85 research outputs found

    Isotropic-Cholesteric Transition of a Weakly Chiral Elastomer Cylinder

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    When a chiral isotropic elastomer is brought to low temperature cholesteric phase, the nematic degree of freedom tends to order and form a helix. Due to the nemato-elastic coupling, this also leads to elastic deformation of the polymer network that is locally coaxial with the nematic order. However, the helical structure of nematic order is incompatible with the energetically preferred elastic deformation. The system is therefore frustrated and appropriate compromise has to be achieved between the nematic ordering and the elastic deformation. For a strongly chiral elastomer whose pitch is much smaller than the system size, this problem has been studied by Pelcotivs and Meyer, as well as by Warner. In this work, we study the isotropic-cholesteric transition in the weak chirality limit, where the pitch is comparable or much larger than system size. We compare two possible solutions: a helical state as well as a double twist state. We find that the double twist state very efficiently minimizes both the elastic free energy and the chiral nematic free energy. On the other hand, the pitch of the helical state is strongly affected by the nemato-elastic coupling. As a result this state is not efficient in minimizing the chiral nematic free energy.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figure

    Nonreciprocity as a generic route to traveling states

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    We examine a non-reciprocally coupled dynamical model of a mixture of two diffusing species. We demonstrate that nonreciprocity, which is encoded in the model via antagonistic cross diffusivities, provides a generic mechanism for the emergence of traveling patterns in purely diffusive systems with conservative dynamics. In the absence of non-reciprocity, the binary fluid mixture undergoes a phase transition from a homogeneous mixed state to a demixed state with spatially separated regions rich in one of the two components. Above a critical value of the parameter tuning non-reciprocity, the static demixed pattern acquires a finite velocity, resulting in a state that breaks both spatial and time translational symmetry, as well as the reflection parity of the static pattern. We elucidate the generic nature of the transition to traveling patterns using a minimal model that can be studied analytically. Our work has direct relevance to nonequilibrium assembly in mixtures of chemically interacting colloids that are known to exhibit non-reciprocal effective interactions, as well as to mixtures of active and passive agents where traveling states of the type predicted here have been observed in simulations. It also provides insight on transitions to traveling and oscillatory states seen in a broad range of nonreciprocal systems with non-conservative dynamics, from reaction-diffusion and prey-predators models to multispecies mixtures of microorganisms with antagonistic interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Re-enterant efficiency of phototaxis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells

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    Phototaxis is one of the most fundamental stimulus-response behaviors in biology wherein motile micro-organisms sense light gradients to swim towards the light source. Apart from single cell survival and growth, it plays a major role at the global scale of aquatic ecosystem and bio-reactors. We study photoaxis of single celled algae Chalmydomonas reinhardtii as a function of cell number density and light stimulus using high spatio-temporal video microscopy. Surprisingly, the phototactic efficiency has a minimum at a well-defined number density, for a given light gradient, above which the phototaxis behaviour of collection of cells can even exceed the performance obtainable from single isolated cells. We show that the origin of enhancement of performance above the critical concentration lies in the slowing down of the cells which enables them to sense light more effectively. We also show that this steady state phenomenology is well captured by a modelling the phototactic response as a density dependent torque acting on an active Brownian particle