59 research outputs found

    Synthesis and reactivity of an N-triphos Mo(0) dinitrogen complex

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    The preparation and reactivity of a novel molybdenum dinitrogen complex supported by a nitrogen-centred tripodal phosphine ligand (N-triphos, N(CH2PPh2)3, NP3Ph) are reported. Reaction of N-triphos with [MoX3(THF)3] (X = Cl, Br, I) gave the Mo(III) complex [MoX3(κ2-NP3Ph)(THF)] (1), where bidentate N-triphos coordination was observed. Reduction of this complex in the presence of dppm (bis(diphenylphosphino)methane) gave the dinitrogen complex [Mo(N2)(dppm)(κ3-NP3Ph)] (2), which exhibits moderate dinitrogen activation. An additional hydride complex, [Mo(H)2(dppm)(κ3-NP3Ph)] (4), was produced either as a minor side product during the reduction step, or as a major product by direct hydrogenation of the dinitrogen complex 2. The reactivity of the dinitrogen complex 2 with a range of Lewis acids was also investigated. At low temperatures, protic or borane Lewis acids (H+, BBr3 and tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (BCF)) were found to coordinate to the apical nitrogen atom of the N-triphos ligand, with no conclusive evidence of any functionalisation of the dinitrogen ligand. Alkali metal Lewis acid addition to 2 resulted in the unexpected rearrangement of the N-triphos ligand to form [Mo(dppm)(PMePh2)(PCP)][B(C6F5)4] (7), where PCP, [Ph2PCNHCH2PPh2] is the carbenic ligand formed upon rearrangement from the reaction of 2 with M[B(C6F5)4] (M = Li, Na or K). Single crystal X-ray diffraction of complexes 1, 2, 4 and 7 provided structural confirmation of the N-triphos molybdenum complexes described

    Electrophysiological Characterization of The Cerebellum in the Arterially Perfused Hindbrain and Upper Body of The Rat

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    In the present study, a non-pulsatile arterially perfused hindbrain and upper body rat preparation is described which is an extension of the brainstem preparation reported by Potts et al., (Brain Res Bull 53(1):59–67), 1. The modified in situ preparation allows study of cerebellar function whilst preserving the integrity of many of its interconnections with the brainstem, upper spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system of the head and forelimbs. Evoked mossy fibre, climbing fibre and parallel fibre field potentials and EMG activity elicited in forelimb biceps muscle by interpositus stimulation provided evidence that both cerebellar inputs and outputs remain operational in this preparation. Similarly, the spontaneous and evoked single unit activity of Purkinje cells, putative Golgi cells, molecular interneurones and cerebellar nuclear neurones was similar to activity patterns reported in vivo. The advantages of the preparation include the ability to record, without the complications of anaesthesia, stabile single unit activity for extended periods (3 h or more), from regions of the rat cerebellum that are difficult to access in vivo. The preparation should therefore be a useful adjunct to in vitro and in vivo studies of neural circuits underlying cerebellar contributions to movement control and motor learning

    Putting ourselves in another’s skin: using the plasticity of self-perception to enhance empathy and decrease prejudice

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    The self is one the most important concepts in social cognition and plays a crucial role in determining questions such as which social groups we view ourselves as belonging to and how we relate to others. In the past decade, the self has also become an important topic within cognitive neuroscience with an explosion in the number of studies seeking to understand how different aspects of the self are represented within the brain. In this paper, we first outline the recent research on the neurocognitive basis of the self and highlight a key distinction between two forms of self-representation. The first is the “bodily” self, which is thought to be the basis of subjective experience and is grounded in the processing of sensorimotor signals. The second is the “conceptual” self, which develops through our interactions of other and is formed of a rich network of associative and semantic information. We then investigate how both the bodily and conceptual self are related to social cognition with an emphasis on how self-representations are involved in the processing and creation of prejudice. We then highlight new research demonstrating that the bodily and conceptual self are both malleable and that this malleability can be harnessed in order to achieve a reduction in social prejudice. In particular, we will outline strong evidence that modulating people’s perceptions of the bodily self can lead to changes in attitudes at the conceptual level. We will highlight a series of studies demonstrating that social attitudes towards various social out-groups (e.g. racial groups) can lead to a reduction in prejudice towards that group. Finally, we seek to place these findings in a broader social context by considering how innovations in virtual reality technology can allow experiences of taking on another’s identity are likely to become both more commonplace and more convincing in the future and the various opportunities and risks associated with using such technology to reduce prejudice

    The development and pilot testing of the Self-management Programme of Activity, Coping and Education for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (SPACE for COPD)

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    Lindsay D Apps,1 Katy E Mitchell,1 Samantha L Harrison,1 Louise Sewell,1 Johanna E Williams,1 Hannah ML Young,1 Michael Steiner,1 Mike Morgan,1 Sally J Singh1,2 1National Institute of Health Research CLAHRC-LNR Pulmonary Rehabilitation Research Group, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS, Leicester, UK; 2Applied Research Centre, Health and Lifestyle Interventions, Coventry University, Coventry, UK Purpose: There is no independent standardized self-management approach available for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of this project was to develop and test a novel self-management manual for individuals with COPD. Patients: Participants with a confirmed diagnosis of COPD were recruited from primary care. Methods: A novel self-management manual was developed with health care professionals and patients. Five focus groups were conducted with individuals with COPD (N = 24) during development to confirm and enhance the content of the prototype manual. The Self-management Programme of Activity, Coping and Education for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (SPACE for COPD) manual was developed as the focus of a comprehensive self-management approach facilitated by health care professionals. Preference for delivery was initial face-to-face consultation with telephone follow-up. The SPACE for COPD manual was piloted with 37 participants in primary care. Outcome measures included the Self-Report Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire, Incremental Shuttle Walk Test, and Endurance Shuttle Walking Test (ESWT); measurements were taken at baseline and 6 weeks. Results: The pilot study observed statistically significant improvements for the dyspnea domain of the Self-Report Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire and ESWT. Dyspnea showed a mean change of 0.67 (95% confidence interval 0.23&ndash;1.11, P = 0.005). ESWT score increased by 302.25 seconds (95% confidence interval 161.47&ndash;443.03, P < 0.001). Conclusion: This article describes the development and delivery of a novel self-management approach for COPD. The program, incorporating the SPACE for COPD manual, appears to provoke important changes in exercise capacity and breathlessness for individuals with COPD managed in primary care. Keywords: self-management, primary care, Self-Report Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire, dyspnea, Endurance Shuttle Walking Tes