17 research outputs found

    A new theoretical framework jointly explains behavioral and neural variability across subjects performing flexible decision-making

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    The ability to flexibly select and accumulate relevant information to form decisions, while ignoring irrelevant information, is a fundamental component of higher cognition. Yet its neural mechanisms remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that, under assumptions supported by both monkey and rat data, the space of possible network mechanisms to implement this ability is spanned by the combination of three different components, each with specific behavioral and anatomical implications. We further show that existing electrophysiological and modeling data are compatible with the full variety of possible combinations of these components, suggesting that different individuals could use different component combinations. To study variations across subjects, we developed a rat task requiring context-dependent evidence accumulation, and trained many subjects on it. Our task delivers sensory evidence through pulses that have random but precisely known timing, providing high statistical power to characterize each individual’s neural and behavioral responses. Consistent with theoretical predictions, neural and behavioral analysis revealed remarkable heterogeneity across rats, despite uniformly good task performance. The theory further predicts a specific link between behavioral and neural signatures, which was robustly supported in the data. Our results provide a new experimentally-supported theoretical framework to analyze biological and artificial systems performing flexible decision-making tasks, and open the door to the study of individual variability in neural computations underlying higher cognition

    Computational Neuroscience Rate-adjusted spike-LFP coherence comparisons from spike-train statistics-NC-SA license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)

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    h i g h l i g h t s • Spike-field coherence (SFC) is dependent on spike rate. • Rate-dependence confounds cross-condition comparisons of SFC. • A analytical rate correction is presented. • The proposed estimator provides a more powerful test of cross-condition SFC comparisons than existing correction method. a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Coherence is a fundamental tool in the analysis of neuronal data and for studying multiscale interactions of single and multiunit spikes with local field potentials. However, when the coherence is used to estimate rhythmic synchrony between spiking and any other time series, the magnitude of the coherence is dependent upon the spike rate. This property is not a statistical bias, but a feature of the coherence function. This dependence confounds cross-condition comparisons of spike-field and spike-spike coherence in electrophysiological experiments. Taking inspiration from correction methods that adjust the spike rate of a recording with bootstrapping ('thinning'), we propose a method of estimating a correction factor for the spike-field and spike-spike coherence that adjusts the coherence to account for this rate dependence. We demonstrate that the proposed rate adjustment is accurate under standard assumptions and derive distributional properties of the estimator. The reduced estimation variance serves to provide a more powerful test of cross-condition differences in spike-LFP coherence than the thinning method and does not require repeated Monte Carlo trials. We also demonstrate some of the negative consequences of failing to account for rate dependence. The proposed spike-field coherence estimator accurately adjusts the spike-field coherence with respect to rate and has well-defined distributional properties that endow the estimator with lower estimation variance than the existing adjustment method

    A new theoretical framework jointly explains behavioral and neural variability across subjects performing flexible decision-making

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    The ability to flexibly select and accumulate relevant information to form decisions, while ignoring irrelevant information, is a fundamental component of higher cognition. Yet its neural mechanisms remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that, under assumptions supported by both monkey and rat data, the space of possible network mechanisms to implement this ability is spanned by the combination of three different components, each with specific behavioral and anatomical implications. We further show that existing electrophysiological and modeling data are compatible with the full variety of possible combinations of these components, suggesting that different individuals could use different component combinations. To study variations across subjects, we developed a rat task requiring context-dependent evidence accumulation, and trained many subjects on it. Our task delivers sensory evidence through pulses that have random but precisely known timing, providing high statistical power to characterize each individual’s neural and behavioral responses. Consistent with theoretical predictions, neural and behavioral analysis revealed remarkable heterogeneity across rats, despite uniformly good task performance. The theory further predicts a specific link between behavioral and neural signatures, which was robustly supported in the data. Our results provide a new experimentally-supported theoretical framework to analyze biological and artificial systems performing flexible decision-making tasks, and open the door to the study of individual variability in neural computations underlying higher cognition