3 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho consiste em uma reflexão crítica sobre como foram e ainda são construídas e mantidas as relações de gênero, o patriarcado, o machismo e a própria afirmação da masculinidade de forma opressora. Utilizamos revisão de literatura, pesquisa documental e análise de notícias midiáticas com a finalidade de sumarizar materiais que abordam essa temática e seus efeitos no cotidiano. Sendo assim, este material aborda a contextualização histórica e cultural do machismo e do patriarcado, considerando desigualdades de gênero historicamente construídas; apresentamos também alguns discursos de ódio propagados pelas mídias, bem como discursos naturalizados de objetificação do corpo da mulher e, por fim, buscamos apresentar meios que possam auxiliar para que essa cultura seja gradativamente enfraquecida

    A collaborative approach to improve the assessment of physical health in adult consumers with schizophrenia in Queensland mental health services

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to apply a quality improvement collaborative to increase the number of physical health assessments conducted with consumers diagnosed with schizophrenia in adult community mental health services across Queensland. Method: Sixteen adult mental health service organisations voluntarily took part in the statewide collaborative initiative to increase the number of physical health assessments completed on persons with a diagnosis of schizophrenia spectrum disorders managed through the community mental health service. Results: Improvement in the physical health assessment clinical indicator was demonstrated across the state over a 3-year period with an increase in the number of physical health assessments recorded from 12% to 58%. Conclusions: Significant improvements were made over a 3-year period by all mental health services involved in the collaborative, supporting the application of a quality improvement methodology to drive change across mental health services