4 research outputs found

    Fluctuations and skewness of the current in the partially asymmetric exclusion process

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    We use functional Bethe Ansatz equations to calculate the cumulants of the total current in the partially asymmetric exclusion process. We recover known formulas for the first two cumulants (mean value of the current and diffusion constant) and obtain an explicit finite size formula for the third cumulant. The expression for the third cumulant takes a simple integral form in the limit where the asymmetry scales as the inverse of the square root of the size of the system, which corresponds to a natural separation between weak and strong asymmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamic formalism for systems with Markov dynamics

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    The thermodynamic formalism allows one to access the chaotic properties of equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium systems, by deriving those from a dynamical partition function. The definition that has been given for this partition function within the framework of discrete time Markov chains was not suitable for continuous time Markov dynamics. Here we propose another interpretation of the definition that allows us to apply the thermodynamic formalism to continuous time. We also generalize the formalism --a dynamical Gibbs ensemble construction-- to a whole family of observables and their associated large deviation functions. This allows us to make the connection between the thermodynamic formalism and the observable involved in the much-studied fluctuation theorem. We illustrate our approach on various physical systems: random walks, exclusion processes, an Ising model and the contact process. In the latter cases, we identify a signature of the occurrence of dynamical phase transitions. We show that this signature can already be unravelled using the simplest dynamical ensemble one could define, based on the number of configuration changes a system has undergone over an asymptotically large time window.Comment: 64 pages, LaTeX; version accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Long range correlations and phase transition in non-equilibrium diffusive systems

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    We obtain explicit expressions for the long range correlations in the ABC model and in diffusive models conditioned to produce an atypical current of particles.In both cases, the two-point correlation functions allow to detect the occurrence of a phase transition as they become singular when the system approaches the transition

    Slowest relaxation mode of the partially asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries

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    We analyze the Bethe ansatz equations describing the complete spectrum of the transition matrix of the partially asymmetric exclusion process on a finite lattice and with the most general open boundary conditions. We extend results obtained recently for totally asymmetric diffusion [J. de Gier and F.H.L. Essler, J. Stat. Mech. P12011 (2006)] to the case of partial symmetry. We determine the finite-size scaling of the spectral gap, which characterizes the approach to stationarity at large times, in the low and high density regimes and on the coexistence line. We observe boundary induced crossovers and discuss possible interpretations of our results in terms of effective domain wall theories.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, typeset for pdflatex; revised versio