5 research outputs found

    Selecci贸n y evaluaci贸n de bacterias del g茅nero Bacillus productoras de amilasa en cultivo sumergido

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    De los 120 microorganismos aislados de suelos de c铆tricos de la localidad de Huaral, se identificaron 46 cepas con capacidad de hidr贸lisis sobre el almid贸n que representan el 38.33%, existiendo un predominio de B. circulans, con 28.33%; B. Firmus, 23.91%; Faenibacillus spp. 17.39%; B. coagulns, 15.22%,; B. megaterium, 8.70%; B. alvei, 4.35%; B. Lentus, 2.17%. En la fermentaci贸n conducida en matraz agitado con caldo almid贸n modificado seg煤n Achi, (1992) B. megaterium MFFB-UNMSM-39 alcanza la mayor actividad de amilasa con 16.10 U/mL., a 45潞C, pH 7.5, y 150 rpm; mientras que en biorreactor de tanque agitado registra una producci贸n de 25.38 U/mL. a 45潞C, pH 7.5, 150 rpm, y 1.5 vvm, que representa un incremento de 9.28 U/mL. (57.63%) por efecto de la aereaci贸n y agitaci贸n. En el screening al evaluar los ingredientes del sustratos almid贸n de yuca a 45潞C; pH 7.5; 75 rpm y 1.5 vvm, se encuentra significancia estad铆stica con un 伪 = 0.05, para almid贸n de yuca; extracto de levadura; citrato de sodio y cloruro de calcio. En la etapa de optimizaci贸n ascendente, cuando los factores se incrementa en base al cloruro de calcio en 0.3 g/L, se logra incrementar la producci贸n de amilasa y se acorta el periodo de latencia. En la etapa de optimizaci贸n final se ha encontrado los valores 贸ptimos de los factores; almid贸n de yuca (X1 = 25.41 g) y cloruro de calcio (X2 = 2.87 g), estos valores corresponden a la cima de la superficie respuesta descrita por el modelo matem谩tico estimado. La enzima amilasa en biorreactor de tanque agitado con caldo almid贸n almid贸n de yuca tanto en la fase del screening, optimizaci贸n ascendente, y optimizaci贸n final, fueron de 27.40 U/mL; 32.84 U/mL; 33.22 U/mL respectivamente, y la aparici贸n de la producci贸n de amilasa se observ贸 a las 20 horas hacia finales de la fase logar铆tmica, increment谩ndose r谩pidamente de las 28 a las 40 horas y de las 28 a las 36 horas en la fase estacionaria, alcanzando la m谩xima producci贸n a las 60 horas, para el Screening y optimizaci贸n ascendente; sin embargo en la optimizaci贸n final, la enzima hace su aparici贸n a las 16 horas hacia finales de la fase logar铆tmica, increment谩ndose aceleradamente de las 24 a las 36 horas para alcanzar su m谩xima producci贸n a las 60 horas en la fase estacionaria.Of the 120 isolated microorganisms of floors of citric of the town of Huaral, 46 stumps were identified with hidr贸lisis capacity on the starch that they represent 38.33%, existing a prevalence of B. circulans, with 28.33%; B. Firmus, 23.91%; Faenibacillus spp. 17.39%; B. coagulns, 15.22%,; B. megaterium, 8.70%; B. alvei, 4.35%; B. Lentus, 2.17%. In the fermentation driven in upset flask with broth starch modified according to Achi, (1992) B. megaterium MFFB-UNMSM-39 reaches the biggest amylase activity with 16.55 U/mL., at 45潞C, pH 7.5, and 150 rpm; while in biorreactor of upset tank it registers a production of amylase with 25.38 U/mL., at 45潞C, pH 7.5, and 150 rpm; that represents an increment of 57.82% for effect of the aereaci贸n and agitation. In the screening when evaluating the ingredients of the substrates cassaava starch to 45潞C; pH 7.5; 75 rpm and 1.5 vvm, It meets statistical significance with 伪 = 0.05, for cassava starch; yeast extract; sodium of citrate and chloride of calcium. In the stage of upward optimization, when the chloride of calcium is increased in 0.3 g/L, the amylase production is increased in 1% and shortens the period of latency. In the stage of final optimization has been the good values of those factors; yucca starch (X1 = 25.41 g) and chloride of calcium (X2 = 2.87 g), these values correspond to the summit of the surface answer described by the dear mathematical pattern. The enzyme amylase in biorreactor upset tank with broth starch so much of the screening, upward optimization, and final optimization, the maximum productions of the amylase enzyme were of 27.40 U/mL; 32.84 U/mL; 33.22 U/mL respectively, and the appearance of the amylase production was observed at the 20 hours toward final of the logarithmic phase, increased fasted at the 28 at 40 hours and 28 at 36 hours reaching the maximum production at the 60 hours in the stationary phase for screening and upward optimization; however in the final optimization the enzyme appears at the 16 hours toward final of the logarithmic phase, increased fasted at the 24 at 36 hours for to reach the maximum production at the 60 hours in the stationary phase.Tesi

    Impacts of Supervision, Information and Communication between Management Control and Administrative Management Procedures

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    Supervision and Information and communication relate to control activities that are incorporated into control processes and operations for the purpose of evaluation and continuous improvement (CGR, 2016). It is an observational study of quantitative approach, causal explanatory level with a probability sample of 120 workers, which evaluate the measurement model and the construct of variables, whose data are analysed with PLS-SEM statistical tests.  The measurement model assesses its applicability with the results of the validity and reliability indicators, which are above the threshold of 0.60 and 0.50. The evaluation of the structural model is carried out by means of the Bootstrapping inference statistical analysis. The results show that there are direct and indirect effects of supervision and information and communication of the mediation model, where the total direct effects of managerial control activities and administrative management performance coefficient ?t=0.217 and the total indirect effects are 0.491 and are highly significant