8 research outputs found

    Single cell protein production by Candida robusta isolated from sugar cane (Saccharum sp.) for animal feed: Produção de Biomassa por Candida robusta isolada da Cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.) para alimentação animal

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    The protein obtained from the microorganisms is not only cheap but can be used as additive to provide a balanced nutrition for many animals feeding. The aim of this work was the single cell protein (SCP) production by Candida robusta URM5293 using sugarcane bagasse as substrate. The yeast C. robusta URM5293 was isolated from root sugarcane and was identified based on morphological and biochemical characteristics. Biomass production was done into Erlenmayers flasks (250 mL) containing culture medium supplemented of sugarcane bagasse hydrolyzate. Fermentations were carried varying culture conditions through the study of four different variables: temperature (25, 30, and 35°C), agitation intensity (110, 140 or 170 rpm), pH (6.0, 7.0, and 8.0) and production time (72, 96, and 120h), according to a 24-1 fractional factorial design. Results demonstrated that this yeast was able to ensure the highest level of biomass (141 g/L) when cultivated at 25°C, pH 6.0, 170 rpm of agitation intensity after 72h of cultivation using sugarcane bagasse. The present results demonstrate the potential of sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolyzate as a substrate for the production of microbial protein by C. robusta URM5293

    Single cell protein production by Candida robusta isolated from sugar cane (Saccharum sp.) for animal feed / Produção de Biomassa por Candida robusta isolada da Cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.) para alimentação animal

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    The protein obtained from the microorganisms is not only cheap but can be used as additive to provide a balanced nutrition for many animals feeding. The aim of this work was the single cell protein (SCP) production by Candida robusta URM5293 using sugarcane bagasse as substrate. The yeast C. robusta URM5293 was isolated from root sugarcane and was identified based on morphological and biochemical characteristics. Biomass production was done into Erlenmayers flasks (250 mL) containing culture medium supplemented of sugarcane bagasse hydrolyzate. Fermentations were carried varying culture conditions through the study of four different variables: temperature (25, 30, and 35°C), agitation intensity (110, 140 or 170 rpm), pH (6.0, 7.0, and 8.0) and production time (72, 96, and 120h), according to a 24-1 fractional factorial design. Results demonstrated that this yeast was able to ensure the highest level of biomass (141 g/L) when cultivated at 25°C, pH 6.0, 170 rpm of agitation intensity after 72h of cultivation using sugarcane bagasse. The present results demonstrate the potential of sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolyzate as a substrate for the production of microbial protein by C. robusta URM5293

    Avaliação dos Parâmetros Fisiológicos em Cães De Agility / Evaluation of Physiological Parameters in Agility Dogs

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     Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos dos animais submetidos à prova de agility em diferentes horários e dias, correlacionados com os índices bioclimatológicos. O experimento foi realizado no Kennel Club do Estado de Pernambuco no mês de junho de 2017. Foram utilizados dez cães da raça Border Collie, sendo seis fêmeas e quatro machos. Os animais utilizados pertenciam a diferentes proprietários participantes  do XI  campeonato de Agility. Foram analisados a frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura de superfície (TS) e temperatura auricular (TA) dos cães antes e após a realização da prova. As condições climáticas no momento da realização das provas foram avaliadas para o cálculo dos índices bioclimatológicos. Coletou-se os dados da temperatura ambiente, temperaturas máxima e mínima do dia, temperatura de globo negro e velocidade do vento. A partir dos valores obtidos para as variáveis de clima, determinaram-se o índice de temperatura de globo negro e umidade (ITGU) e a carga térmica radiante (CTR). Os dados FC, FR, TS, TA , ITGU e CTR foram calculados e analisados. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de correlação pelo teste t de Student pelo programa in Stata a 5% de probabilidade. Observou-se que a prova de agility não interfere nos parâmetros fisiológicos dos animais, pelo fato de configurar uma prova de curto tempo e o animal  estar condicionado a prática do exercício, bem como não houve influência do ambiente sobre os parâmetros mensurados nos animais, uma vez que a exposição aos fatores ambientais só ocorre durante o período da prova. 

    Caracterização e utilização do carotenoide bixina, extrato da semente do urucum (Bixa Orellana L.) como agente pigmentante nas dietas de animais não-ruminantes / Characterization and use of the carotenoid bixin, urucum seed extract (Bixa Orellana L.) as a pigmenting agent in diets for non-ruminant animals

