753 research outputs found


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    Jijia river basin surface geographically fits in Moldavian Plateau, Plain of Moldavia subunit. Being lowered by 200 to 300 m compared to adjacent subunits, it appears as a depression with altitudes between 270-300 m.Through its position in the extra-Carpathian region, away from the influence of oceanic air masses, but wide open to the action of air masses of eastern, north-eastern and northern continental origin, Jijia basin receives precipitations which vary according to the average altitude differing from the northern to the southern part of the basin (564 mm in north, 529.4 mm in Iasi). A characteristic phenomenon to the climate is represented by the torrential rains in the hot season, under the form of rain showers with great intensity, fact that influences the drainage of basin rivers. Jijia hydrographic basin is characterized by frequent and sharp variations of flow volumes and levels which lead to floods and flooding throughout the basin. The high waters generally occur between March and June, when approximately 70% of the annual stock is transported. The paper analyzes the main causes and consequences of flooding in the studied area, also identifying some structural and non-structural measures of flood protection applied by authorities in Jijia hydrographic basin. As a case study, the flood recorded in Dorohoi in June 28-29, 2010 is presented

    Reconstructive possibilities in the treatmeant of malign bone tumors in children: clinical cases

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie ,,Grigore T. Popa”, Clinica de Ortopedie Pediatrică a Spitalului Clinic de Urgență pentru Copii ,,Sfânta Maria”, Iași, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Osteosarcomul reprezintă cea mai frecventă tumoră primară malignă a osului ce afectează copiii și tinerii adulți în a doua decadă de viață. Chimioterapia adjuvantă a îmbunătățit rata de supraviețuire la 5 ani a osteosarcomului nemetastatic la aproximativ 70%. Avansurile ulterioare în imagistica radiografică tridimensională, cât și îmbunătățirea tehnologiei în domeniul reconstrucției au facilitat intervenția chirurgicală reconstructivă pentru prezervarea membrelor. Prezentare de caz: Scopul acestei lucrări este de a descrie managementul chirurgical, rezultatul funcțional și oncologic la 1-5 ani al pacienților, raportând experiența clinicii de Ortopedie Pediatrică din cadrul Spitalului Clinic de Urgență pentru Copii Sf. Maria Iași, prin cazul a 3 pacienti diagnosticați cu osteosarcom la nivelul humerusului proximal, respectiv os coxal, os iliac, descoperite incidental. Pacienții au fost evaluați radiografic în alte centre, obiectivandu-se aspectul de zone de condensare, neomogene cu întreruperea corticalei, ceea ce a dus la redirecționarea în urgență a acestora. După o reevaluare radiografică, efectuarea unei biopsii locale, obtinerea unei stadializări și finalizarea tratamentului neoadjuvant oncologic, a fost propusa intervenția chirurgicală reconstructivă pentru prezervarea membrului. Concluzii: Rata succesului terapeutic pe termen lung în momentul de față este precara în ciuda posibilităților de reconstrucție totală sau parțiala la populația pediatrică datorită recurenței tumorale.Introduction: Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumor affecting children and young adults in the second decade of life. Adjuvant chemotherapy improved the 5-year survival rate of non-metastatic osteosarcoma to approximately 70%. Further advances in three-dimensional radiographic imaging and improved reconstruction technology have facilitated reconstructive surgery for limb preservation. Case presentation: The purpose of this paper is to describe the surgical management, functional and oncological outcome at 1-5 years of patients, reporting the experience of the Pediatric Orthopedics Clinic at the St. Mary Iasi Children's Emergency Clinical Hospital, in the case of 3 patients diagnosed with osteosarcomas in the proximal humerus, respectively coxal bone, iliac bone, incidentally discovered. Patients were radiographically evaluated in other centers, looking at the appearance of condensation zones, inhomogeneous with cortical discontinuation, which led to emergency redirection. After a radiographic re-evaluation, performing a local biopsy, obtaining a staging, and completing neoadjuvant oncologic treatment, reconstructive surgery for member preservation was proposed. Conclusions: The rate of long-term therapeutic success is currently poor despite the possibility of total or partial reconstruction in the pediatric population due to tumor recurrence

