4 research outputs found

    LPAC syndrome associated with deletion of the full exon 4 in a ABCB4 genetic mutation in a patient with hepatitis C

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    El s铆ndrome LPAC (low-phospholipid-associated cholelithiasis syndrome) est谩 asociado a mutaciones del gen ABCB4, que codifica la prote铆na MDR3, esencial en la secreci贸n de fosfatidilcolina en las sales biliares. Este s铆ndrome se caracteriza por una mayor prevalencia en mujeres, s铆ntomas biliares en adultos j贸venes y excelente respuesta al 谩cido ursodesoxic贸lico (AUDC). Presentamos el caso de un hombre de 48 a帽os con hepatitis C, genotipo 1b, fibrosis F3, nula respuesta Peg-IFN-伪-2b/ribavirina y c贸licos nefr铆ticos de repetici贸n. En 2011 desarroll贸 ictericia, prurito y dolor c贸lico epig谩strico acompa帽ado de aumento s茅rico de AST, ALT, GGT, bilirrubina y alfafetoprote铆na, y carga viral (14.600.000 UI/ml). La endoscopia oral, la ecoendoscopia, la angio-TAC y la ecograf铆a-doppler evidenciaron hepatopat铆a cr贸nica no cirr贸tica. El cuadro se autolimit贸 y un a帽o despu茅s sufri贸 un episodio similar. Iniciamos tratamiento con AUDC, con excelente respuesta cl铆nica. El estudio inmunohistoqu铆mico y la secuenciaci贸n completa del gen ABCB4 no mostraron alteraciones. La t茅cnica MLPA庐 detect贸 deleci贸n heterocigota del ex贸n 4 completo y confirm贸 la sospecha de s铆ndrome LPAC.Low-phospholipid-associated cholelithiasis syndrome (LPAC) is associated with ABCB4 genetic mutation. ABCB4 encodes MDR3 protein, involved in biliary phosphatidylcholine excretion. Higher prevalence in women, biliary symptoms in young adults and ursodesoxycholic acid (UDCA) response are the main features. We report the case of a 48-year-old man with hepatitis C, genotype 1b, fibrosis F3, null responder to Peg-IFN伪2b/ribavirin and nephritic colic. In 2011 he developed jaundice, pruritus and epigastric pain. He showed increased serum levels of AST, ALT, GGT, bilirubin and alpha-fetoprotein, and viral load (14,600,000IU/mL). Pancreatic CT, endoscopic ultrasonography and echo-Doppler showed non cirrhotic chronic liver disease. The episode resolved spontaneously and one year later he suffered a similar episode. UDCA was started with excellent response. An immunohistochemistry study and sequencing of ABCB4 did not find alteration. MLPA庐 technique detected heterozygous deletion of the full exon 4 confirming LPAC syndrome diagnosis

    Abdominal splenosis: a rare entity with a possible non-invasive diagnosis.

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    Splenosis is an uncommon pathology whose diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion. In most cases they are incidental findings, so their suspicion is essential to carry out a non-invasive diagnosis. We present a case of intraabadominal splenosis and perform a brief review of the literature

    Biliary stent migration as a rare cause of ileal perforation.

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    The incidence rate of biliary stent migration is 3-6 %; most cases are asymptomatic, with elimination of the piece in the feces