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    Esta revisão tem como objetivo principal a elucidação de algumas lacunas sobre o uso da Bixiga na alimentação e no desempenho animal, bem como sua composição bromatológica, ação antioxidante e anti-inflamatória quando fornecido na dieta de animais não-ruminantes. Atualmente, o desenvolvimento de dietas com baixo custo de produção está recebendo cada vez mais atenção pelas indústrias alimentícias, devido ao aumento dos custos da matéria prima. Produzir de forma intensiva, requer muitas vezes algumas mudanças, principalmente nas composições das dietas. A produção intensiva de animais não-ruminantes é um exemplo disso, o milho muitas vezes é substituído pelo sorgo devido às fortes mudanças de preço do cereal. Entretanto, este ingrediente alternativo por apresentar baixos índices de carotenoides xantofilicos, contribui para produtos com baixa pigmentação, este fato deprime a comercialização dos produtos de origem animal como ovos, pele e carcaça. Neste aspecto, as inclusões de fontes exógenas de agentes pigmentantes como Bixiga torna-se importante por devolver a pigmentação aos produtos de origem animal. Como demonstrado em estudo, além da capacidade pigmentante, a Bixiga também possui potencial antioxidante, redutor de colesterol e triglicerídeos, e elevador dos níveis de HDL. Com isso, o corante mostra-se como um importante atrativo para as indústrias alimentícias, que buscam atender as expectativas dos consumidores por produtos mais saudáveis, livres de gorduras e com tonalidade diferenciada da carne e gema dos ovos

    Topographic and morphological aspects of the spleen of brown-throated sloth Bradypus variegatus (SCHINZ, 1825)

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    Sloths are wild animals with arboreal habits, with slow metabolism, found in tropical forests from South America to Central America. However, the lack of knowledge of their anatomy does not favor the conservation of the species in veterinary care centers, due to its peculiar anatomy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the topography and morphology of the spleen of the species Bradypusvariegatus, in order to collect more information to support and assist in the clinical-surgical processes of the species. Eight corpses of B. variegatus, previously fixed with 20% formaldehyde and preserved in 30% saline solution, were dissected for the macroscopic study of the spleen. A healthy animal, living in semi-captivity, was assigned to perform a tomography of the abdominal region, for observation of the spleen, while two specimens were destined for the microscopic study of the organ immediately after death. Based on the data obtained, the spleen presented a topography and tissue composition similar to other mammals, but its morphology, absence of visceral lienal hilum and anatomical arrangement in the abdominal cavity differed from most domestic and wild animals.  Sloths are wild animals with arboreal habits, with slow metabolism, found in tropical forests from South America to Central America. However, the lack of knowledge of their anatomy does not favor the conservation of the species in veterinary care centers, due to its peculiar anatomy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the topography and morphology of the spleen of the species Bradypus variegatus, in order to collect more information to assist in the clinical-surgical processes of the species. Eight corpses of B. variegatus, previously fixed with 20% formaldehyde and preserved in 30% saline solution, were dissected for the macroscopic study of the spleen. A healthy animal, living in semi-captivity, was underwent to a tomography of the abdominal region, for observation of the spleen, while two specimens were destined for the microscopic study of the organ immediately after death. Based on the data obtained, the spleen presented a topography and tissue composition similar to other mammals, but its morphology, absence of lienal hilum and anatomical arrangement in the abdominal cavity differed from most domestic and wild animals.

    Aditivo simbiótico em substituição a bacitracina de zinco em dietas para aves poedeiras na fase de recria

