18 research outputs found

    Do students studying Java perform better in short answer questions or computational questions? - A Case Study

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    There are numerous ways to assess students in a written Java test at University level. In this paper we try to determine whether students perform better in short answer type questions which test lower level cognitive skills or computational type questions which test higher level cognitive skills. Our case study is a Time Constrained Assessment for a level 5 module at Northampton University

    Temporal Expert System Approach to the Interpretation of ICU Cardiovascular Data

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    Abstract Intensive Care depends on sophisticated life support technology. Effective management of devicesupported patients is complex, involving the interpretation of many variables, comparative evaluation of numerous therapeutic options, and control of various patient-management parameters. Raw data, when taken literally, can lead to the wrong interpretation of the patient state. We propose a system which processes raw data as it arrives for intelligent alarming and retrospectively for summarisation and state assessment, using a temporal expert system which incorporates both associational and model-based reasoning

    An expert system for interpreting ICU monitor data

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