37 research outputs found

    Resonant coupling between localized plasmons and anisotropic molecular coatings in ellipsoidal metal nanoparticles

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    We present an analytic theory for the optical properties of ellipsoidal plasmonic particles covered by anisotropic molecular layers. The theory is applied to the case of a prolate spheroid covered by chromophores oriented parallel and perpendicular to the metal surface. For the case that the molecular layer resonance frequency is close to being degenerate with one of the particle plasmon resonances strong hybridization between the two resonances occur. Approximate analytic expressions for the hybridized resonance frequencies, their extinction cross section peak heights and widths are derived. The strength of the molecular - plasmon interaction is found to be strongly dependent on molecular orientation and suggest that this sensitivity could be the basis for novel nanoparticle based bio/chemo-sensing applications.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Diffuse Surface Scattering in the Plasmonic Resonances of Ultra-Low Electron Density Nanospheres

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    Localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) have recently been identified in extremely diluted electron systems obtained by doping semiconductor quantum dots. Here we investigate the role that different surface effects, namely electronic spill-out and diffuse surface scattering, play in the optical properties of these ultra-low electron density nanosystems. Diffuse scattering originates from imperfections or roughness at a microscopic scale on the surface. Using an electromagnetic theory that describes this mechanism in conjunction with a dielectric function including the quantum size effect, we find that the LSPRs show an oscillatory behavior both in position and width for large particles and a strong blueshift in energy and an increased width for smaller radii, consistent with recent experimental results for photodoped ZnO nanocrystals. We thus show that the commonly ignored process of diffuse surface scattering is a more important mechanism affecting the plasmonic properties of ultra-low electron density nanoparticles than the spill-out effect.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter

    Surface scattering contribution to the plasmon width in embedded Ag nanospheres

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    Nanometer-sized metal particles exhibit broadening of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in comparison to its value predicted by the classical Mie theory. Using our model for the LSPR dependence on non-local surface screening and size quantization, we quantitatively relate the observed plasmon width to the nanoparticle radius RR and the permittivity of the surrounding medium ϵm\epsilon_m. For Ag nanospheres larger than 8 nm only the non-local dynamical effects occurring at the surface are important and, up to a diameter of 25 nm, dominate over the bulk scattering mechanism. Qualitatively, the LSPR width is inversely proportional to the particle size and has a nonmonotonic dependence on the permittivity of the host medium, exhibiting for Ag a maximum at ϵm2.5\epsilon_m\approx2.5. Our calculated LSPR width is compared with recent experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Optics Expres

    Plasmonic glasses: Optical properties of amorphous metal-dielectric composites

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    Plasmonic glasses composed of metallic inclusions in a host dielectric medium are investigated for their optical properties. Such structures characterized by short-range order can be easily fabricated using bottom-up, self-organization methods and may be utilized in a number of applications, thus, quantification of their properties is important. We show, using T-Matrix calculations of 1D, 2D, and 3D plasmonic glasses, that their plasmon resonance position oscillates as a function of the particle spacing yielding blue-and redshifts up to 0.3 eV in the visible range with respect to the single particle surface plasmon. Their properties are discussed in light of an analytical model of an average particle's polarizability that originates from a coupled dipole methodology

    Resource efficient plasmon-based 2D-photovoltaics with reflective support

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    For ultrathin (similar to 10 nm) nanocomposite films of plasmonic materials and semiconductors, the absorptance of normal incident light is typically limited to about 50%. However, through addition of a non-absorbing spacer with a highly reflective backside to such films, close to 100% absorptance can be achieved at a targeted wavelength. Here, a simple analytic model useful in the long wavelength limit is presented. It shows that the spectral response can largely be characterized in terms of two wavelengths, associated with the absorber layer itself and the reflective support, respectively. These parameters influence both absorptance peak position and shape. The model is employed to optimize the system towards broadband solar energy conversion, with the spectrally integrated plasmon induced semiconductor absorptance as a figure of merit. Geometries optimized in this regard are then evaluated in full finite element calculations which demonstrate conversion efficiencies of up to 64% of the Shockley-Queisser limit. This is achieved using only the equivalence of about 10 nanometer composite material, comprising Ag and a thin film solar cell layer of a-Si, CuInSe2 or the organic semiconductor MDMO-PPV. A potential for very resource efficient solar energy conversion based on plasmonics is thus demonstrated

    Wounds as probes of electrical properties of skin

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    We have built a model where we use a wound as a probe of the dielectric properties of skin. In this way one is able to infer infor- mation about skin dielectric properties in situ. We introduce the notion of a skin electrochemical capacitor. This gives good agreement with recent measurements for the electric potential landscape around a wound. Possible diagnostic consequences are briefly touched upon

    A Mechanism for Cutting Carbon Nanotubes with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope

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    We discuss the local cutting of single-walled carbon nanotubes by a voltage pulse to the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope. The tip voltage (V\mid V \mid \ge ~3.8 eV) is the key physical quantity in the cutting process. After reviewing several possible physical mechanisms we conclude that the cutting process relies on the weakening of the carbon-carbon bonds through a combination of localized particle-hole excitations induced by inelastically tunneling electrons and elastic deformation due to the electric field between tip and sample. The carbon network releases part of the induced mechanical stress by forming topological defects that act as nucleation centers for the formation of dislocations that dynamically propagate towards bond-breaking.Comment: 7 pages, 6 postscript figures, submitted to PR