31 research outputs found

    Rethinking the causes of pilonidal sinus disease: a matched cohort study

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    Our understanding of pilonidal sinus disease (PSD) is based on a paper published 29 years ago by Karydakis. Since then, surgeons have been taught that hair more easily penetrates wet skin, leading to the assumption that sweating promotes PSD. This postulate, however, has never been proven. Thus we used pilocarpine iontophoresis to assess sweating in the glabella sacralis. 100 patients treated for PSD and 100 controls were matched for sex, age and body mass index (BMI). Pilocarpine iontophoresis was performed for 5 min, followed by 15 min of sweat collection. PSD patients sweated less than their matched pairs (18.4 ± 1.6 µl vs. 24.2 ± 2.1 µl, p = 0.03). Men sweated more than women (22.2 ± 1.2 µl vs. 15.0 ± 1.0 µl in non-PSD patients (p < 0.0001) and 20.0 ± 1.9 µl vs. 11.9 ± 2.0 µl in PSD patients (p = 0.051)). And regular exercisers sweated more than non-exercisers (29.1 ± 2.9 µl vs. 18.5 ± 1.6 µl, p = 0.0006 for men and 20.7 ± 2.3 µl vs. 11.4 ± 1.4 µl, p = 0.0005 for women). PSD patients sweat less than matched controls. Thus sweating may have a protective effect in PSD rather than being a risk factor

    Exercise, Telomeres, and Cancer: “The Exercise-Telomere Hypothesis”

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    Telomeres are genomic complex at the end of chromosomes that protects the DNA and telomere length (TL) is related to several age-related diseases, lifespan, and cancer. On the other hand, cancer is a multifactorial disease that is responsible for reduce the quality of life and kills millions of people every year. Both, shorter TL and cancer are related and could be treated or prevented depending of the lifestyle. In this review we discuss the possible role of exercise in the relationship between shorter telomeres, telomerase activity, and cancer. In summary, there is evidence that exercise leads to less telomere attrition and exercise also may diminish the risk of cancer, these two outcomes are possible intermediated by a reduction in oxidative stress, and chronic inflammation. Although, there is evidence that shorter TL are associated with cancer, the possible mechanisms that one may lead to the other remains to be clarified. We assume that humans under cancer treatment may suffer a great decrease in quality of life, which may increase sedentary behavior and lead to increased telomere attrition. And those humans with already shorter TL likely lived under a poor lifestyle and might have an increased risk to have cancer

    Herbals and Plants in the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review of Experimental and Clinical Studies

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    Background: Pancreatic cancer represents the most lethal malignancy among all digestive cancers. Despite the therapeutic advances achieved during recent years, the prognosis of this neoplasm remains disappointing. An enormous amount of experimental (mainly) and clinical research has recently emerged referring to the effectiveness of various plants administered either alone or in combination with chemotherapeutic agents. Apart from Asian countries, the use of these plants and herbals in the treatment of digestive cancer is also increasing in a number of Western countries as well. The aim of this study is to review the available literature regarding the efficacy of plants and herbals in pancreatic cancer. Methods: The authors have reviewed all the experimental and clinical studies published in Medline and Embase, up to June 2021. Results: More than 100 plants and herbals were thoroughly investigated. Favorable effects concerning the inhibition of cancer cell lines in the experimental studies and a favorable clinical outcome after combining various plants with established chemotherapeutic agents were observed. These herbals and plants exerted their activity against pancreatic cancer via a number of mechanisms. The number and severity of side-effects are generally of a mild degree. Conclusion: A quite high number of clinical and experimental studies confirmed the beneficial effect of many plants and herbals in pancreatic cancer. More large, double-blind clinical studies assessing these natural products, either alone or in combination with chemotherapeutic agents should be conducted

    Enteral Nutrition in Operated-On Gastric Cancer Patients: An Update

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    It is well established that the preoperative nutritional status of gastric cancer (GC) patients significantly affects the prognosis of the operated patients, their overall survival, as well as the disease-specific survival. Existing data support that preoperative assessment of nutritional status and early correction of nutritional deficiencies exert a favorable effect on early postoperative outcomes. A variety of relevant indices are used to assess the nutritional status of GC patients who are candidates for surgery. The guidelines of almost all international organizations recommend the use of oral enteral nutrition (EN). Oncologically acceptable types of gastrectomy and methods of patient rehabilitation should take into account the expected postoperative nutritional status. The majority of data support that perioperative EN reduces complications and hospital stay, but not mortality. Oral EN in the postoperative period, albeit in small amounts, helps to reduce the weight loss that is a consequence of gastrectomy. Iron deficiency with or without anemia and low serum levels of vitamin B12 are common metabolic sequelae after gastrectomy and should be restored. EN also significantly helps patients undergoing neoadjuvant or adjuvant antineoplastic therapy. The occurrence of the so-called “postgastrectomy syndromes” requires dietary modifications and drug support. This review attempts to highlight the benefits of EN in GC patients undergoing gastrectomy and to emphasize the type of necessary nutritional management, based on current literature data

    Papalois, “Effect of mesalamine and prednisolone on TNBS experimental colitis, following various doses of orally administered iron