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    O estudo avaliou os efeitos da suplementação do simbiótico a base de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Glucanos e Mananos em dietas de galinhas poedeiras na fase de recria em substituição a bacitracina de zinco. Utilizou-se 684 frangas da linhagem Dekalb White, das 6ª a 10ª, 11ª a 15ª e 6ª a 15ª semanas de idade, distribuídas em Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizado (DIC) com 5 tratamentos, 8 repetições de 18 aves, exceto, o tratamento RR que teve 6 repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos de duas dietas bases: a primeira composta por milho e farelo de soja (RR); a segunda semelhante a primeira, com adição de farinha de carne e ossos (FCO); e mais três dietas à base da FCO, uma com adição 0,05% de Bacitracina de Zinco (BacZn) fornecida desde a cria; outra com 0,1% de simbiótico (Simb-C) fornecida desde a cria; e a terceira idem ao Simb-C, porém, fornecida a partir da recria (Simb-R). Foram realizadas avaliação de desempenho, hematologia, bioquímica sérica, peso dos órgãos do sistema imunológico (timo, baço e bursa de fabricius) digestório (fígado, pâncreas e intestino) e mensuração do comprimento (intestino e cecos). Os dados foram analisados pelo SAS, sendo as médias comparadas por Contraste Ortogonal (P≤0,05). Os contrastes foram C1: RR vs FCO; C2: FCO vs BacZn; C3: BacZn vs Simb-C; C4: BacZn vs Simb-R. As aves submetidas a dieta sem a inclusão de FCO tiveram resultados inferiores (P = 0.008; 0.026; <0.001) em relação a CA durante todo o período analisado. As aves alimentadas com BacZn apresentaram maiores médias para PC (P = 0.012) e GP (P = 0.017) quando comparadas às alimentadas com Simb-R (6 as 10 semanas) e maior GP (P = 0.030) quando comparadas a FCO (6 as 15 semanas), não diferindo (P = 0.551) das aves alimentadas com Simb-C. Para peso e comprimento de órgãos, foi observado efeito (P = 0.012) para peso de Bursa no contraste BacZn vs Simb-R, sendo a maior média para Simb-R. As aves submetidas à dieta FCO obtiveram maiores valores (P = 0.023; 0.033; 0.003) para peso de timo, fígado e comprimento de ceco quando comparadas à BacZn. Os animais submetidos à BacZn apresentaram menor peso de ceco quando comparados aos Simbióticos (P = 0.003; 0.023). Estes resultados são reflexos de uma melhoria na resposta do sistema imune e nos níveis séricos: fosfatase alcalina, GGT, globulina e TGP por meio da modulação da microbiota quando as aves foram submetidas às dietas BacZn e Simbióticos. A utilização do aditivo simbiótico para galinhas poedeiras atingiu seu propósito em substituir o antibiótico bacitracina de zinco como aditivo. Quando utilizado desde a fase de cria, é possível, inclusive, obter melhores resultados para algumas variáveis de Bioquímica Sérica.The study evaluated the effects of supplementation of symbiotic based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, glucans, and mannans in diets of laying hens in the rearing period, replacing zinc bacitracin. A total of 684 pullets (Dekalb White strain), from 6 to 10 (R1), 11 to 15 (R2), and total period (6 to 15) weeks of age were distributed in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments, 8 repetitions of 18 birds, except for the reference treatment, which had 6 repetitions. The treatments were composed of two base diets: the first one was based on corn and soybean meal (RD); the second one was based on corn and soybean meal plus meat and bone meal (MBM); and three other diets based on MBM, added 0.05% of Zinc Bacitracin (BacZn) supplied from R1, 0.1% of symbiotic (Simb-C) supplied from R1, and the last one Simb-C supplied from R2 (Simb-R). It was evaluated the performance, hematology, serum biochemistry, weight of immune system organs (thymus, spleen, and bursa of Fabricius), digestive system (liver, pancreas, and intestine), and length measurement (intestine and cecum). The data were analyzed by variance analysis and the means were compared by Orthogonal Contrast (P < 0.05). The contrasts were: C1 - RD vs MBM; C2 - MBM vs BacZn; C3 - BacZn vs Simb-C; C4: BacZn vs Simb-R. Birds fed RD had lower results (P = 0.008; 0.026; <0.001) for feed conversion throughout the analyzed period. Birds fed BacZn had highest mean for BW (P = 0.012) and WG (P = 0.017) compared to those fed Simb-R (6 to 10 weeks) and higher WG (P = 0.030) compared to MBM (6 to 15 weeks), not differing (P = 0.551) from those fed Simb-C. For organ weights and lengths, the effects (P = 0.012) were observed for Bursa in the C4, with the highest mean for Simb-R. Birds fed the MBM diet obtained higher values (P = 0.023; 0.033; 0.003) for thymus weight, liver, and cecum length compared to BacZn. The animals fed BacZn had lower cecum weight compared to the Simbiotics diest (P = 0.003; 0.023). These results reflect an improvement in the immune system response and serum levels: alkaline phosphatase, GGT, globulin, and TGP through the modulation of the microbiota when the birds were submitted to BacZn and Symbiotic diets. The use of the symbiotic additive for laying hens has achieved its purpose in replacing the antibiotic zinc bacitracin as an additive. When used from the starter phase, it is even possible to obtain better results for some serum biochemistry variables

    Hematological changes in dogs fed with Tenebrio molitor larvae meal

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the haematological and biochemical parameters of dogs submitted to different levels of inclusion of mealworm meal (0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5%) in their diet. Four adult females aged 5 years, castrated, with an average weight of 15.8 kg were used. A Latin square design was used, with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The base diets were calculated based on the NRC and provided in the proportion of 80% dry food and 20% wet food. The animals were dewormed, clinically evaluated and adapted to the base diet for 10 days prior to the insertion of me. After fitting, blood was collected for evaluation of haematological and biochemical parameters. The experimental period of each treatment was 14 days, with a new blood collection on the 15th day, with the animals in the fasted state. The blood parameters evaluated were blood count and biochemical tests, composed of urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol, total proteins and their fractions, glucose, triglycerides, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and immunoglobulin E. The data obtained were subjected to multiple analysis of variance at the 5% significance level. The results showed that none of the mealworm protein inclusion levels showed blood alterations. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of mealworm meal did not harm the health of the animals tested in experiment, showing that it can be an alternative protein source and can be safely included up to a level of 7.5% in dog foods

    Topographic and morphological aspects of the spleen of Bradypus variegatus (SCHINZ, 1825)

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    Sloths are wild animals with arboreal habits, with slow metabolism, found in tropical forests from South America to Central America. However, the lack of knowledge of their anatomy does not favor the conservation of the species in veterinary care centers, due to its peculiar anatomy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the topography and morphology of the spleen of the species Bradypusvariegatus, in order to collect more information to support and assist in the clinical-surgical processes of the species. Eight corpses of B. variegatus, previously fixed with 20% formaldehyde and preserved in 30% saline solution, were dissected for the macroscopic study of the spleen. A healthy animal, living in semi-captivity, was assigned to perform a tomography of the abdominal region, for observation of the spleen, while two specimens were destined for the microscopic study of the organ immediately after death. Based on the data obtained, the spleen presented a topography and tissue composition similar to other mammals, but its morphology, absence of visceral lienal hilum and anatomical arrangement in the abdominal cavity differed from most domestic and wild animals.