8 research outputs found

    Comparison of Absorbable and Nonabsorbable Sutures for Intradermal Skin Closure in Dogs

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    The study aimed to compare incisional wound healing with intradermal suture patterns performed with (a) absorbable suture with burying of the knots and (b) nonabsorbable suture anchored with clips. Ten dogs were included in the study. Surgically created skin incisions were apposed with continuous intradermal suture pattern with 4/0 poliglecaprone 25 with burying of the knots and continuous intradermal pattern with 4/0 polypropylene with clips. Cosmetic, clinical, ultrasonographic and histological scores were evaluated. The intradermal pattern with clips was easier to perform and required significantly less time to complete than the intradermal suture with burying of the knots. Cosmetic, clinical, ultrasonographic and histological evaluation scores did not differ significantly between the techniques. Irrespective of the technique used, the cosmetic, ultrasonographic, clinical and histological appearances of the incisions improved over time. In conclusion, polypropylene was found to be a safe and effective suture material for use with intradermal suture pattern with clips in dogs and to have an easy and quick application. However, in our sample, its earlier removal from wounds than poliglecaprone 25 was not found to be associated with a supposedly beneficial effect on wound healing and scar appearance. Both suture materials can be useful in intradermal suture techniques in dogs

    Evaluation of Incisional Wound Healing in Dogs after Closure with Staples or Tissue Glue and Comparison to Intradermal Suture Pattern

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    The study aimed to monitor the healing process in the canine skin following surgical incision and closure using staples or tissue glue and to compare them with the intradermal suture pattern. Surgically created skin incisions in 10 dogs were apposed with staples, tissue glue (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) and continuous intradermal pattern. The cosmetic appearance of the wounds was blindly evaluated on days 7, 14 and 28 and once a month until the end of the experiment, i.e., one year after the incision. Ultrasonographic and clinical evaluation was performed on days 0–10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24 and 28, once a week until the end of the 3rd month and once a month until the end of the experiment. Histopathological evaluation was performed on days 7, 14, 28, 180 and 365. The median time required for the performance of each technique differed significantly between techniques; stapling lasted 21 s, glue 2 min 16 s and intradermal 15 min 37 s. Cosmetic appearance with glue was statistically worse than staples and intradermal. The clinical appearance of intradermal was significantly better than glue and staples. No significant differences were found at histological evaluation; however, glue had the worst score throughout the experiment. The overall evaluation of the techniques showed that glue had the worst score compared to intradermal and staples, with the difference being statistically significant in the first postoperative week. Intradermal suture pattern is much better than glue application for skin closure in dogs, whilst is not significantly better than staples. Staples should be preferred when time is an important factor

    Benign esophageal stricture in the dog and cat: A retrospective study of 20 cases

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    Twenty animals with benign esophageal strictures are presented. Most of the esophageal strictures were thought to be related to gastroesophageal reflux during ovariohysterectomy and were located at the distal portion of the thoracic esophagus (caudal to the base of the heart). For the dilation procedure, the endoscope tip or a balloon catheter was used and the outcome was generally considered to be good. The endoscope tip was an adequate instrument for dilation in some cases

    Doppler Examination of the Testicular Artery of Beagle-Breed Dogs from Birth to Puberty

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    The objectives were (a) the study of haemodynamic parameters of blood flow within the testicular artery, (b) the assessment of differences in these parameters at different segments of the artery (i.e., sequentially, as the artery flows through different regions of the testis), and (c) the identification of potential associations with measures of testicular maturation. Eight healthy beagle-breed male dogs were monitored at fortnightly intervals from the 4th to the 40th week of life, by using clinical, seminological, and ultrasonographic (B-mode, pulsed-wave Doppler) examinations. Haemodynamic parameters were assessed at four different segments of the testicular artery: at the distal supra-testicular, the marginal testicular at the cranial pole of the testis, the marginal testicular at the caudal pole of the testis, and the intratesticular. The study period was divided into three time slots (pre-puberty, puberty, and post-puberty) depending on testicular maturation and sperm production. No clinically evident abnormalities were seen in any animal throughout the study. Semen ejaculates were first collected on the 28th week, and spermatozoa were first seen on the 30th week of life. The results of B-mode examination indicated that in all dogs, the echogenicity of the testicular parenchyma was homogeneous. The waveforms of the blood flow in the testicular artery were monophasic with systolic peaks, low diastolic flow, and low vascular resistance. Most cases of significant differences between the three age periods were noted for the comparison of the pre-pubertal to pubertal periods (n = 11); among the parameters studied, the blood volume (n = 9) showed most instances of significant differences; finally, most cases of significant differences were noted in the distal supra-testicular artery (n = 12). Correlations were mainly seen for the end diastolic velocity, the peak systolic velocity and the blood volume (each with two semen evaluation parameters). The distal supra-testicular and the marginal artery at the cranial pole of the testis are recommended as the most appropriate segments of the vessel for performing a Doppler examination in the testicular artery due to the adequate size and the clear spectral waveforms as early as the 12th week of age of the animals

    Ultrasonography of Testicular Maturation and Correlation with Body Growth and Semen Evaluation in Beagle Dog Model

