322 research outputs found

    What about the Quiet Students?: Investigating Students\u27 and Teachers\u27 Perceptions of Non-Participatory Students

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    As a student teacher, I already have a fair idea of how classroom discussion works: some students participate but most sit quietly. If I use discussion to indicate student learning, what data do I have available to gauge the quiet students? My research will survey students about reasons they have for not participating and suggestions they have for involving everyone in discussion. Also, I will be surveying middle school teachers to compare their ideas of discussion. This research is knowledge I hope to take with me to my first teaching position to be implemented into my own classroom

    The Use of Independent Reading in the Middle School Classroom

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    Currently, I am observing in an 8th grade language arts class, where the students I work with like to do the bare minimum to get by in school. The teacher has concerns that the students\u27 reading is not self-motivated. To address this problem, the teacher and I would like to see an independent reading plan be required for the students. The surveys I have developed will ask students, before and after they are reading independently, how prepared they feel for class each day. Also, I will be interviewing the teacher to hear her opinions about the positive and negative aspects of making students read independently

    Airports are playing an important role in the remaking of UScities

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    Are airports becoming the ‘new downtowns’ of American cities? In new research which examines 62 airports in 51 US metropolitan areas, Stephen Appold finds that airports are important, with a large majority anchoring their own concentrations of employment, but that this employment varies compared to that of city CBDs. He writes that understanding how much employment, of what types, and for what reason locate near airports will aid in allocating land as cities continue to change

    A Profile of Immigrants in Arkansas

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    Discusses key demographic trends, economic factors, and public policy issues associated with immigrants in Arkansas, which has the fourth-fastest-growing immigrant population in the nation

    Elektrophysiologische Messungen im Physikunterricht

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    Elektrophysiologische Sensoren, die für den Einsatz im Biologie-Unterricht angeboten werden, können auch im Physik-Unterricht verwendet werden. Damit können physikalische Sachverhalte wie Dipole und elektrische Felder in biologische Kontexte eingebettet unterrichtet werden und so das Elektrokardiogramm, das Elektromyogramm und das Elektrookulogramm behandelt werden

    Elektrophysiologische Messungen im Physikunterricht

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    Elektrophysiologische Sensoren, die für den Einsatz im Biologie-Unterricht angeboten werden, können auch im Physik-Unterricht verwendet werden. Damit können physikalische Sachverhalte wie Dipole und elektrische Felder in biologische Kontexte eingebettet unterrichtet werden und so das Elektrokardiogramm, das Elektromyogramm und das Elektrookulogramm behandelt werden

    Elektrophysiologische Messungen im Physikunterricht

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    Elektrophysiologische Sensoren, die für den Einsatz im Biologie-Unterricht angeboten werden, können auch im Physik-Unterricht verwendet werden. Damit können physikalische Sachverhalte wie Dipole und elektrische Felder in biologische Kontexte eingebettet unterrichtet werden und so das Elektrokardiogramm, das Elektromyogramm und das Elektrookulogramm behandelt werden

    Efficient Symmetry Reduction and the Use of State Symmetries for Symbolic Model Checking

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    One technique to reduce the state-space explosion problem in temporal logic model checking is symmetry reduction. The combination of symmetry reduction and symbolic model checking by using BDDs suffered a long time from the prohibitively large BDD for the orbit relation. Dynamic symmetry reduction calculates representatives of equivalence classes of states dynamically and thus avoids the construction of the orbit relation. In this paper, we present a new efficient model checking algorithm based on dynamic symmetry reduction. Our experiments show that the algorithm is very fast and allows the verification of larger systems. We additionally implemented the use of state symmetries for symbolic symmetry reduction. To our knowledge we are the first who investigated state symmetries in combination with BDD based symbolic model checking

    Physik mit Herz – Ein Lehr-Lern-Labor zur Biophysik

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    Die Lehr-Lern-Labore L3 des mathematisch-informationstechnologischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Didaktikzentrums (M!ND-Center) der Universität Würzburg sind vitale Austausch- und Begegnungsstätten für Lehrkräfte, Fachdidaktiker, Fachwissenschaftler, Studierende und Schüler. Der Beitrag stellt in Kürze das Konzept des M!ND-Centers vor und beschreibt exemplarisch die Experimentierstationen des L3 Biophysik zum Themenkomplex elektrische Dipole, Felder und Potentiale anhand des Elektrokardiogramms (EKG)

    Elektrophysiologische Messungen im Physikunterricht

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    Elektrophysiologische Sensoren, die für den Einsatz im Biologie-Unterricht angeboten werden, können auch im Physik-Unterricht verwendet werden. Damit können physikalische Sachverhalte wie Dipole und elektrische Felder in biologische Kontexte eingebettet unterrichtet werden und so das Elektrokardiogramm, das Elektromyogramm und das Elektrookulogramm behandelt werden