization and roasting of fermented and unfermented cacao bean (Theobroma cacao, L) on the quality and its flovor had been conducted. The fermented caco bean used was taken from the estate, while unfermented cacao bean was taken from the farmer. Alkalization was carried out by using sodium and potassium carbonate at 1% and 2% concentration respectively, whereas the roasting process was done at 140 derajat celcius for 30 minutes. The analysis done on the cacao bean included pH, moisture, fat, free fatty acid (FFA), acidity and lipids composition. The result showed that quality of fermented cacao bean from the estate and unfermented cacao bean from the farmer was significantely different. The alkalization and roasting process aould improve the quality of unfermented cacao bean, however, it has affected the lipid composition

    Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pembuatan Serat Kelapa Berkaret

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    Penelitian dan pengembangan pembuatan serat kelapa berkaret telah dilakukan secara sederhana, dalam usaha memanfaatkan serat kelapa dan meningkatkan nilai tambah serat kelapa. Serat kelapa yang dipergunakan diperoleh dari sabut kelapa, dan alat yang digunakan juga sederhana seperti : cara memperoleh bentuk keriting seratnya, pencetakan pada bingkai kayu sampai ke penyemprotannya, begitu pula dengan proses vulkanisasinya. Disamping itu ditunjukkan pula cara mencampur bahan kimia ke dalam lateks pekat untuk memperoleh kompon lateksnya.Pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 2 tahap percobaan, yaitu percobaan pendahuluan dan percobaan utama. Dalam percobaan pendahhuluan diamati beberapa factor yang memengaruhi terhadap proses pembuatan serat kelapa berkaret, antara lain: bahan kimia yang dipakai, proses penggilingan larutan disperse dan perlu tidaknya dilakukan perendaman serat dalam larutan detergent untuk mengetahui sifat keriting serat yang diperoleh dan setelah menjadi serat kelapa berkaret. Sedangkan dalampercobaan utama dicoba variabel-variabel perlakuan: (1) ketebalan ukuran serat kelapa berkaret (tebal 3 dan 4 cm), lama vulkanisasi serat kelapa berkaret (30, 60, 90 dan 120 menit) dan suhu vulkanisasi (80 dan 100 0C). Rancang-bangun percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan kelompok dengan 3 perlakuan dan 2 kelompok (ulangan). Sifat fisika yang diamati adalah Pampatan Tetap 50% dan Berat Jenis serat kelapa berkaret.Hasil percobaan menunjukan bahwa ukuran ketebalan serat kelapa berkaret (3 dan 4 cm), suhu vulkanisasi serat kelapa berkaret (80 dan 100 0C)dan lama vulkanisasi serat kelapa berkaret (30, 60, 90, dan 120 menit) tidak memberikan pengaruh perbedaan yang nyata, baik terhadap fisik Pampatan Tetap 50% maupun Berat Jenisnya. Namun bila diamati secara “visual” tampak bahwa suhu vulkanisasi selama 60 menit sudah cukup menghasilkan serat kelapa berkaret yang baik

    (Implementation and Development of HACCP System on Food Industry in Indonesia)

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    Research on implementation and development hazard analysis critical control point(HACCP) system on food safety on facing International trde and globalization .the methods used was based on descriptive analysis ,that are problem identification of food safety system issue on small and medium industry (SMI'S) ,selection and empowerment to SMI'S training and guiding in food safety system to SMI'S implementing of HACCP management system in SMI's ,food safety auditing based on food safety system to SMI's were still weak and need to be improved in terms of good manufacturing practice (GMP) facilities ,sanitation and personnel hygiene awareness ,responsibility and commitment on food safety system the food safety audit resulted that were five SMIs have met foodsafety plus requirements