770 research outputs found

    A Model Driven Framework for Portable Cloud Services

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    Cloud Computing is an evolving technology as it offers significant benefits like pay only for what you use, scale the resources according to the needs and less in-house staff and resources. These benefits have resulted in tremendous increase in the number of applications and services hosted in the cloud which inturn has resulted in increase in the number of cloud providers in the market. Cloud service providers have a lot of heterogeneity in the resources they use. They have their own servers, different cloud infrastructures, API’s and methods to access the cloud resources. Despite its benefits; lack of standards among service providers has caused a high level of vendor lock-in when a software developer tries to change its cloud provider. In this paper we give an overview on the ongoing and current trends in the area of cloud service portability and we also propose a new cloud portability platform. Our new platform is based on establishing feature models which offers the desired cloud portability. Our solution DSkyL uses feature models and domain model analysis to support development, customization and deployment of application components across multiple clouds. The main goal of our approach is to reduce the effort and time needed for porting applications across different clouds. This paper aims to give an overview on DSkyL

    Constraints Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Organic Plant Protection Practices

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    The study was conducted in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala with a view to identify the constraints faced by farmers during adoption of organic plant protection practices in vegetables. The three major constraints faced by farmers were crops being affected by drought, lack of proper and timely extension services for transfer of organic technologies and organic produce fetching non-remunerative price. The major suggestions for refinement were regular and frequent farm visits, diagnostic and consultancy by Krishi Bhavan officials and mechanisms to ensure premium price for products derived through organic practices

    A Review on Advancements in Optical Communication System

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    Communication systems are revolutionized by the tremendous research being done in this direction. The need is the mother of the invention. The need of data transfer in increasing every day. There is the big demand for the fast optical communication systems. The optical fibers have the big potential of carrying the different channels which can transmit the data at amazing speed. In this work we have studied the research done in the field of technological development taking place in fiber communication system. The focus is on the use of fiber link as a modern medium of communication in the optical range.Communication system, Optical data transfer, Channel, Fiber link, Optical range

    Enriching Retrieval Process for Case Based Reasoning by using Vertical Association Knowledge with Correlation

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    In case-based reasoning (CBR) the most important step is retrieval. The main purpose of the case-based reasoning is to get the cases which are useful to find out the solution for the given problem. For retrieving relevant data the CBR systems mainly uses the similarity knowledge. Most of the retrieving systems use similarity knowledge and association rules for retrieving the required cases. But the existing algorithms strongly rely on similarity knowledge and ignore the other forms of knowledge that can be used to improve the retrieval performance. The well known algorithm Apriori algorithm is used to extract desired relevant cases based on the knowledge system of the association rules with the efficient correlation methods. The goal of this paper is to provide detailed review about retrieving useful cases by using different methods and showing the effectiveness of each algorithm

    Tailoring of Energy Band Gap inGraphene-like System by Fluorination

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    Fluorinated grapheme has a two-dimensional layer structure with a wide band gap. In the present study, Fluoro Graphene (FG) is obtained from Graphene Oxide (GO) through a deoxyfluorination reaction with the aid of Diethylaminosulphurtrifluoride (DAST). The FT-IR exhibited a peak at 1216 cm-1 and the shoulder at 1312 cm-1 were ascribed to the stretching vibration of covalent C–F bonds and C–F2 bonds, respectively. Surface morphology revealed a leafy structure in GO and a rocky structure in FG. The EDS analysis confirmed the fluorination of the graphitic structure. The TEM analysis confirmed the formation of a mixed structure of graphene and carbon dots. The results of structural, morphological and electrical properties of both graphene oxide and fluorographene show the possibility of using these samples as electronic/electrochemical devices in future

    Resummed next-to-soft corrections to rapidity distribution of Higgs Boson to NNLO+NNLL‾ \textbf{NNLO} + \overline{\textbf{NNLL} }

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    We present the resumed predictions consisting of both soft-virtual(SV) as well as next-to-SV(NSV) threshold logarithms to all orders in perturbative QCD for the rapidity distribution of Higgs Boson till NNLO+NNLL‾\rm NNLO + \overline{NNLL} accuracy at LHC. Using our recent formalism\cite{Ajjath:2020lwb}, the resummation is carried out in the double Mellin space by restricting the NSV contributions only from diagonal gggg channel. We perform the inverse Mellin ransformation using the minimal prescription procedure and match it with the corresponding fixed order results. We do a detailed analysis of the numerical impact of the resummed result. The K-factor values at different logarithmic accuracy suggest that the prediction for the rapidity distribution converges and becomes more reliable at NNLO+NNLL‾\rm NNLO + \overline{NNLL} order. We further observed that the inclusion of resumed NSV contribution improves the renormalisation scale uncertainty at every order in perturbation theory. However, the uncertainty due to factorisation scale increases by the addition of resummed SV+NSV predictions to the fixed order rapidity distribution

    Rapidity distribution of pseudo-scalar Higgs boson to NNLOA+NNLL‾\rm{\textbf{NNLO}_A+\overline{\textbf {NNLL}}}

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    We present the differential predictions for the rapidity distribution of pseudo-scalar Higgs boson through gluon fusion at the LHC. These results are obtained taking into account the soft-virtual (SV) as well as the next-to-soft virtual (NSV) resummation effects to next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic (NNLL‾\rm{\overline{NNLL}}) accuracy and matching them to the approximate fixed order next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLOA\rm{NNLO_A}) computation. We perform the resummation in two dimensional Mellin space using our recent formalism \cite{Ajjath:2020lwb} by limiting ourselves to the contributions only from gluon-gluon (gggg) initiated channels. The NNLOA\rm{NNLO_A} rapidity distribution of pseudo-scalar Higgs is obtained by applying a ratio method on the NNLO rapidity distribution of the scalar Higgs boson. We also present the first analytical results of N3LO\rm{N^3LO} rapidity distribution of pseudo-scalar Higgs at SV+NSV accuracy. The phenomenological impacts of NNLOA+NNLL‾\rm{{NNLO}_A+\overline{{NNLL}}} predictions for 13 TeV LHC are studied. We observe that, for mAm_A =125(700) GeV, the SV+NSV resummation at NNLL‾\rm{ \overline{NNLL}} level brings about 14.76\% (11.48\%) corrections to the NNLOA\rm{NNLO}_A results at the central scale value of μR=μF=mA\mu_R=\mu_F=m_A. Further, we find that the sensitivity to the renormalisation scale gets improved substantially by the inclusion of NSV resummed predictions at NNLL‾\rm \overline{NNLL} accuracy.Comment: 64 pages, 6 figure
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