    Near-field characterization of effective optical interfaces

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    The properties of many heterogeneous media depend on both the surface roughness and the local variations of the optical properties. An effective optical interface is usually invoked to describe the characteristics of such media. Using approaches specific to near-field optics, the two influences can be decoupled and a quantitative assessment of their contributions can be performed. It is also shown that a discrete random-walk model can be used to determine the magnitude of the dielectric constant fluctuations at subwavelength scales which, in turn, describe the morphology of optically inhomogeneous media

    An explicit height bound for the classical modular polynomial

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    For a prime m, let Phi_m be the classical modular polynomial, and let h(Phi_m) denote its logarithmic height. By specializing a theorem of Cohen, we prove that h(Phi_m) <= 6 m log m + 16 m + 14 sqrt m log m. As a corollary, we find that h(Phi_m) <= 6 m log m + 18 m also holds. A table of h(Phi_m) values is provided for m <= 3607.Comment: Minor correction to the constants in Theorem 1 and Corollary 9. To appear in the Ramanujan Journal. 17 pages

    On irreducible symplectic varieties of K3 [n]-type

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    Some remarks on the visible points of a lattice

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    We comment on the set of visible points of a lattice and its Fourier transform, thus continuing and generalizing previous work by Schroeder and Mosseri. A closed formula in terms of Dirichlet series is obtained for the Bragg part of the Fourier transform. We compare this calculation with the outcome of an optical Fourier transform of the visible points of the 2D square lattice.Comment: 9 pages, 3 eps-figures, 1 jpeg-figure; updated version; another article (by M. Baake, R. V. Moody and P. A. B. Pleasants) with the complete solution of the spectral problem will follow soon (see math.MG/9906132


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    Based on the 2015 census, the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) population in the Philippines is estimated to range from 11.3 to 20.2 million. Spanning diverse regions with unique cultures, these communities face common challenges related to territorial disputes. Itogon, the largest municipality in Benguet, is the ancestral home of the Ibaloi, Kankanaey, and other Igorot tribes. Despite possessing three Ancestral Domains (ADs), Itogon is predominantly classified as timberland, exposing inconsistencies in national laws and jurisdiction. This study examines land policies and surveying procedures employed by the Igorots, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in mapping Itogon's AD Boundaries. It aims to identify conflicts in land boundary delineation, propose surveying guidelines, and advocate for 3D Participatory Mapping as a geomatics solution for updated AD reference maps. Three methodologies were used: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), Comparative Legal Analysis (CLA), and Map Overlay Analysis (MOA). IPA revealed key themes, including AD Definition, AD Overlaps, and Other Conflicts, pertinent to AD mapping. CLA delved into conflicting surveying procedures, such as AD Definitions, Surveying Equipment, Methods, and more. MOA highlighted the land area percentage affected by misaligned surveying procedures. The study presents its findings through a Conflict Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) for AD versus AD and Political Boundaries. These can serve as references for revising survey manuals, updating AD Sustainable Development and Protection Plans, and making amendments to laws, all aimed at promoting indigenous land rights and sustainable development

    Spatially embedded random networks

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    Many real-world networks analyzed in modern network theory have a natural spatial element; e.g., the Internet, social networks, neural networks, etc. Yet, aside from a comparatively small number of somewhat specialized and domain-specific studies, the spatial element is mostly ignored and, in particular, its relation to network structure disregarded. In this paper we introduce a model framework to analyze the mediation of network structure by spatial embedding; specifically, we model connectivity as dependent on the distance between network nodes. Our spatially embedded random networks construction is not primarily intended as an accurate model of any specific class of real-world networks, but rather to gain intuition for the effects of spatial embedding on network structure; nevertheless we are able to demonstrate, in a quite general setting, some constraints of spatial embedding on connectivity such as the effects of spatial symmetry, conditions for scale free degree distributions and the existence of small-world spatial networks. We also derive some standard structural statistics for spatially embedded networks and illustrate the application of our model framework with concrete examples

    AdS_3 Partition Functions Reconstructed

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    For pure gravity in AdS_3, Witten has given a recipe for the construction of holomorphically factorizable partition functions of pure gravity theories with central charge c=24k. The partition function was found to be a polynomial in the modular invariant j-function. We show that the partition function can be obtained instead as a modular sum which has a more physical interpretation as a sum over geometries. We express both the j-function and its derivative in terms of such a sum.Comment: 9 page