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    This prospective study investigated the ultrasonographic appearance of the canine testis from birth to adulthood. Eight purpose-bred laboratory Beagle-breed dogs were monitored from 4 to 40 weeks of life. The following parameters were evaluated every two weeks: bodyweight and height, scrotal and testicular volume, ultrasonographically measured testicular volume, echogenicity, heterogeneity, blood-flow score, ratio of the grayscale intensity value of the testis to the capsule, ejaculate volume, motility, viability, and number of spermatozoa. A correlation analysis was carried out between the various measurements obtained. Fertility was achieved in the 36th week of life. The echogenicity of the testicular parenchyma increased with age, and subsequently to the 30th week of life remained constant. The heterogeneity of the testicular parenchyma, as was evaluated by the standard deviation of the values of grayscale intensity of the parenchyma, also increased with age and was >19 at the onset of fertility. The ratio of grayscale intensity of testicular parenchyma had values 80% of the testes imaged had visible vessels. A significant correlation was found between all the evaluation methods. The findings of the study may help clinicians detect the onset of fertility in dogs, especially when semen evaluation is not feasible; however, their applicability in all breeds or individuals might possibly vary due to genetic, physiological, and developmental differences. In summary, the study ultrasonographically explores the testicular maturity in dogs, with the aim to improve clinical assessments and health management in these animals

    First-Intention Incisional Wound Healing in Dogs and Cats: A Controlled Trial of Dermapliq and Manuka Honey

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    This study aimed to compare incisional wound healing in cats and dogs after the topical application of Μanuka honey and a new medical device, Dermapliq. Comparisons were made between each treatment and control, between the two treatments, and between dogs and cats. Twelve cats and twelve dogs were included in this study, and the impact of the two substances was examined through cosmetic, clinical, ultrasonographical, and histological evaluation. The use of Dermapliq in first-intention wound healing achieved a significantly better cosmetic evaluation score and better total clinical score at days 20–41, compared to the control, in both dogs and cats. The ultrasonographically estimated wound area was smaller with Dermapliq compared to the control. Wounds treated with Dermapliq showed histologically less inflammation compared to the control. The use of Manuka honey did not show a significantly better cosmetic score compared to the control. Skin thickening was significantly higher after using Manuka honey compared to the control and so was the total clinical score. However, the median wound area, as was evaluated ultrasonographically, was significantly smaller when wounds were treated with Manuka honey, the difference being more apparent in dogs. Dermapliq was proven to be a better choice in achieving favorable wound healing than Manuka honey in dogs and cats in first-intention healing. In our study, cats had a statistically better cosmetic score and less skin thickening and scar width compared to dogs. Histologically, cats showed significantly less edema, higher inflammation and angiogenesis scores, and lower fibroblast and epidermis thickening scores when compared to dogs

    Anesthesia and Analgesia in Sheep and Goats

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    Physical or chemical restraint, with or without local anesthesia, has been extensively used to perform diagnostic or minor surgical procedures in small ruminants. However, anesthetic and analgesic techniques are required when specific diagnostic procedures and painful surgery are to be performed. Apart from improving animal welfare standards, anesthesia and analgesia are essential to make the procedures easier and improve both animal and personnel safety. This article provides an overview of the anesthetic and analgesic agents and techniques commonly used in sheep and goats

    The Use of Stromal Vascular Fraction in Long Bone Defect Healing in Sheep

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    The objectives of the present study were to evaluate (a) the feasibility of using stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (nHA) paste in combination for the treatment of segmental bone defect, (b) the quality of the callus produced, (c) the potential improvement of the autograft technique, and (d) the direct comparison of the biomaterial to the use of autogenous cancellous bone. Unilateral, segmental mid-diaphyseal bone defect was created on the right metatarsus of skeletally mature sheep animals (n = 24) under anesthesia (D0). Residual segments were stabilized by stainless-steel plates and appropriate screws. Defects were managed as follows: group A: use of nHA paste to filling, group B: use of autogenous bone graft mixed with nHA bone paste, placed in defect, group C: use of SVF mixed with nHA bone paste injected into defect, group D: use of bone graft and SVF with nHA paste before apposition in bone defect. SVF had been previously isolated from adipose tissue of the animals intra-operatively after digestion with collagenase solution and neutralization. Animals were evaluated clinically and by X-raying and ultrasonographic examination of the defect, at regular intervals, until D90. Ultrasonographic assessment performed along the length of the defect included calculation of the length of the bone defect and assessment of vascularization. SVF was successfully isolated from group C and D animals, with the average yield being 1.77 × 106 cells. The comparison of clinical scores (based on the ‘Kaler scale’) on each post-operative day indicated significant differences between the four groups on D1 to D30 (p p = 0.07) and 0 (p = 0.033). Differences in radiographic assessment scores were significant for scores obtained on D60 (p = 0.049) and D90 (p = 0.006). There was a significant difference between the four groups in the length of the bone defect, as assessed ultrasonographically, for the entire length of the study; median values were 8, 8.5, 6, and 8 mm for groups A, B, C, and D, respectively (p = 0.008). There was a significance in the differences between median scores obtained during the histopathological examination: 2, 11, 13.5, and 12 for group A, B, C, and D (p = 0.022). There was an inverse correlation between the overall scores of histopathological evaluations and the length of the bone defect (observed on D90) (p p < 0.0001). This is the first study in which the efficacy of fresh autologous Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) from adipose tissue in enhancing bone healing in a long, weight-bearing, diaphyseal bone was evaluated. It is concluded that the lumbosacral region was an attractive site for harvesting adipose tissue, the use of SVF contributed to faster rehabilitation post-operatively, and SVF significantly enhanced bone formation; in general, the results indicated an osteogenic potential of SVF comparable to the gold standard autologous bone graft