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    Background. Experimental data suggest that oral iron (I.) supplementation can worsen colitis in animals. Aim. To investigate the influence of various concentrations of orally administered I. in normal gut mucosa and mucosa of animals with TNBS colitis, as well as the influence of Mesalamine (M.) and Prednisolone (P.) on the severity of TNBS colitis following orally administered I. Methods and Materials. 156 Wistar rats were allocated into 10 groups. Colitis was induced by TNBS. On the 8th day, all animals were euthanatized. Activity of colitis and extent of tissue damage were assessed histologically. The levels of tissue tumor necrosis factor-(t-TNF-) and tissue malondialdehyde (t-MDA) were estimated in all animal groups. Results. Moderate and high I. supplementation induced inflammation in the healthy colon and increased the activity of the experimentally induced TNBS colitis. Administration of M. on TNBS colitis following moderate iron supplementation (0.3 g/Kg diet) resulted in a significant improvement in the overall histological score as well as in two individual histological parameters. M. administration, however, did not significantly reduce the t-TNF-levels (17.67 ± 4.92 versus 14.58 ± 5.71, = 0.102), although it significantly reduced the t-MDA levels (5.79 ± 1.55 versus 3.67 ± 1.39, = 0.000). Administration of M. on TNBS colitis following high iron supplementation (3.0 g/Kg diet) did not improve the overall histological score and the individual histological parameters, neither reduced the levels of t-TNF-(16.57 ± 5.61 versus 14.65 ± 3.88, = 0.296). However, M. significantly reduced the t-MDA levels (5.99 ± 1.37 versus 4.04 ± 1.41, = 0.000). Administration of P. on TNBS colitis after moderate iron supplementation resulted in a significant improvement in the overall histological score as well as in three individual histological parameters. P. also resulted in a significant reduction in the t-TNFlevels (17.67 ± 4.92 versus 12.64 ± 3.97, = 0.003) and the t-MDA levels (5.79 ± 1.54 versus 3.47 ± 1.21, = 0.001). Administration of P on TNBS colitis after high I. supplementation resulted in a significant improvement of the overall histological score and three individual histological parameters and significantly reduced the levels of t-TNF-(16.6 ± 5.6 versus 11.85 ± 1.3, = 0.001). Conclusion. I. can induce colonic inflammation and aggravate TNBS colitis. M. and P. can significantly improve the inflammatory process in the colonic mucosa in TNBS colitis aggravated by orally administered I. P. has a stable anti-TNF-effect. These findings suggest that the harmful

    Effect of Mesalamine and Prednisolone on TNBS Experimental Colitis, following Various Doses of Orally Administered Iron

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    Background. Experimental data suggest that oral iron (I.) supplementation can worsen colitis in animals. Aim. To investigate the influence of various concentrations of orally administered I. in normal gut mucosa and mucosa of animals with TNBS colitis, as well as the influence of Mesalamine (M.) and Prednisolone (P.) on the severity of TNBS colitis following orally administered I. Methods and Materials. 156 Wistar rats were allocated into 10 groups. Colitis was induced by TNBS. On the 8th day, all animals were euthanatized. Activity of colitis and extent of tissue damage were assessed histologically. The levels of tissue tumor necrosis factor-α (t-TNF-α) and tissue malondialdehyde (t-MDA) were estimated in all animal groups. Results. Moderate and high I. supplementation induced inflammation in the healthy colon and increased the activity of the experimentally induced TNBS colitis. Administration of M. on TNBS colitis following moderate iron supplementation (0.3 g/Kg diet) resulted in a significant improvement in the overall histological score as well as in two individual histological parameters. M. administration, however, did not significantly reduce the t-TNF-α levels (17.67±4.92 versus 14.58±5.71, P=0.102), although it significantly reduced the t-MDA levels (5.79±1.55 versus 3.67±1.39, P=0.000). Administration of M. on TNBS colitis following high iron supplementation (3.0 g/Kg diet) did not improve the overall histological score and the individual histological parameters, neither reduced the levels of t-TNF-α (16.57 ± 5.61 versus 14.65±3.88, P=0.296). However, M. significantly reduced the t-MDA levels (5.99±1.37 versus 4.04±1.41, P=0.000). Administration of P. on TNBS colitis after moderate iron supplementation resulted in a significant improvement in the overall histological score as well as in three individual histological parameters. P. also resulted in a significant reduction in the t-TNF-α levels (17.67±4.92 versus 12.64±3.97, P=0.003) and the t-MDA levels (5.79±1.54 versus 3.47±1.21, P=0.001). Administration of P on TNBS colitis after high I. supplementation resulted in a significant improvement of the overall histological score and three individual histological parameters and significantly reduced the levels of t-TNF-α (16.6±5.6 versus 11.85±1.3, P=0.001). Conclusion. I. can induce colonic inflammation and aggravate TNBS colitis. M. and P. can significantly improve the inflammatory process in the colonic mucosa in TNBS colitis aggravated by orally administered I. P. has a stable anti-TNF-α effect. These findings suggest that the harmful

    Effects of mycophenolate mofetil vs cyclosporine administration on graft survival and function after islet allotransplantation in diabetic rats

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    AIM: To develop an experimental model of islet allotransplantation in diabetic rats and to determine the positive or adverse effects of MMF as a single agent. METHODS: Thirty-six male Wistar rats and 18 male Lewis rats were used as recipients and donors respectively. Diabetes was induced by the use of streptozotocin (60 mg/kg) intraperitoneally. Unpurified islets were isolated using the collagenase digestion technique and transplanted into the splenic parenchyma. The recipients were randomly assigned to one of the following three groups: group A (control group) had no immunosuppression; group B received cyclosporine (CsA) (5 mg/kg); group C received mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) (20 mg/kg). The animals were killed on the 12(th) d. Blood and grafted tissues were obtained for laboratory and histological assessment. RESULTS: Median allograft survival was significantly higher in the two therapy groups than that in the controls (10 and 12 d for CsA and MMF respectively vs 0 d for the control group, P&lt;0.01). No difference in allograft survival between the CsA and MMF groups was found. However, MMF had less renal and hepatic toxicity and allowed weight gain. CONCLUSION: Monotherapy with MMF for immunosuppression was safe in an experimental model of islet allotransplantation and was equally effective with cyclosporine, with less toxicity. (C) 2005 The WJG Press and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved